
Saturday LinkStuff

First of all…the weight this morning was 186 pounds which is down two pounds from last week and six pounds from the beginning of the “diet” . Didn’t have a great week with diet but the exercise is going well since I still managed to ride to work four times this week.  Yesterday the high was four degrees Celsius (39 degrees F) but I still rode anyways.

Bought another 75 shares of BMO at $57.70. Now we have 400 shares with an acb of $66.50 in our leveraged portfolio.

I wanted to point out a couple new Canadian blogs which I’ve started reading recently:

Drinkin’ Guinness in the 416 is written by Guinness416 who is a frequent commentator on the Canadian blog scene. She posts about finance and a whole host of other topics. It’s worth a look. Great title.

Fecundity – The author is an early thirties Canuck with a family, mortgage, student loans, baby on the way etc etc – I read through the archives and it looks pretty cool.

MillionDollarJourney hosted the big huge Carnival of Personal Finance event this week and was kind enough to include an article from our First Time Home Buyer series written by Christine entitled “What to buy?”.

A rather interesting post on an Ebay strategy with great comments was posted by Kyle at Rather Be Shopping which is another blog I enjoy reading.

11 replies on “Saturday LinkStuff”

Aw, thanks for the mention Mike. Six lb already is wild – oh to have that Y chromosome ….

I used eBay a lot when I lived in NYC, both as a buyer and a seller. It was always just an e-commerce site to me, but there are definitely people who think of it as a community. For reasons that probably say more about me than them, I always think of them as cat ladies who hang out on the site way more than they can afford.

Thanks Guinness – the fact is I’m probably still about 20lb overweight – the more over you are, the easier the pounds are to lose. It’s the last few that are the hardest.

Lol on the cat lady comment – I agree (even though we have two cats!)


Thanks for the shout out Mike, that ebay post was kind of a fun one to watch materialize. And I agree with Guinness as well, I would also put alot of ebayers in the category of the folks who shop alot on QVC and HSN…

Gates – thanks!

Fecundity – the weather was pretty good here last week.

D4L – I’m not following a specific diet. I’m trying to reduce my “bad stuff” – beer, carbs, junk food, fat intake etc. I’m not a fan of Atkins – I think every diet has room for at least a few carbs.


If you don’t mind my asking, how much (%) of your portfolio is made up of BMO stock? That seems like a rather large holding of one stock (at least it would be for our portfolio!)

I don’t mind…

Our entire portfolio including the BMO is about $260k so the BMO is about 9%. This is a bit high which is why we’re not planning to buy anymore.

I figure if you don’t go more than 10% on one company then you should be ok…plus BMO is the perfect stock for our leverage plan (on paper at least).


It does seem a bit high but I’d be tempted to increase my holdings to bring down my ACB as well.

Personally, I plan to increase the percentage individual stocks make up of our portfolio for the same reason. C is down over 20% since my purchase!!

You’re right – it is a bit high. I figure over time, the percentage will go down.

C – it sucks when you buy something and it goes down but I guess that’s what happens when you “buy on dips” since it’s impossible to know the exact bottom…


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