Update – Feb 7, 2011 – Legislation to add extra weeks for 99ers
Democratic Reps. Barbara Lee (Calif.) and Bobby Scott (Va.) are reintroducing legislation this week to provide additional weeks of unemployment insurance benefits for “99ers,”
Main article
Part of Obama’s 2009 stimulus package was extra funding for states to extend the length of unemployment benefits if necessary. Most states have a fixed number of weeks available for benefits but can increase the number of weeks if the economic climate is bad enough. This is usually measured by the unemployment rate.
The unemployment rate in Tennesse was 9.9% for April 2009 which is up from 6.0% in April of last year. This is the highest unemployment rate in 25 years. Tennesse has qualified for $141 million to pay for extended benefits as well as upgrades to the benefit infrastructure.
What unemployment benefits are available now?
Currently Tennessee will pay benefits for 26 weeks which is the normal payout period. There is another 33 weeks which is available because of the 2009 stimulus package for a total of 59 weeks.
Unemployed workers can get up to $275 per week in benefits plus a bonus $25 a week from the federal government for a total of $300 per week.
Will the unemployment benefits be extended by another 20 weeks?
[edit – please note that this bill has been passed]
Currently there is a bill called HB 2324 which if passed will increase benefits by up to 20 weeks. If the claimant has any children the bill will also add on $15 per week per child up to 3 kids. This bill has not been made law yet but you can check on the status of the bill here. At the moment (May 22) it says that it is scheduled for the Finance, Means and Ways committe for May 27. This bill was first introduced on Feb 26 so it is taking a long time.
Once the bill is passed by the FMW committee then it will go to the house and senate and lastly the governor.
There is a very good chance that unemployment benefits will be extended by 20 weeks however the slow machine of politics means that it might take a while.
693 replies on “Tennessee Unemployment Benefits Extension – 20 More Weeks?”
John if that’s the case then i still don’t understand why i have to re-apply?
So… from what i am understanding i just call Nashville one my Monday on my weekly certf. day? Then it will be back to normal?
Thank you!
John – Hi.. and yes i did file a new claim and was told i didn’t qualify as a new claimant, but still qualified for my extensions. But, the automated system still states my BYE date is 12/4/10. I just wanted to know why the system doesn’t reflect when i filed a new claim on 12/6/10 and will i need to do anything – like call, to make sure i transition smoothly to Tier3.
knoxtn and Terri – Send me an email and either I will check out your claims or I will have someone check it out and get back with you. [email protected]
John- Thanks! I just sent you an email with my info. Thanks for checking it out. It sounds like Terri and i are having the same problem.
Terri- i have No Clue! I too was told the same information in Nov. 2010 when my Bye date was up. I didn’t qualify as a new claim but, i qualified for the extensions and even drew tier 2. The lady i spoke with on Monday told me i had “one” check for tier 3 and i have to call back after certifying on Monday. I am just now starting tier 3:/ Confused!
I was also told in Nov. that i would Not have to file or re-certify again. I was told to call them if i became employed is all….
knoxtn – Hi. i’m confused too. i’m still in my Tier2, with one week til it ends. i’m sure it’ll be a smooth transition for us, it’s just a bit stressful when you don’t understand the process and given different information. i’m just glad i found this website to help me. i’d be totally lost with john and everyone else help here.
”i’d be totally lost (without) john and everyone else help here”.
Terri- Me too! THANKS JOHN!! And Everyone else too! Really mean it from the heart!
I don’t know how i found this site but, i do know its been a life saver for me. I can’t find any answers at my local office or even the State. I know they are overloaded though…
I’ve got faith that everything is going to be okay for all of us. Even tho… i haven’t said anything to the hubby about this current situation yet. Why stress him out ya know… lol! Gotta laugh or else go crazy! Everything is OK! I know it because we’ve done everything by procedure as they call it.
I’m definitely Not used to not bringing in a pay check! I have always been able to find a job. Things have to get better soon! I hate this!
2day is hubby’s big 5-0 and, i would love to be able to go out to a nice restaurant but, that’s not the practical thing to do this year. So, it’s a nice home cooked meal. Even at that i had to really budget every “penny”.
What people don’t understand is what used 2 be considered lower middle class is now poverty! I “had” always been able to go to the grocery store and get whatever we wanted but, that’s no longer the case.
Sorry! ….just feelin a little down @ the moment. Got to snap out of it before he gets home. I want him to have a nice birthday!:) At least he’s working. His job is hurting too and, he’s been there for over 15 yrs. Only thing that’s saving him is his seniority at the moment. So, i am counting my blessings and, praying for everyone else too.
Just venting a little!:)
EUC bill to help 99ers will be reintroduced in the House soon
John- Thank you for taking the time to check my status!
Sevierville, Tn
My benefit year has just ended 1/22/11. I still had some money left. It says I now have to file a new claim. Will I get the rest of that money? It is just a little bit. Then will I have to file a new claim. It says in the letter I will have to inquire about federal extension benefits that may be available to me? Will there be. Right now I am in T2EUC. They sure don’t make this very understandable. I was shocked when I got the letter because it had said I had a little money left on the last check.
Terri P
Although i couldn’t open the site to view your message John, I do still thank you for trying. I’m hoping I transition smoothly, but will keep trying to get someone on the phone about my old BYE date.
knoxtn – Hang in there and I hope your husband had a happy birthday. It’ll get better, but until then, it’s ok to vent, we all need to once in awhile. I believe we were confused about the same things and if you transitioned to Tier3 smoothly, I believe I will too. Good luck 99ers!
Hello…I am currently on Tier 4. I have about 4 weeks left. Will I be able to get the 20 weeks of EB after that? Thanks.
Terri – Sorry Terri. I only respond to emails with an encrypted secure email if you have sent me your social security number. If the state’s computer can’t establish a secure connection, it tells you that you have to log into a secure site to see the email. If you can’t do that, try sending me your email again but only give me the last 4 digits of your social security number. That way I can reply to it without making it an encrypted email.
tfj – You should automatically transition from EUC Tier 4 into EB unless you are living in another state now. If you aren’t, you should be fine. If you are, there are some complications.
Hi everyone,
Still no luck here as well…I really thought things were getting better and I have to believe they are. When we lost the extra $100 a month, it has really hurt…I went from household expense of $2000 a month when working, to the $1200 and that was hard, now $1100. I had to put my medical insurance on credit card and its over $2000 now and going up so I have to find something soon. I saw John answer Tjf regarding EUC Tier 4 and I have about 4 weeks as well left on mine. Will the EB be 20 weeks after that? I keep thinking if I can just have a little more time I can find something and here some of us still are. I just wonder if others out there over 45 are having trouble as well and feel it is age.
Thanks to you all for your help and support.
Hello Cinde….
I just wanted you to know that I am over 45 and having problems landing a job….I have used every job web site that the career center in Nashville, TN offers and nothing….I had Kentucky Fried Chicken to tell me I am overqualified and a business similar to what I have done for over 20 years to tell me that I did not meet minimum requirements….Two weeks ago I became a 99 and now have no income…I have several friends helping me with finding jobs all over the east coast, not just in Tennessee…..I have no family in the position to help me…good luck and remember to love your president and congress…. salute them everyday and especially every time you hear of our bankrupt country giving good, clothing, and housing to other countries….take care Cinde…
Cinde – Yes, EB is generally after EUC Tier 4. It is for a maximum of 20 weeks. If you qualified for the maximum on your state unemployment benefits, you will be eligible for 20 weeks of EB.
EB existed before EUC Tiers 3 and 4. Consequently, there are some folks who received EB before EUC Tiers 3 and 4. As long as you haven’t already received EB, you should automatically set up for it.
How many weeks in Tier 4? Thanks
Styhan2 – EUC Tier 4 is a maximum of 6 weeks of benefits or 24% of your regular state unemployment claim.
Thanks for the updates lenwood and olli1965.
New bill to aid long-term unemployed to be introduced
WoooHooo! Got a email from a online resume i sent last Fall saying if i am still interested to come fill out app.:) Wish me luck!:)
Does anyone know what happened with the new bill to help the 99ers?
My bye date is 8-28-10 but i have receive my tiers and am on tier 4 will i go on to EB benefits last year i was a week late calling when my year ended he told me i didnt qualify for a new claim but i was on tier 2 and still had benefits will i still receive my eb benefits even if my bye date didnt change after my tier 4 runs out thank you
My bye date is 8-28-10 i am on tier 4 and will i go on to EB benefits last year i was a week late in calling in but they told me i didnt qualify for a new claim i was on tier 2 and they said i still had benefits so ever since i have receive a check will i still receive my eb benefits after tier 4 even if my bye is still 8-28-10 thank you
Hi, I did my weekly benefit on line this morning as I do every Monday, and after I hit the submit button, I noticed on the page it said I had 2 weeks or less left on my claim and the amount left was 550.00, but my BYE Date is April 9, 2011, that is 7 weeks away, how can I only have 2 weeks left?
mark…I would say that is the amount you have left on the tier you are on. Then you would move on to the next tier at a different amount of weeks. Just a thought and I’m no expert but I understand the concern. When in doubt email Mr. Partlow !
This is my last week of “regular” unemployment checks. I filed a claim on 8/20/10. How do I go about filing for an extension of benefits, as I am still unemployed at this time. I read some places it is automatic, and I read some places I should have received something in the mail to fill out and send in to TN Dept. of Labor…. I have received nothing in the mail. The last checkstub I have (paid up to 2/19/10) says: MOST claimants will automatically transition into the Federal Extension if their Benefit Year has not ended. (mine has not). What am I to do? Thanks so much in advance for any help. NO numbers I find on the subject (even the government site) get me a HUMAN to ask these questions!! John – I don’t know you, but already love you after seeing the help you are giving everyone else!!!
Could someone answer a question for me please? My son was only eligible to draw 14 weeks of regular unemployment. Will he be eligible for any of the extensions or do you have to draw for 26 weeks to be eligible? Thanks.
Janis – You should automatically transition from regular unemployment to EUC Tier 1. The cases where you don’t automatically transition are just in some isolated circumstances such as when you have moved to another state and potentially have state unemployment benefit eligibility there. I think you are going to be ok, but if you don’t automatically transition, you can email me.
tjf – Yes, your son should be eligible for EUC and EB even if he was only eligible for 14 weeks of regular unemployment benefits. If just that the tiers of EUC and EB wont be for as long a duration as someone who received the maximum.
Mark – Lynn is correct. You don’t advance to the next tier until you exhaust your current benefits. As soon as your balance reaches zero on your current claim, the next day our computer transitions you into the next available extension.
Thank you! I appreciate your time and information. WHY can’t that just be written on the government web site somewhere (instead of the part about mailing in an application?)??!! You probably do NOT know how much YOU are really appreciated – there are so many ins and outs that none of us know how to naviagate (being a first time situation for most of us), and we can NEVER get a HUMAN on the phone! Thanks again!
Thanks John…your the greatest!
I saw John answer above that when you exaust your regular benefit, when the balance is zero, the next day the computer transitions to the next avail extension. A few times mine had not done that and I had to call and of course they helped right away. The last 2 times, mine did transition over. After I certified Monday, my benefit went to zero and so far it still shows zero. Do I need to call or do you think when I certify Monday it will work? I just pray I have more time. I know mine is getting close to the end, but I have had no luck in finding a job. I don’t know what we are going to do.
Janis & TFJ- I am glad to help. The problem is that the rules regarding the extensions are so complicated that if we wrote all the various rules and how Tennessee has implemented them, the document would be so long that very few would make it through it. In addition to the complicated rules, our Agency’s computer system is from the early 1980s, written in COBOL, and is very difficult to modify. We would love to transition folks into the next extension as soon as your exhaust the extension you are on, but this old computer system doesn’t work this way. Our IT division has worked nights, weekends, overtime, and holidays trying to keep this system running and make the changes and it has been a struggle. I know several programmers that worked all day Thanksgiving and Christmas to try to get programming in for the extensions so that folks could be paid.
I know to folks that are unemployed that, from your point of view, the computer system is bad and its hard to get through. I promise though, that people are working hard trying to keep this system running.
Estimates to replace this old system are in the $40 to $50 million dollar range, and we just can’t afford it. However, we did receive a federal grant to enter into a consortium with North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia to explore creating a new modern system to take and pay unemployment claims and share in the costs of development. Unfortunately, that system is several years away.
I know the rules and law are complicated but if you have a question, you can always ask it here or email me at [email protected].
Cinde – If it didn’t automatically transition you the night you exhaust a tier, it probably didn’t and you need to contact me so I can see what is going on. The old COBOL computer system has been patched so many times with all of the extensions and other changes like dependent allowances and alternate base periods that there are sometimes bugs that creep into claims that cause various issues that have to be manually corrected.
John, my computer was down at 7am and I just called and got a wonderful person to help me. She set me back up but said this was the last 20 weeks. She will send me a form to do everything it says. I have never had the form before so if anyone knows of something other than apply for jobs, let me know.
I apply for over 25 a week. I just got an email last night of one that I just knew I would at least get a chance, and he hired someone else. It just breaks my heart, each time it just cuts right through me and I get turned down daily since I apply for so many, but a few that you know you qualify for and would be good really hurt. My confidence in getting a job has gone way down. I have worked 30 yrs of my life and this happens. I don’t know why when a person turns 50, nobody wants them. Thank you John for any help and for all you all do.
Well, John, I am appreciative of the information of what a struggle it is to work where you are a whole lot more now. 🙂 And I really wasn’t trying to slam them so much as praise and thank you (in the middle of my frustration!). 🙂 But I will try to be much more sympathetic and patient the next time I may need to contact this office. And I am SO glad I have your email and that you take it so seriously as to get back promptly with those of us that are lost in the maze. Again, thank you. If I don’t hear from Unemployment soon about being moved to the next tier automatically, I will write again. Have a great day, John!
Can someone help me I have 2 weeks left in tier 4 will i then go on to EB i have only drawn 77 weeks. I worked all my life and never had to draw benefits and dont really understand the process thank you
Just wanted to stop in and check on everyone. I am still searching for a job. The one i felt good about didn’t come through. I was one of many who applied and probably the oldest.
@ Cinde- I know your frustration. I am 47 and, i am facing the same problems. I know they’re not suppose to be “age discrimination” but, its hard to believe that’s the case when you’re being passed up for someone less qualified and much younger. And the worse part is we’re not going to get any younger. It’s really a scary situation. I don’t know what i am going to do. I’ve even thought about starting my own business but, it takes $$ to do that.
John- Once again Thank You for helping everyone! You are very appreciated my so many people. I hope you are getting paid to help all of us….
Good luck everyone…. Hopefully, i will have better news soon!:)
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to stop in and give a bit of good news..I’ve found a great job out of state. I’m praying for you all and hoping soon you all are blessed with a good paying job. I know the stress and worry can weigh you down..I almost made myself sick with worry about finding work and couldn’t almost handle the wait on finding out if I got the job or not. Well I got it and will be relocating soon. I don’t know what I would’ve done without this site and John. Thank you all so much for your updates and sharing a small part of your life with me. Even those that just read and understood where we were coming from – thank you.
No matter what, don’t give up! I won’t for you, I’ll keep checking in and hoping. John, I’d like to send you a thank you card and a letter of praise to your boss. You really are great at your job! I’m thinking if you’d let us know where we could send you a thank you card or two, you’d have tons! Good luck 99ers and everyone. You are all in my prayers.
Hello there. I’m currently on my last 2 weeks of T4 benefits and I still have yet to find employment. When this tier runs out am I eligable for the EB?
TnC – After EUC Tier 4, you should be eligible EB, assuming that you haven’t previously received EB. The law that created federally funded EB was enacted before EUC Tiers 3 and 4. Conseuqently, there are some folks that received EB before they received EUC Tiers 3 and 4.
As long as you haven’t received EB, you will be able to receive it after your EUC Tier 4 exhausts.
Could someone walk me through how many tiers and EB and all that that one is entitled too in TN? My wife is somewhere around the 52 week mark of benefits and our last statement said we still had money on her current tier, but now its not letting her do her weekly certifications and we can’t get through on any of the phone numbers to find out what is going on.
I am currently in tier 3 of my benefits. While I originally filed my unemployment in Tennessee, I am currently living in Colorado, and am in the process of getting ready to move to Massachusetts with my fiancée. I am already looking for jobs in the location to which I am going to be moving, and have nothing but hope that I will find something(anything) fairly quickly after the move. My concern is this, after I have exhausted all of my benefits in tier 3 and 4 will I transition from tier 4 to EB even though I no longer live in the state in which I originally applied for benefits? Although I am hopeful that I will find a job soon, with the way my luck has been so far I am also trying to be realistic and make plans accordingly. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
There the following programs. The weeks I am referencing are maximum number of weeks and not everyone qualifies for the maximim.
26 weeks – state unemployment benefits
20 weeks – Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) Tier 1
14 weeks – EUC Tier 2
13 weeks – EUC Tier 3
6 weeks – EUC Tier 4
20 weeks – Extended Benefits (EB)
Since you are having an issue right at the 52 week mark, this is likely due to your benefit year ending. A federal rule requires that we check for new state eligibility when your benefit year ends. Under some circumstances you are required to receive a new state claim and under other circumstances you are placed back on to your old claim to continue to receive the remainder of your EUC and EB.
I would advise your wife to contact the claims center and file a new claim as I believe this is what her issue is likely to be.
AngCo – If you are in another state you potentially can receive the remainder of your EUC and EB. However, we must make sure you are not able to receive benefits in the other state before we pay EUC and EB. This is a circumstance where you don’t automatically transition from one tier of EUC to the next. Additionally, if the state you are residing in is not also triggered on to EB, like Tennessee is, you can only receive two weeks of EB. If Massachusetts is triggered on to EB, you can receive it. If Massachusetts is not triggered on to EB, you can only receive 2 weeks.
kat – I was reading through the previous posts to make sure I answered everyone and I noticed I skipped over yours. I apologize and let me answer your question.
Yes, you should automatically transition from EUC Tier 4 into EB. There are a few circumstances where you wouldn’t, but under most cirumstances, you will.
Thank you for the information John. This gets really confusing when having to go through all the states different rules and whatnot. I am hoping I wont make it to the point that I need the Extended Benefits but I have a better understanding now of how it works if I dont get a job fairly quickly after I move. Again thanks. :o)
john, I have drawn the 26 wks of state unemployment benefits and have approx. three weeks left of EUC. Am I entitled to any of the other benefits including EUC tier 2, 3, and 4 or extended benefits (EB) and if so what do I need to do? Do I just keep calling in on my recert day each week? Thanks so much.I am so glad I found you.