
Will There Be A Second Stimulus Check In 2009?

The question all Americans want to know is whether they will receive a late Christmas present this year in the form of a 2nd economic stimulus check.

In 2008 the government sent out economic stimulus checks to 130 million Americans with the idea that this money would be spent on consumer goods and services thereby stimulating the economy. While the program was considered a success by some – it didn’t prevent the economy from slowing down into a recession with the possibility of a depression.

President-elect Obama has proposed an economic stimulus package for 2009 which will total almost 1 trillion dollars – or about $3300 for every single American.

Second economic stimulus check

So far there has been no mention of any stimulus checks (like in 2008) however that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Nothing has been approved or finalized so it is still possible. If a second economic stimulus check is going to happen in 2009 it would be more likely to appear later in the year if it looks like the initial stimulus efforts are not doing enough to get the economy going.

Stimulus tax cuts

Obama has proposed stimulus tax cuts of $1,000 for couples and $500 for individuals. If this passes, it might be the closest thing to an actual stimulus check that most Americans will receive in 2009. This kind of stimulus is not as much fun as getting a large check all at once since it would take the form of reduced withholding taxes on regular paychecks. However, in the end – extra money is extra money.

Emergency Energy rebate

One of the more controversial initiatives is an energy relief plan to help Americans pay their energy bills this winter. The $1,000 emergency energy rebate would be given directly to Americans and would be paid for by windfall profit taxes on the large oil companies.
This particular initiative might not have much of a chance given that with the rapidly dropping price of oil, home heating costs are going to be a lot lower than initially predicted as recently as a couple of months ago.

Infrastructure stimulus spending

The Obama stimulus plan is calling for a huge investment in roads and bridges and mass transit improvements. This will total $850 billion over 2 years. This portion of the plan is the main driver behind the goal to create 2.5 million jobs over 2 years.

$250 stimulus check for select groups

There will be a $250 stimulus check for select groups.

122 replies on “Will There Be A Second Stimulus Check In 2009?”

P.S. I do have a dog that I LOVE dearly obviously>>>>>>>>>>>>>I also love to garden and have a rose garden and vegetable garden that would make you believe the Garden Of Eden really exist. I do love Nature and Animals and Life…..I would love nothing more than the world to go on and for everyone to live Happily ever After…..I do believe, just not in Jesus as a God. I don’t discuss my beliefs or lack of them unless someone else bring up religion and the Christians alway do. I would love to hold a conversation without some Christian bible thumper….preaching to me what is right and wrong. Tell me what you think is right or wrong…but don’t act like you have God on your side, so therefore, you must be right and I must be wrong. That doesn’t fly with me….I still think religion is fine, but just remember, it is YOUR drug of choice to keep YOU sadated.

My Own Thoughts……
Loved your post, you made some excellent points. I couldn’t agree more about Big Business and Wall Street. These companies all have a bottom line and Share holder and bonuses to consider. They really could care less what happens to America or Americans. The auto industry for example, want to kill off the unions and go back to mininum wage and no benefits for it’s worker. They are building their plants overseas, and not paying import tariffs or extra in taxes to do this. As for the American-made car….they don ‘t hold there value, they break down more and they are gas guzzlers. If you haven’t watched “Who Killed the Electric Car”, I will tell you who did it….GM, we could have had a choice of Electric Cars or a hybred fuel efficient car, but GM smashed them all and went with the HUMMER of all things Unholy! 🙂 So the auto industry got themselves into this mess and now we have to Bail them out…so their CEO’s can afford to give themselves more FAT BONUSES and private jets…. and that is how the other half (5% actually) lives….I did like your post though…you said just what I have been feeling! Who is going to bail US out?????

I have a question that I hope someone here can answer. I am an single parent who worked all last year. Unfortunatly, as of Jan ’09 my company was closed down, and I have been able to find work. If I don’t find a job soon. Will I just miss out on my stimulus credit, If they don’t have a paycheck to add it to? This is a question that is on my mind. If anyone can answer please help.

Thank you

Our stimulus credit as I understand it is if you have a job you get about $13.00 per week based on a 40 hr work week + a $300.00 to $800.00 per yr on taxe fileing.
I your not working you get $25.00 more per week or check + a extention on your unemployeement bennifits + cobra insurance if you are insured through your employer.

I could have this wrong but I don’t think so.


I wanted to laugh when I read Give the Money to the People’s thoughts about the Hummer being unholy. I have the 1st Hummer also have a Tahoe. They may be gas guzzlers, I sit higher and can see what is going on in front of the next couple of cars. I also need them for when it snows. Do I need both? No, but I like both of them. I had a Monte Carlo, it had speed but did nothing in snow and I was low to the ground and could see nothing. I also know that I am safer in either of those than any of the tin cans they sell as cars.
I was listening to the radio today. There was a guy saying when fuel went up people went out and traded in their trucks, full size suv’s, etc. for those compact cars only to find that they hated (yes the word hated was used) those barely used tiny cars, and people could get a good deal on those compact cars because now the market is flooded with them.
If you don’t have to have a GM product, there is always the SMART car, its electric. GM didn’t put an end to the electric car they just refuse to put out one that wouldn’t run more than 4 hrs. The other concern they had was speed. The majority of people won’t pay thousands for a car that won’t run over 50mph. I know I wouldn’t. Pay a little closer attention they are still working on one that will work for most people. For now there is the hybrid. They are working with Perdue University for a car that can run on water, yep good old tap water.
As far as breaking down…Honda, Toyota, etc break down too and just as often. The cost to fix them are just as high. The cost to fix a Mini Cooper is just off the wall, all parts come from England. Here is my thing, there isn’t one vehicle out there that is worth $18,000 – $65,000. New vette ZR1, 620 + horsepower, has to be pre-paid for is $104,000. My husband said at the dealership he works in has sold 4 since January.
Just my two cents worth….

I am just telling it like I see it…..if you want to keep your head in the sand and pretend everything will just work itself out, that is your right. As for offending people, I find you offensive, you don’t have anything helpful to say. You act like this room if for making friends, it isn’t, it’s for discussion and sharing. So if you don’t want to listen to other people’s “opinion” you better get rid of your computer, cause that is all the internet is….”other People’s points of view and suggestions.” Russ Limbaugh, the Pigman, says MANY offensive things. I consider him an evil word terrroist, but you know what, he still has the right to EXPRESS even his most EVIL, destructive opinions. I know you are older and so am I, so you express yourself as you see fit and so will I. P.S. You aren’t acting very “Christian-like” to attack my daughter in law, who is a wonderful person…..but than you are a hypocrite!

Cut to the Chase….your best post was 122, you said alot of the same things I have been trying to say…..I do believe the Banks need to destroy our economy before they can totally take over…..and don’t doubt it, they will. The new world order and one universal bank will be in control of all of us.
We all know only the tip of the iceberg, we all know how it is affecting us personally. If we all knew the whole plan and where we were headed, I think we would revolt, but now we are just struggling to get by and are confused about what the future holds. That is all part of the plan. What you said about keeping the powers that be in charge, even thought they have failed shows you realize who is really in Charge. If any of us would have failed like they did, we would be fired or Out Of Business…..why do do they get a Free Pass? I guess we will all see in the future…….I just see it now and I think that is why I am so upset.

Vickie, I 100% agree with you. The other thing that gets me is the ones who have decent paying jobs who sit and whine about how much they hate their job and wish they could just quit and so on and so forth. They fall right into the category of the people who are like your friends, spend frivolously and then want help when they get in a bind. They fall into the category of people who I’d like to slap in the face with a big ol’ fashioned dose of reality. I will admit in my younger days I made the mistake of getting credit cards and spending them thinking at some point I’d be able to pay them off, however I fell short and was never able to. I didn’t even use the credit cards for important things. I just blew the money on them. Minus the second card, which I used to buy things for my child before I gave birth.
But, I learned the hard way about spending frivolously and at my age, I know a lot more about the world than I should but I prefer it that way. I was raised to go by what you need. Wants come last. Once all necessities are secured then you begin to save for wants.

I commend you on being able to save enough for a house! That’s an amazing feat. Hopefully when I’m done with college I can begin to do the same.

Best of luck to those whom are job hunting, I’m right there with ya. And also best of luck to those whom are disabled and struggling. I wish you nothing but the best. It may not seem like it now, but one day things will all fall into place for everyone.

Lisa: Bravo! Once you have college out of the way, the only suggestion I can give you is save. No matter the amount. I have seen weeks and sometimes months the only thing I could spare to put in savings was $1. That dollar was one more than was there before. When I was single the only thing that mattered was providing for my son. Not that I didn’t spoil him every now and then, they like the new toy every now and then, a trip to McDonalds, or going to a movie.

We have two paychecks so the saving is a little bigger and added up a little quicker. I knew what the housing market was. I started looking at foreclosures. Some are really trashed, they take everything they can. I looked at one house that at one time was probably very cute. They took the furnace, original hardwood floors, there were no cabinets or counter in the kitchen or anything in the bathrooms. I just waited and kept looking. A good real estate agent will know the listings in the area your interested in. They can usually give you a ball bark of what your starting offer should be. I have one credit card (suggestion of my dad) I keep it and use it only in extreme cases. I have used it once in 6 years.

Ah yes! The “emergency” credit card. Not having one because of my foolish mistakes in the past is one of the many things I regret. But I do thank you for the very enlightening insight. I will definetely keep that in mind when I start working. I’ve already figured out my budget and I’ll have approximately 300 dollars a month leftover. So I will be able to put some in an emergency savings account and the other in a savings account for a house. I’m proud of people like you that can make it work. Congrats to you & yours! My ex in laws just bought a foreclosed home. Worst mistake ever on their part. So I’ll steer clear of those lol.

As I read this posts it makes me realize how passionate we are as Americans. So many interesting viewpoints and so many hypothesis all in regards to our current state of affairs. It’s great.

So I have to all of you…how many of you voted in this past presidential election. How about previous years?

Many of you have written incredible posts about your feelings, fears, and anger towards our countries gruesome situation – and they are compelling to say the least, so -how many of you have written your concerns to your governor, alderman, senator, our legislature?

How many of us know what our taxes are being used for and why?

In my opinion, it is sad that we Americans are just now “waking up” to the fact that all this happening to America. It took a cold dunk of reality for most of us to wake up out of slumber and perhaps the only reason is was because it impacted our spending and life style habits. We had all seen the headlines of how so many large corporations were/are destroying this country by “raping” it of all our integrity and pride. I am disgusted and in shock that our government, which I had/have faith in – would let something like this happen – for a second time no less. I am hurt that not only is the government letting these grossly obese companies and their felony CEO’s get away with some of the most repugnant crimes ever committed – they’re actually bailing their butts out.

Sometime ago – we should have said ” We’re not taking this anymore”! “We demand honest leaders” Instead of just now realizing: “Geez?where have all the leaders gone?” We are the decision makers as to who we put in office and what happens there – why then – are we doing nothing about it. My theory is that people don’t believe their vote or their voice counts, perhaps they believe someone else will fix the problem. That’s just sad.

Instead of saying “I’m too busy to think about what’s going” we all need to start using the 1st Amendment (i.e. writing to your senator/congressman) and start speaking LOUD about your dissonance with what is happing to all of you personally as well as to what your thoughts/feelings are as to how our leaders are running this country.

Things WILL NOT CHANGE IF WE DO NOT START SPEAKING UP! We can’t close our eyes and say “someone else will take care of it”. It starts with you.

Off my soap box but I do have to voice one last opinion about the automotive industry. Whether or not we agree with the politics of what is happening with the BIG 3 ( GM, Ford, and Chrysler) they are one of this country’s largest import/export business. Because of that we remain a strong competitive country. IF one of the big 3 go under our foreign counter parts will gain the majority of the import/export business and we will loss our leverage. I could go on and on about this one.

I know someone will say that I should not put faith into our government but I love America and I am proud to be an American.

Oh – by the way – did anyone hear if we will be getting a stimulus check this year! : ) joke.


Maybe after the goverment figures out the banks & big three are not working.

Another thouhgt might be every thing is working good & it will be a way to Celebrate .

I mean serously. . . Not to be blunt but isn’t the real problem peoples habits. People want too much cant afford it and try to cut back when its too late. Then when the gov’t steps in and tries too do something to help, it seems everyone now relies on the gov’t to keep doing it. I don’t really have a solution but something is going to give I just hope its for the best.

I thought that I would take the opportunity to share with you some important information. To be perfectly honest, alot of us are missing the big picture. Yes! That’s right! YOU, who are reading this, need to understand what I am about to tell you. The world is not made up of religion, people, cars or materialistic objects with a depreciative value, that will soon not matter at all. The only true boss that is holding this world, universe, country together is the SON of GOD. That is right JESUS CHRIST. EVERY LIE I COME AGAINST IT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Have we became to earless to what we even confess on the back of the dollar? IN GOD WE TRUST! There is only one GOD, one FAITH, and one BAPTISM! Let me tell you a little bit about myself! I am 19 years old. I am a musician at my church. I have been involved with DCFS growing up. I didn’t have anyone to care for me. Things are deeper than you can imagine or know. All I am saying is, HE IS TAKING CARE OF ME EVEN NOW! I give back to God what he has given me. My church supports me. MY RENT IS PAID, CAR NOTE IS PAID, BILLS PAID. GOD MADE US A PROMISE. A PROMISE THE HE WILL NEVER BREAK. HE SAID ONLY IF YOU WALK UPRIGHT, I WILL NOT WITH HOLD ANY GOOD THING FOR YOU. THAT IS ONLY IF YOU WALK UPRIGHT. WALKING UPRIGHT IS EXODOUS 20! READ IT! I DARE YOU, WHO QUESTION GOD TO OPEN YOUR BIBLE AND START READING MATTHEW TO REVELATION! I BET YOU WILL START TO SEE THAT GOD WASNT PLAYING IN THE BEGGINING! TIME OUT FOR COMPLAINING. TIME IS IN FOR PRAYING. WE’VE TRIED EVERYTHING EXCEPT JESUS! WE ARE SO OFF FOCUSED!



I Believe…
Good thing you believe. What I believe is that your post had nothing to do with a stimulus check, you found a place you thought you could do your bible beating. Sorry wrong blog for the subject you posted. Lets see your 19, I’m sure you know all there is to know about the world. If you pray hard enough and not work will you still eat, have a place to live, clothing? I think not. All I will say is pick up something other than the bible as a point of reference. You really don’t get the big picture, most of us didn’t at 19. (Let me guess before you say it you’ve lived life and see a lot in those years…Yes, I am snickering.) You say ,”The world is not made up of religion, people, cars or materialistic objects”. How I beg to differ. Many people do believe in one form or another of religion and it has great meaning to them, so there you are wrong. The world is made up of people, again look around all of them differ from you and you can learn much from them. Materialistic objects such as houses, cars, etc…are important to our entire system. We need houses to live, we depend on vehicles for more than just getting ourselves to and from point A to point B. Im sure you eat, semi’s bring your food to you.

Please do us all a favor, put down the bible, step outside your compound, read a newpaper or watch the news on TV.

Not trying to offend any of the rest of the readers for your beliefs or anyway I may of offended you.

at 19 years old…you have lived and learned alot more than people 3 x your age. Avoid being influenced or trampled on by those easily offended by HIM, keep lookin up…and you will see where OUR STIMULUS comes from! Take Care! GOD Bless!!! 🙂

Sorry to say that this stopped being about getting a check or not long time ago. It has just been a place to bash people and tear them down. No good ever comes from putting people down for their beliefs. There is truth to some of what each of you say and some not so truths. But what happened to learning to get along even if we don’t see eye to eye. With the name calling that has gone on here. We don’t need to fear terrorism in this world it is right here in these pages. We are all gods children or if you don’t believe in God you are still or should be equal to anyone else in this world. Not in material weath but in your humanity. Please try to find that humanity and use it wisely.

Thanks Dianne, well said. I don’t agree with lots of people, but I hope I don’t treat them poorly. 🙂

As best as I can tell – instead of true stimulus…we opted for pork…

Mom4 life I don’t think that you have ever been mean to anyone here sorry if you thought I was talking about you, I do think we all can disagree with out be littling each other, and you have sent a good example. I just feel for those who can’t have a disscusion without. and I do think you are right about the stimulus just wish we could have the pork the real kind love to have a barbacue. lol


Naaah I wasn’t thinking about you meaning me…I just know I get mad when I read some stuff too…but I try to censor myself. I don’t want to be hurtful….it just isn’t me. You can’t take back things you say…or type…and they can leave permanent scars when you just throw out the first thing that you think… I try to restrain myself! (Not Always successful at it!) That was what I meant…if I slipped a mean comment in on a post or something! I do wish we could all discuss…passionately…without being mean.

and mmmmmmmmmmmmm I love BBQ! I’m a Southern Girl…we like our BBQ! 🙂

To All!

Let me explain something to you. I am going to be perfectly clear. The bible is not to bring peace. The bible is to bring division. I am clearly trying to tell you that if you seek first the kingdom of God, everything else will be added. Yes we are still talking about rather or not we are going to get a stimulous check or not. I am saying that just because the state is trying to return to us what they have been screwing up for so long, really is unreliable. I am simply also trying to tell you that, if you read the bible, it clearly tells you how the were going to do this. Look at it this way. The bible exist and has never change. Technology two hundreds years ago changed, the way houses look today changed, our cars changed, our finance change, books changed, presidents change, our jobs changed, so called religion teachers and everything else change. Not lets be smart. What is the only thing that has not changed! The sky is still blue, the sun still reflects light, the wind still blows, we still wake up, we still have seasons. The ANSWER IS JESUS! We all need to stop lying to ourselves, we are going straight to hell if we dont pray for one another. Notice that i have not identified a particular person as to whom I am speaking in reference to. I am including myself. GROW UP! We are losing focus. If you really want to get better, try JESUS! I treat everyone the same. I am a parent so i understand! I know how hard it is. But, I am not made up by this world. I dont love this world! I love JESUS! The world is going to pass away. It is not because I said that, BUT I AM DID! We should be able to come together as family and communicate about the issues of the world. This is the biggest issue of the world. WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES! I’ve taken in about five people into my apartment that didnt have no place to go. I am not seeking for a good job or anything. My reward doesnt come from you. I took them in all of which didnt believe in GOD! After praying through their storms as well as mine too, couple months of having to rebuke the enemy, can you say all have jobs and cars and even their own house now. The had to put GOD FIRST! I didnt even know them. I have a two bedroom apartment and me, my sister, and my son stay here. You can’t make me doubt about the GOD I know. I pray for this country. I love and if you needed help, I would’ve helped you. Your foolish thoughts and trickery ideas will not last. God will make a fool out of us if we think we are bigger than him. For so many years we have. This is the result of our foolishness and its not the end. If you don’t believe it wait until the end! THIS IS STILL ABOUT THE STIMULOUS CHECK! IF GOD DECIDES TO LET US HAVE WHAT WE WANT THEN SO BE IT! NO ARGUING THERE! Thank you mom4life, you will know them by their fruit! Do you know what I’m talking about?

I am just going to repost my comment 51, because like I stated in that comment…the religion fanatics do it everytime. No matter what you are talking about, they ALWAYS get into the ‘Praise JESUS’ mode. If you fear the religious fanatics in the middle east, you should fear the ones right here in our country even more. The are trying to ‘force’ their idols and and man made gods upon us and our children. They are trying to take over our Gov’t and empower their Leaders. If you would do a little research on religion you would find it was created to keep the masses in their place by ‘professing’ that they were speaking for ‘god’. I feel sorry for the young people that have no family and join these cults or gangs so they can feel like they ‘belong’ to ‘something’. It’s sad…..Brooke NICE ZINGER….:)
My comment #51…. I can and Do say check your bible at the door and every other fiction book in the library?..just because you believe in the greatest Fairy tale ever perpetrated on humanity, doesn?t mean I have to listen to it. Talk rational and I will listen, but if you get into the Praise Jesus mode, I and many others will just tune you out as another ?religious fanatic??..I don?t see very many religious people acting Jesus-like?..most say to hell with the less fortunate?.and YES they do cast the first stone MANY times?.just because you say you are religion, it does not equal GOOD PERSON. AS for my angry?.your right and we all SHOULD be angry! WE are getting Screwed big time?.I am NOT numbed up or apathetic enough to not feel Furious! I wish EVERY American would get Furious and Say ?GOD DAMN it We?re NOT going to take it anymore! That would make me VERY HAPPY!

Me too! KRRRRAAAAZZZZEEEE fo JESUS! Check me out…I’m in Praise Jesus Mode too! Bless you anyhow…..

Can’t you two Jesus freaks go to a religious site and than you can bless each other til JEZZZZUSSSS reappears….Magically…you guys are making me nauseous!

To: Give the Money to the People

I must say that I agree with your last post – as a matter of fact I agree with the majority of your posts.

And to Brooke: You’re too funny.

Keep it going!



I can’t believe people think its a freebie to get a stimulus check we work hard pay all kind of taxes year round includind state tax other taxes to take care of non american people give millions to foreign people to start companies give help and aid to people that hate us we aint god we need what we put out our money back banks get help and they part tha reason we re n this mess y should they get money we need


“Seven blunders of the world that lead to violence: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, politics without principle.”

Mahatma Gandhi. (Quoted in the PEN Weekly NewsBlast of 10/27/06)

TO g.t.m.t.t.p ,

The word of Gandhi actually means not a whole lot to quite a bit of
people. Not here in the USA anyway.
Why don’t you just get it through your head that quoting passages from
times past has nothing to do with any situation that is going on now.

and also,

Jennifer ,

I think you are really a great person and very smart.

Brooke…..OH REALLY, if people don’t listen to words from the past….why do we have all these crazy christians beating their chests for Christ. The bible is totally outdated, but guess what people quote it all the time. I think the words of Mahatma Gandhi and the Beatles will always be timely, so why don’t you get that through your head? Those words will always hold true as long as mankind exist.

To G.T.M.T.T.P

I believed you summed up your own answer when you said CRAZY christians. I am agreeing with you there.
My own opinion of the bible is that a bunch of jerks were bored so they
decided to make up some wild stories like talking snakes etc.
I am happy to report that not one person that I know or associate with,
quote anything from any bible because there are many types out there.
I am assuming that you already know that.
At a very very young teen age I got to meet Jim Morrisson of the Doors.
He had a lot of great quotes but I would not rather repeat them on this
site. The bottom line however is that not one thing that you are trying
to preach is about stimulus checks. You really are on the wrong web site.

I came here searching for the answer to the ever popular question about whether or not to expect a stimulus check, and holy crap! My eyes and mind have been violated by the most idiotic conversation known to man! Let’s start my responce with this: I AM a Christian. But guess what, I’m not perfect, don’t claim to be, have no delusions of grandure, and couldn’t give a damn less what the rest of you believe in. I’m not out to change anyone’s mind. If they wanna know my God, come talk to me. If not, your deal, not mine. My life and fate is hard enough to handle, I’m not bringing the rest of the worlds religious problems on my shoulders to boot. Besides, you don’t see God trying to convert Satan, now do you? You teach the ones who are listening. Stop waisting your time and effort on the ones who aren’t. The FACT of the matter is that one day, we will all face the truth. Either nothing will happen after death, or reality is gonna bite a lot of people right in the ass. That’s it. End of subject. Book closed.
So if anyone else has any INTELEGENT responces concerning a STIMULUS CHECK, please, fill us in. I’m still wondering, and would like a link to a site with REAL information so I don’t end up on another “let’s bash each other and make ourselves look like idiot’s” forum durring my search! And if you don’t, please, PICK ANOTHER SITE TO VOICE YOUR OPINIONS! THIS IS NOT THE PLACE!!!

I think that President Obama, should give a single person $5000, and family $15 to$20,000 dollars. People would go out and spend, they would by cars, tv’s, stove, ect. Then you will see the economy go up. wasteing money and time by giving little amount.

I should a known the bible freak is from the south, The Bible Belt!! That’s what they do —- constantly bringin up quotes from the Bible!! You can’t talk about ANYTHING with out them bringin up the Bible!!! Don’t get me wrong I am very religious but I don’t push it on every Tom, Dick & Harry! I respect other peoples religion as long as they don’t keep trying to convert Me to their religion!

When I see all the people who get online and attack each other Anonomously, I think the internet is not helping people get along at all. It seems like it is making people LESS Human and LESS Sympathetic to people and their problems. It seems like if you have money, you are admired and you are thought to be GOOD people. On the other hand, if you are less fortunate and have health issues, were born to a poor or unstable family or just did not have the education advantages of others, you are attacked. I wish I could say the internet is good but from what I see?it isolates people and they sit in their lonely little world and attack others. I say be thankful for what you have, but don?t attack others because they haven?t had the same good forture that you have. Don?t assume it is because they don?t work HARD?.you can work many jobs at minimum wage and still be POOR. You can also be a trust fund baby and never work a day of your life. Either way?.it is not your place to Judge or Condemn others?when you don?t know them or what they are truly going through

Robin I diagree with giving family with alot of kids more money than single people……people need to stop breeding like RATS…..people who don’t have a lot of kids should be rewarded….people who have reproduced alot of kids they can’t afford, should be penalized….I guarantee if you stop rewarding the poor people for having tons of kid….they will remember use their birth control…..

All I know is I am barely surviving with two other girls living with me that are unemployed and can’t find work and we are all trying to keep our head above water and I now have a life jacket on!!!!

My son is disabled and receives Social Security SSI.He received a check for $15000 in february from the economic stimulus package.Go figure

For me the first stimulus check helped my family and so I am looking forward for the second stimulus check because with this economy, who does not want free money. I am sure every American that pay taxes deserves to get this stimulus. It is seems scary if you think about what is happening right now, but all we need is a positive outlook. That everything will be okay, we have given Obama (with his sincerity and willingness) the responsibility to patch things up only we have to give him plenty of time . So just keep positive, we are gonna get better!!!!

I am disabled and i cant get food stamps nor medical cause i make to much you all think your life is so bad i get 468.00 a month and i?m told i make to much for any other programs how is that my house is 428.00 a month i have 94.00 coming out of my disability for medicare this is bull where?s the change??? there is none for us poor people nor will there ever be,If the government had there way they would just knock all of us poor people off the face of earth so the rich can have it all like they already do??Face it people we are struggling with food cost , fuel, housing, and everything else it?s not gonna get any better for any of us who are we kidding, If they wanted us to get ahead then they would have given everyone of us 5000.00 to stimulate the economy instead they bailed out auto dealers and banks who runs this country??? not us people we just buy from it then when they all fail we go down with them, are government is not looking out for us we have to look out for our selves..Why bail out big company?s if everyone is poor who is gonna buy?? ALL THE RICH???were just looked at is low life?s who don?t deserve to be here?

I understand it is a hard time we are all facing. It really depends on where you live as far as employment is concerned. For example, I lived in Michigan for awhile and there are NO jobs there. And I had to move to Indiana to my brothers and two kids, just to find work. But some people need to realize that you might have to leave out how good you are to get a lower position. If you live in Michigan , I feel your pain that you cannot get a job. But if you live in Indiana, leave out the high flooting areas of your experience and get a job somewhere else. Casinos are always hiring, if you get online go to local casino sites and they have listings there you can apply right online there and usually can grab a job. Yes it might not be what you want to do but it is a job. And if you have a telephone line in your home, you can get free internet. Just do a search for free internet. Good luck to us all.

Woohoo Jay!!! I could not have said it better myself. I have never had to search for a job more than a week, but I also do not try to grab jobs that are high and mighty pay either. For instance if you, are above being a housekeeper or a fast food server then you are in trouble.

I’m thankful I had the privilage NOT to read every comment on here. I’d lose much more than an hour of my time. Come on, now, this forum is about stimulus checks, not about Ghandi or other religious matters. Let’s get back to the basics.

My opinion first is that perhaps a certain percentage should go to personal purchases and another portion should go for charities that the individual chooses and that will also benefit somebody else.

Now, what I want to know is that somebody who was just recently unemployed such as myself and who has been working a while and earning every dollar he received, will get what he deserves from the government. I’m not being selfish/self-centered here. I’m just asking where does somebody like me come into the picture?

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