Update – Feb 7, 2011 – Legislation to add extra weeks for 99ers
Democratic Reps. Barbara Lee (Calif.) and Bobby Scott (Va.) are reintroducing legislation this week to provide additional weeks of unemployment insurance benefits for “99ers,”
Main article
In 2009, the 2009 stimulus package was created by President Obama and provided extra funding for states to extend the length of unemployment benefits if necessary. Most states have a fixed number of weeks available for benefits but can increase the number of weeks if necessary. The Florida unemployment rate in April was 9.6%.
The state of Florida recently approved an extension of the unemployment benefits by 20 weeks as a result of Senate Bill 810 sponsored by Sen. Rudy Garcia, R-Miami and Rep. Dave Murzin, R-Pensacola. This applies to unemployed persons who have already used up the previous maximum of 59 weeks of unemployment benefits. The legislation allowing this EB extension was signed by Governor Charlie Crist and will provide more benefits for up to 250,000 unemployed Floridians. The payments will be up to $300 per week.
The money to pay for these extended benefits will come from the stimulus package of 2009 – about $415 million in total.
The agency responsible for these benefits is called the Agency for Workforce Innovation – they expect to start sending out the extended benefit checks in July. According to a spokesman from the agency Robby Cunningham – some people might be able to collect benefits retroactive to February of 2009.
“It’s actually retroactive to February 22nd of this year so some qualifying receiptence could receive initial payments up to 5,100 dollars.”
Please note that any retroactive payments will be from February 22, 2009 or when your last claim ran out – whichever is later.
How to apply for extended benefits
If you qualify for the extended 20 weeks then you still have to apply – go to www.floridajobs.com and click on the big red “Extended Benefits” square near the top of the right side of the screen. The actual link which will open up the application form is here. You can also fill in and mail the EB application to the address indicated on the EB notice/application you will be receiving in the mail.
How do I know if I’m eligible?
Here are a few guidelines you can use to determine eligibility:
- You are totally or partially unemployed.
- You exhaust all entitlement to regular and emergency unemployment compensation (EUC) benefits prior to February 22, 2009 but your benefit year ends after February 22, 2009.
- You exhaust all entitlement to regular and emergency unemployment compensation benefits after February 22, 2009.
- You are not eligible for unemployment compensation benefits in any state (including Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, The District of Columbia) or Canada.
- You satisfy all requirements of the Florida UC Law that apply to regular UC and EB, such as being able and available for work, and have not been disqualified from receiving benefits based on your reason for separation.
- You actively seek work for each EB week claimed and provide the work search record as instructed.
- You do not refuse an offer of suitable work or fail to apply for suitable work.
698 replies on “Florida Unemployment Benefits Extension – 20 More Weeks”
CNN Headlines today: 15 Feb 12 Looks like this may pass before end of this month.Go to CNN news online. Sorry, but i am still having a problem with copy and pasting…
best wishes on this bill to pass. we all need it!
Thanks walt for the updates
16 Feb 2012 @ 1229am cst
I am sorry that is not much help but posted for you anyway-just in case you haven’t read it yet. Boy,things are getting tougher here too. Really have to button up and sit tight! I would close out my cell phone service but am under contract til Nov. I am on a smartphone and that forces me to pay for internet data plan. And I definitely want my home phone/internet. So In November I will cancel cell service and save about $125/month. anyway to get by!
I wish you all well and hope/pray this extention will help all of us.
best wishes,take care…
Hello everyone,
Mark, Kathy, Walt, PeachyKeen, Beatrice- Nice to see you guys are helping the newly unemployed & lost within the system.
Things are still the same, a little worse the goverment has taken away the second pell grant that was available for those of us who are actually serious about continuning education and getting our degree.
My question is; Any news on us “THE 99ERS” ?
Happy Presidents Day
2/16/12 (Fla)
Hi everyone! Still trying to find a job but there is nothing. I started my Tier II on 1/9/12. Any other extensions coming up for us or this is going to be the last one? My stress level is killing me just thinking about it. Thank you all for all the information and Beatrice who is always looking out for all of us!
17 Feb 2012@1043am cst
C-span covering Senate vote on Unemployment extention/tax cuts. Coming up very shortly… watch Cspan 2
What does the unemployment extension mean in Florida.. I am bout to finish tierIV and I was told that I was eligible for 1 week of EB benefits this was last week so this mean I am entitled to my full benefits now
vote 60-36
working on amendments now.
17 Feb 12
Payret: You should be good to continue drawing. That’s the way I see it. Bill is going to the president for signature. Bill has some amendments that will be added or taken away. But basically looking good for people in your status.
Best wishes to you.
Thanks Walt! That truly gives me some peace of mind considering there are no jobs out there.
Please keep us posted of any developments with the bill, etc. Thank you again.
The best to you too!
17 Feb 2012 Friday1245 PM, CST
Different states will have different “total weeks eligibilities” some states max of 99,some much lower.
I really don’t know my status. will check into it later.
Hey walt; did it pass? Will I get to go to tier 4 after 3. and eb after 4. Keep as updated please
17 feb 12 @ 1:51PM CST
You are welcome. I hope I provided info to you correctly. Have a great weekend. Did you view Cspan or read CNN news? the president will sign soon and I am sure you will see it on the news.
17 Feb 2012 1:55 Pm cst
The vote passed in the House the other day. today it passed in the Senate 60 to 36! They were talking about some amendments being considered. It should be on the President’s Desk soon >the President already stated he will sign when it reaches his desk.
I really don’t know how the tier payments will work for you. You will have to check that with someelse here on this blog or your office. Sorry, don’t know how I stand either. Let us know what you find out ok? bye
No I havent seen anything yet. Thanks Walt for all the info. It truly helps to have someone watching over us!
Hello all! well, thank God it was finalized and ready for the President to sign. After he does, all should follow smoothly, the neighbor called me to tell me she saw it today on CNN. I think EB is only one week by what they told me today when I called the Unemployment Office, but I suppose with this new thing, extensions will continue after EB or before EB? who knows, i am still very confused about this whole thing, actually, I am going berserk.
so glad i found t his place!
Hi all!
EB (extended benefits) is a max of 20 weeks. EB is a federally funded program & I don’t believe that it’s on the table at this point, just the extension of the tiers. To get tier 4 (max 6 weeks), the unemployment rate has to be at or above 8.5% for a 3-month period. EB is always paid out before you go through the tiers, BUT I don’t think EB is in place right now.
Smiles to all 🙂
Issa – Are you out there? Just thinking about you. Stay strong!
How does this affect the 99ers in Florida? Any guess is good as mine. We were the first tidal wave of the unemployed and waited as each Tier grew out of this situation. We were political pawns while both sides of the aisle played with the unemployed. Our memories are still fresh and the wounds are still not healed.
Do you think the occupiers had something to do with this and the embarrasement of tent cities in an election year?
Hi Elissa – nothing for us 99ers…unfortunately
Hello, Mark!!! I called Friday and said that my Tier 4 was finishing in 2 weeks, and I said if I was entitled to EB after that, and the rep said I could apply for one week only of EB and that I should apply right before I claim for the last part of my Tier 4, go figure!
when I called unemployment on Friday they told me to call back next week because they will have more information some had no idea that a new law was being passed. I talk to a local news reporter that told me that would in EB benefits also
Oh Boy! Thanks, Nas23! Will keep checking this place, next week will be very important in news for us because as soon as the President signs the bill it will be forwarded to the pertinent offices of Unemployment and then go from there. Keep checking the news next week, friends!
Dear I took my name out but I recieved this today from Florida Unemployment …it also includes Extended Benefits hope this helps
Governor Scott has asked the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity to respond to your recent email regarding Extended Benefits. The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity is responsible for the administration of the Florida Unemployment Compensation Program.
On Friday, February 17, 2012, the United States Department of Labor Secretary Hilda L Solis released a statement in regards to unemployment benefits. “I am pleased that congressional leaders have extended both unemployment insurance benefits for the long-term unemployed, and the payroll tax cut that is critical to so many working families.
The payroll tax extension will put $1,000 back into the pockets of average working Americans over the next year. The unemployment insurance extension will continue to provide a lifeline to 40percent of unemployed Americans who have been out of work for long periods of time and who may no longer qualify for state unemployment insurance. The extension will also prevent 4.4 million individuals from exhausting their benefits, and will help another 8.1 million living in households of the long term unemployed, including 3.1 million children.
The extension also introduces innovative measures that were included in the American Jobs Act, which provide flexibility in use of unemployment benefits to help the unemployed get back to work. Today’s bill includes additional funds for re-employment services and funds to avert future layoffs. Moreover, the extension provides flexibility for the unemployed to get training, short-term employment or set up their own business.
“Today’s action by the Congress is a win – not only for people, but also for our economy as a whole”
President Obama has already announced that once he receives the bill to extend the unemployment benefits that he would sign it.
Our records show you have $289 in available credits on Tier IV Emergency benefits. Once the bill is signed into law you and you have exhausted your Tier IV Emergency benefits you will be able to apply for Extended Benefits and the system will add $3,565 to your claim.
The department will post the information on our web site once the bill is signed into law and we receive the information from the United States Department of Labor.
I hope this information is helpful.
Barbara Dickey
Benefits Services Specialist III
Federal Reporting & Support Services
[email protected]
Geez! I will finish my Tier 4 next week, I only have 2 full weeks to claim, so this is why the Rep told me to call right before I was about to claim those 2 weeks and apply for EB for which I could only get 1 week of EB, but of course, at that time, the unemployment extension had not been approved yet that is why she said about the 1 EB week, …thanks NAS, this copy of the email you posted sounds like a True Blessing for us! i wonder if our friends the 99ers will be able to apply again, does anyone know>? I feel worried for them also! I will be able to at least pay for 2-3 more months of rent which is my main concern as I don’t have any place to go. I will check the Unemployment Extension Information Page, does anyone know where in the main page i will have to go to check that new information???
Thank you thank you thank you!!!
your welcome…I actually wrote the Governor on Saturday and I was shocked to get a response on Monday…I was one of the lucky teachers to get laid off Dec of 2010 and still no job..If I get more info I will let you know 🙂
Real Cool! Thanks, Nas! Maybe there is also HOPE for our 99ers,!
Just a little info for anyone looking for a job in the Central Florida area. Sears Holdings Call Center is having a job fair tomorrow afternoon from 12-4. They do require you to apply online before coming to job fair. I was unemployed for a long time after being laid off and was hired pending background check and drug test the same day I went to their open house last year. Best of luck!
For anyone who is techincally savvy (computer wise), support.com is also hiring work at home technicians. You basically take calls and fix people’s computer problems. They have FULL benefits, everything, and the pay is pretty good for work at home.
Hi Mark and everyone else!!!
For anyone that can travel. Feld entertainment is Disney on ice and ringing circus. Lots of jobs. I went to the corporate office but you can check online. Lots of interesting positions.
Hey Nas23 and others!!! I e-mailed last night Ms. Dickey, same lady you emailed, and this morning she had already responded to my question: I told her I was claiming my last two weeks of Tier 4 this coming Tuesday, so I asked her if I had a chance of, with this new law, get some other weeks, and this is what she responded, I copied it exactly as it came:…..
February 24, 2012
Dear Ms. ———–
We have not received the information from the United States Department of Labor. If they give the Extended Benefits you will be eligible for another 10 weeks. After that you will not have any other benefits available to you.
Barbara Dickey
Benefits Services Specialist III
Federal Reporting & Support Services
[email protected]
So, NAS23, you think this is ok? they should have had the Notification from
the Dept. of Labor already as the President had signed this i believe the beginning of the week, i go every day twice to the Florida Unemployment web site and it’s true, I do not see anything yet. Well, 10 weeks will surely pay for another month’s rent, but what surprises me tremendously is that they have not received the notification from Labor dept yet,…any ideas??
Thank u so much, regards to all!!!
Just called unemployment and they have no idea what is going…I just emalied Ms. Dickey also waiting on response from her will post… I am surprised how Florida is so slow on things… The lady I talked to told me that EB is state funded and it was not extended my email on Monday Mrs Dickey told me it was…So confusing and aggravated
I am so grateful for your continuing follow up, NAS23. Hoping this gets cleared up soon, as it is critical for me, too.
Hello everyone..hope you all are doing well.
To those that bring us constant updates on the news, I just want you to know how much we appreciate you!
I’m not too sure, but I wanted to see if anyone had an answer for me:
I never collected EB (Extended Benefits). I claimed my last week on Tier 4 during the first week of January 2012. Will I be eligible for these 10 weeks that are being extended? If so, do I need to apply for it or will I be notified automatically?
I have been subbing in a local school, but I’ve only worked 2 days since my last claim back in January. It’s been extremely difficult.
Thank you once again!
Hey everyone! Hey i,ve got a ?. I,m in tier 3 now end mid march will I get tier4 and eb???? If someone can help me thanks bunchs….. Vince
With the new EB Will I get all my tiers and eb. I,m in tier 3 ending mid march. will I get tier 4.
24 Feb 2012 AT: 3:46PM CST
TO : VINCE: i don’t see why you wouldn’t get the rest of Tier 3 AND go right into Tier 4.
Eve: I don’t know what the states are doing with the EB. Don’t know if EB will be a state thing (depending on that state’s unemployment percentage) or if it will be federally funded.. Not clear to me either. I am not from Florida; just get on here for other info. My home state site on here is not very helpful .No one entering any info at alll!
I absolutely Hate weekends. Nothing brewing in the news, I mean, unemployment news yet. I have checked the website of the UnempDept and nothing has shown up yet, I don’t know what the heck the delay is due to, that thing has been signed already for over a week. Can’t wait for Monday.
Have a nice day,ya’all!
I havent heard anything and I am beyond frustrated….I wrote Mrs Dickey on Friday but no response.. It was signed on Wed doesnt take a week to update
To walt and eve, I,m in orlando fl. thanks so much for your answers. Still woundering about EB, after tier 4.
what I just recieved
February 27, 2012
Dear Ms.
The information I have read does state Extended Benefits phase out dates would change. The department is awaiting information from the United States Department of Labor to get the specifics.
Barbara Dickey
Benefits Services Specialist III
Federal Reporting & Support Services
[email protected]
what I just recieved
February 27, 2012
The information I have read does state Extended Benefits phase out dates would change. The department is awaiting information from the United States Department of Labor to get the specifics.
Barbara Dickey
Benefits Services Specialist III
Federal Reporting & Support Services
[email protected]
THanks, NAS! By what I understand, it means that the actual EB finalization dates will change to actually be extended for us, is that what you think she meant? Has to be! I am counting on that to pay my April rent, otherwise I will be evicted as I do not have a deposit that I could live an extra month on and I am terrified about this. Thanks again, Nas, if you can, answer my question above, I do think that that means extending our ending dates on EB or Tiers, or whatever, I am going crazy already! Will check back in a while.
From my understanding I believe thats what it means…I am in the same boat with you..I wrote the Governor again
Do you check the Unemp web site to see if they have added anything new about this? They changed the style of how they used to have it before, and before I was able to find stuff easier than now, everything is done seemingly to bother us citizens, why didn’t they leave it the way it was? Gosh! Will be back later!
I went to Hot Topics at the Florida site like they told me too and still nothing I have called and they are clueless what I am talking about its quite frustrating
omg, I am getting all worked up already, I am paying tomorrow my rent for march and that’s it. My last 2 weeks were claimed today, I have a 19.00 balance, and going crazy already as to how I am going to pay April, no family, nothing, and no place to go at all if they evict me, I don’t even have a car to go to. Jesus, what is taking so long for them to receive the info from Labor dept???? what is going on? I wonder If by calling the Labor Dept itself I could find out something, let me see if that can be done.
Nope. I went there and everything is very confusing, did not see anything about the new extensions that were approved. This is getting very unnerving, where do they have the information on the new extensions approved by the president and signed? ;I don’t know where to look anymore.
I know I went on there nothing I called and talked to someone and they still said they are waiting for department of labor to send it…I told him Funny because NY already has it up..and they do…he was quiet