I would like to wish all you readers a Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Festivus or anything else you want to celebrate in the next little while. 🙂
I’m looking forward to having a bit of time off during which we’ll be visiting family and hopefully getting the little ones out skating.
I’ll resume posting at some point in January. Have a good one!
On with the links
Mike from the Oblivious Investor made a pretty huge change to his investment portfolio. Hopefully Vanguard will offer this kind of product in Canada some day. It’s hard to argue with the simplicity.
Morris R from Self-Publishing 2.0 makes the interesting observation that we are reading less and watching videos more.
I thought this story was neat – Amazon hires thousands of seasonal workers and they all live in RVs.
Million Dollar Journey says that cash is king. I can’t say I disagree. Another benefit of having lots of cash is that you don’t have to worry about bounced cheques or having enough money to pay a large bill.
Blunt Bean Counter had a good article about an easy way to track your spending.
Michael James argues that pay parity is not a valid negotiation argument.
Boomer & Echo how to know if your investment loan tax-deductible?
4 replies on “LinkStuff – Happy Holidays Edition”
Happy holidays.
A very Happy Holidays to you Mike.
Enjoy your time with family.
I look forward to visiting your site and interacting with you in 2012.
Thanks for the mention, Mike. Merry Christmas to you and your family, and all the best to you in 2012!
Mike, thx for the link and others you made throughout the year. Happy Holidays and all the best to you and your family. I hope if you are skating outdoors you have a better rink than the pond in my backyard in TO.