
$250 stimulus check in 2010 for Social Security Recipients

President Obama has recently announced that there will be a one-time $250 stimulus check in 2010 to recipients of Social Security.  This bonus check is part of of his ongoing effort to stimulate the economy out of recession.  Please note that Congress has yet to approve this bill.

[Edit – This check was supposed to have been paid out in the first quarter of 2010.  Given that the first quarter just ended and there is no check it looks like this issue is dead and there will be no $250 stimulus check in 2010.]

Who is eligible for the $250 stimulus check in 2010?

Anyone who is currently receiving Social Security (SS) payments will be eligible for the $250 check.  There are also some other groups who will receive this check including SSI and disabled veterans.

[update – find out about the new $250 stimulus check in 2010 for SSI recipients]

Will Social Security Payments Get Paid If US Defaults On Its Debt?

When will the $250 checks be paid out?

It is not known at this time when the payments will be made but it is likely that they will be paid in the first quarter of 2010 (ie before the end of March).

Is there any income limit for the $250 payment?

No, it doesn’t matter if you have other income or if you are working or not.  It doesn’t matter how much income you make – you will still get the check.

How much will this cost the government?

According to White house officials, the cost of all the stimulus checks will be $13 billion.  A large amount of money but don’t forget that the stimulus package for 2009 was almost $800 billion.

Why is the government doing this?

The government is giving out this money in order to try to stimulate the economy.  Because of problems in the financial markets and housing markets over the last 2 years, there has been a slowdown in economic activity in America and many job losses.  By putting extra money into the economy it is hoped that the decline of the economy can be slowed down or even reversed.

Will there be a Social Security raise this year?

No, in fact part of the reason the $250 bonus check was created was to make up for the fact that there is no cost of living raise in Social Security payments this year.

Will it be a check or electronic payment?

The $250 should be given to you in the same format you currently receive your regular Social Security payment.  If you get your SS payment by check then the $250 will also be by check.  If you get your SS payment deposited in to your bank account then the $250 will also be deposited into your bank account.

More information on Social Security

Social Security provides the average retiree with a monthly check of about $1,150. The program provides 40 percent of all income received by elderly people in the United States; one in five older married couples and two in five older single people rely on it for at least 90 percent of their income.

Will there be a stimulus check in 2011?

Social Security Stimulus Check 2010 – FAQ

$250 stimulus check – should it be more?

Will there be a $250 stimulus check in 2011 for Social Security Recipients?

Will there be a $250 stimulus check in 2011 for SSI Recipients?

2011 Social Security No Cost of living adjustment

567 replies on “$250 stimulus check in 2010 for Social Security Recipients”

Good work tammy. Caro;o please dn’t poo poo on someone’s efforts. It’s astart. At least a beginning. If we could afford prepaid mailings on paper it would be alt better. However thatrequires money and going door to door ad having a person actually sign the letter in front of you and then mailing itr making a paper petion and get them signed and everyone mail them in.

I use to do alot of this in the seventy’s especially when I was a volunteer for jim garrison when they were trying to re-open the investication into the kennedy assination.

Nothing like this is easy. paer letters do hold more wait then phone calls and online petitions,but like I said it’s a good beginning ad thankyou tammy.

Like the old war cry “united we stand divided we fall.”

Hey Carol O.

At least Tammy showed some effort, unlike some people here who do nothing but whine and cry and sit on their fat ass too. Its not a good idea to throw stones at a glass house! Maybe u Carol can show more effort instead putting people down who at least try.

I hate to agree with Carol.
Because I like negativity.
As I stated back in December,there is
an official website for complaints and
Complaints about $250 stimulus check
are to late.Congress is already debating
the issue,it’s just a matter of when or
when not.
It is really time for us to get on the
bus.If we really want to have a halfway
decent way of life.With things going up
in price the way have in the last year
and no COLA raises for the next few
years.Now that’s the real issue at
present.Stop and think about it……..

You are right Valorie, but at least Tammy showed some effort. And trying once again wouldn’t hurt a bit. I think we all know that the disabled, young and old rare the last ones the Government thinks about. If you don’t have the money to support the politicians or their ways of life you are pretty much not in the circle. Serious;y look at it, the politicians covered up JFK assassination, and no one on the face of the earth can say Bush won that election in 2000. So if they can cover up an assassination, an election will be a breeze, especially with your father (Bush Sr.)was involved with the CIA. And now look after what Bush and the Congress put us through, if you noticed non e of the politicians took any cuts at all. Its the little people who get their throats cut for believing in what we call Democracy. If we don’t stand up to be noticed, they will slowly and painfully keep putting the screws to us. I say lets flood their offices with as many petitions as possible. And I don’t mean one a week, I mean 50 many as many as 100 a week until they are sick of hearing from us and our opinion. And lets stand up as one unit for what we believe in. If we don’t, that means they have won, and we lost the right to voice our opinions and have the right to be heard as well. Think about it people !

I also signed the petition! And in no way did I ever “put Tammy down” for starting it nor even mention her name. I simply gave my view that petitions seldom work. Bill H.R. 3557 is stuck in the Ways and Means Committee and my thought was they were the ones who needed to get mail. But it only takes a second to sign the petition so why not?

Like most men, the second a woman gives her opinion on anything, she is called names. Very childish, Tom. I think if we look back over these posts, the one who is most negative is certainly not me.

I weigh 110 pounds by the way and no way do I have a fat ass but thank you for pointing out your intelligence here.

Carol O:

If you think my comments are negative, you have that right, just like I have the right to voice my opinion on what I think about the political mess we are stuck in. Opinions may vary, at least that is one thing the politicians haven’t away from us just yet. And everything in my opinions may be right, or may be wrong. Just look back at how we were doing before Bush & Chaney got into Office. And now look at the way things are after they left office, do you see any difference Carol ?

I signed the petition. My rent is going up this year and I needed an increase in cola. I have a job interveiw tommorrow but the lady who is interveiwing me told my upfront that it is very very stressful. It will be too many hours so I have to try to neogiate so I don’t lose my disablity.
I want to get a 2 bedroom apartment but how can I ever catch up with no cola for 2 years? I want some answers! The overwhelming demands of this soceity triggered my disablity. I worked too hard,for too long, for to low of pay. When I worked the minium wage was $4/hour. Prices were lower and I wish that I could have figured out a lot more before prices really got absurd. The new affordable housing is $650-$1,000/month? That is as much as my income.What happened to the USA.
I talked to an South African man recently and he said he has less here in america. The only difference is that he has air conditioning.

I have know idea what age everyone falls into here so this is an idea that some may like and others may think I am off my rockeer. Wll maybe I am. I am so stressed out myself I can’t even begin to file for SSI.

Anyway I lived for 3 years off an on in a beautiful little village in a place called Chapala Mexico. Look it up on the net they will give you cost of living there.

Anyway it’s basically spring all year long. Lot’s of sunshine. If you suffer from depression thiswill take it away. There are plenty of Americans and canadians living there. Rent fo a two bwdroom furnished apartment runs from 250.00 a month to 300.00.

I have many friends there on ssi and live just fine and happy. One woman gets 365.00 amonth and some help from a relative and she’s as
happy as a lark. Forget the scary stories just use your head. I backed packed up and down central Mexico all alone and everyone I mean’t treated me with the same respect as I treated them.

So many folks are living there because they couldn’t afford to live here anylonger. Most gringos have taken up thier passions one’s they could never have afforded the luxury here in the states. they make thier warts or what ever and sell them at the markets. and hae a ball doing so. I meant a 60+ Woiman thier who came with no money and now runs her own Boubique owns her own home ad is very content. She went there alone.

People are friendly and always ready to lend a helping hand. If you don’t show up in the plaza for a couple of days you betteer believe somebody will be knocking on your door just to make sure your okay.

Dr.s make house calls, Thier offices ar open from morning to night. A office call can range from 2.50 dollars to 20.00. After your settled in you file for an FM3 and that qualifies you to buy health insurance at a huge 300.00 a year. There is an American hospital 45 minutes away.

i once meant a lady there whose husband had just died. I asked her if she was going back to the states? She held her dress out to me showing the hand made stiching and said; I paid 10.oo for this and it ,s beautiful, I could never could buy this in America for that price. And I could not even begin to live as wll as i can here on social security.” She was in her seventies.

I know this may sound a bit drastic to most however it is an alternative. There are so many vet’s living on disability there and living well. There’s american legion and so many activities available
to many to list for all ages. The weather is beautiful all year.

America is crumbling, another senator resigned today because of the bickering in Washington. A senator we couldn’t afford to lose. That little 250.00 is like putting a bandaid on a shotgun wound.

And for all you colleg kids Guadalajara has one of the best universities in the world. I’ve been told it cost around 600.00 a semester. Don’t quote me on this one as I wasn’t there looking to go to school I just mean’t many students.

As far as safety I always walked to my friends homes at night and back to my home, never once had any problems. Here in the Saxramento area I won’t dare go out and walk at night.

You who have 664 amonth at this time you get 1.30 for each American dollar. This ratechangs. this is the lowest I’ve seen it so far.
And unlike the coastal area if yu by a houae or condo you actually own the land no lease. I Looked at a fully furnished condo beautifil Place it sold for 60.000. One across from it went for 61000.00. These are nce places. I have seen rent as low as 150.00 a month just takes some looking.

If anyone thinks the states ae going to get better you better take another look. WE ARE IN A LOT OF TROUBLE FOLKS. And big Brother is drowning.

Just an idea


If anyone interested look up cost of living in mexico or look up Chapala mx. There’s lots of imformation from folks living there.

Can people who are on SS or SSI from the United States even live in Mexico? Wouldn’t you have to become a citzen thus forfeiting your rights to any and all payments from the USA?

N o you do not have to give up your citezenship to live in Mexico or any where else. You have your checks deposited in your bank here just as yo normally do and you use your atm. many people open accounts with a bank in Mexico. In Chapala where i stay lloyds is the bank used by the Americans and canadians. many have some of thir savings deposited in an account as the interest rate is now at around 13 per cent on the dollar. Tax free so far.

If you decide to live there you can file for an FM3
this allows you the right to work have abusiness and many other ammentneties. Like healthcare 300 a year.

Lake Chapala is one of many places Americans and others flock to mostly because the weather is so beautiful all year long. The lake is the is the largest in Mexico, somewhere btween 50 to 60 miles long and 15 miles wide.

This not a tourist area like cancun etc. Those places are not the real mexico. It’s more expensive and the heather can be cruel.
If you want to go to the ocean you can hop on a Huge luxury bus and in 3 to 4 hours Beach.

Michocan is another beautitful state but at this time the cartels are raising hell there because calderon is from that and it is tier way of getting back at him. Many writers, celeberties etc own homes there.

Google Chapala mx and you wll find much helpful imformation on cost of living etc.

I left ther two days before chrismas and fell into a terrible depression with all the crap that’s going on in the states. I am returning in march to a two bedroom brandnew apartment for 275.00 a month. i have more dental work that I didn’t finsh before I left. I hate going alone this time but have no choice.

I have many friends there but my closest just gave up his four bedroom
3 bath hoouse that he paid a whopping 470.00 a month because he needed to be closer to town due to the fact that he is a qaud and he likes being able to use his electric chair to cruise around town and visit in the plaza. he’s on dis ability and does just fine with 24 hour caregivers. he went there because hecouldn’t afford to have care givers in the states.

Almost half the Americans there are on SSI or retirement SS. They live lives they never deamed they could. if they had stayed in the states they would be in dire straights. Mnay have become artist writers actors
whatever thier dream of being they have been able to live the dream out. They sell there arts or writings some just do it for fun.

after five years you can apply for dual citizenship however it really isn’t a have to. Many do it for import export reasons. Your allowed two truck loads of personnl items without paying taxes when you move. Howeer most sell thier stuff and get what they need there. Like I said Whe you rent or buy the place usually comes completely furnished.

Regarding Mexico. I do believe that you have to return to the states Once a year. This may not be a requirement but with very little reseach anyone can find out. I alaways returned mor often because I had property here and Had to keep an eye on things.

I would be living there now if I could have sold my land but when I returned in 2008 to list it it was to late thanks to the banks all of bush and Ceney’s and McCains Buddys’ And I refuse to just give it away.

Having this also stops me from getting full SSI even tho I am disabled.
I sl have to work or get near to nothing. I have no idea what the least the feds give on disability now. The last I looked it wasn’t much. And bcause of the extra land my mom left me I can’t get the supplement from the state of any Medical care. They want you on yours knees
begging for what we all worked for all our livves or at least some of us

So we a stuck here. Soon I will loose my healthcare because I cannot affrod 700.00 amonth. My husband and I have both been out of work for the past 18 months.

And when I here The depression takes over t the point I just can’t get it together. We are living off of my savings which will not hold out much longer. And like all the rest of you I s no ligt at the end of he tunnel.

This a New America nonof which any of us were perpared for.

Thanks,Thanks for the info on Chapala,
Mexico.I had just done some research
on Costa Rica.I thinking of going there.
Now I’ll research Mexico.
My son’s best friend just returned from
the area where went to school at the college you mentioned,he got his Masters.I mention what you said about
Mexico and he said check it out he think
I’d love it.So I am. Thanks again for the tip.
Because like you I don’t the States
has fallen as far as it will.
Maybe when they decide to Stop and hear
what the people want and have to say we
can try and become a better country again.Hopefully…………..

valerie I am glad i good be pf some felp to you. Leavung one’s coubtry 9s a tough decision. However so many are because they can’t afford to stay here anylonger. I go There alone often but I am never alone when I return.

All Governments have corution, we can’t escape that one, nhowever there are plces where we can afford to live a betterlife on our nickels our dimes.Our Government is broken and they the rich are forcing us to seek out other places to settle.’

I can’t afford to dish out 700.00 amonth for health care which is what I pay now. I work in the medical firld when I am working but they are laying off people too. I am not well have preexisting conditions can’t chamge to another insurance. My husband is a cancer survivor and he can’t eat food. He drinks 9 cans of boost aday. On his ss we could live well in anoyher country. But we have the va to deal wih and they won’t send his food ove the border. My depression is sobad i can hardly get throughthe day. I can’t sleep at night wrrying so much about what could happen.

I am one of those who fall trough the cracks to poor to live but own to much to gey SSI. I can’t sell what i own bwcause no one has money to buy. I am sittig on property paying horrible taxes and it brings nothing in. I am a frightened as everyone else. My husband is quite abit older than me 71 soon to be 73 andI e itto see him have to go out there and look for work especially after all he’s been though.

But believe you me if i can find away to get out we are gone.I Loved this country but now I can hardlt recognize it. I just happened to stumble upon a place where family friends mean more than having things is more impotant and I niss it so much. When I am there I feel at home not isolated. The depression leaves and I feel good and wanted.
I wish I could have that here but we all live in our little boxes in boxes.

It’s just so damm expensive it’s like the rich wbat us to get out so they can have it all. Well they can have it I found something that awakens my spirit and makes me feel alive and well. Of all the places i have been licky enough to visit thanks to my mother who is gone now, I never dreamed I would find peace of minf in a third world country.

i was doing some searching this morning and i ran across this………
[Update Jan 2010] The additional $250 payment in 2010 is now also part of President Obama’s 2011 budget proposal, which means this payment could be recieved later, rather than earlier, since the budget needs to get congressional approval. Stay tuned for further updates.

Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) introduced the bill (H.R 3557) on September 14, 2009 that would provide the $250 payment in 2010, detailed below, for an emergency Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) for Social Security recipients. The bill has been has been referred to the Committee on Ways and Means for review and should be put to a vote on the Senate floor in the next few months.

i hope the people who need it get it,i know my family could sure use it.while congress sits on their butts with wallets full of money they dont have to worry where their next meal is coming from or how they are gonna pay the rent,they got a big raise they dont care about us

The solutions are simple in theory in america:
1.) stop outsourcing our jobs to India. I have talked to so many foreigners when I pay bills or get Tech Support. I can do what they do without having to look almost every questions up on the internet. They can give use those customer service jobs and we can do them from home.
2.) Basing housing utlities on income. This way the poor pay less and the rich pay more but we can live similar lives. I don’t really care about living in a mansion but I think it is unfair that I can’t adopt a friend’s child simply because I can’t afford to get a 2 bedroom apartment. I pay 70% of my income to rent. Why should anyone have out more than 30% of their income to housing?
3.) Keep prices low; if prices are lowered we need less money. If we need less money than less it is in circulation so it is value is higher. The more money we print the less value it has. This what i n part what lead us to the first depression in the 1930s.
4). We need to find adovactes for the poor and disabled to stand up and say NO this is not right! We need everyone out of office and replace them with real people who are in touch with the real world.
Every politican needs to live on minium wage for one year to now what it is like to struggle. No more politicans like George W who have everything handed to them. No more elitists government!
We are witnesssing the downfall of captilism and the death of the american dream for the poor. If life is better in Mexico; which is a third world country than the USA really is in trouble.
Too bad we couldn’t start our own country. This is not the society I want.
Let’s turn around Obama’s quote he borrowed from Mahatma Gandhi “be the change you want to see in the world.”


I agree with you on number most of all. But you to remember something also, the poor and the disabled can not contribute thousands of dollars to their (politicians) campaign funds. Neither can the young or the elderly, but if you back at most of the cuts you can see they attack right off the bat. Yet they (politicians) sit there and still get a full paycheck, and no cuts in their lifestyles.
As far has George W., he has proved himself has the most pathetic and a embarrassment to the American people who ever got slipped into Office. But maybe going through what we did as Americans with G.W. hopefully that experience will open everyone’s eyes to really watch out who we vote for. And ask yourself this Michelle, how do you know for sure your vote does count after Bush slipped into office the first time?
As Americans we should have right to speak our mind and question what we may think is wrong. And be able to change the wrong doings in Washington and our local governments too. My personal opinion ( Carol O. ) we need someone we can trust, depend on, and someone who knows the trails and errors of being in our shoes. That person, if there is one….we need him to stand up for us and fight along side us for what is right. Most importantly “POLITICIANS ARE NEVER ABOVE THE LAW”


The Lord has nothing to do with my check nor does he have anything to do with politics either. If he did, why is he letting all this mistreatment and letting the politicians run America and other local states, counties, and towns into the ground? >I DO NOT MEAN ANY DISRESPECT JAY<
I know life isn't perfect but hey, enough is enough…………Do you believe in miracles Jay, if so let us all pray for a miracle?
Don't take my comments as a negative approach like people have done. It's my opinion and I am entitled to it or them.


well in responce to the comment left about last years stimulus checks, me and my hubby had to fill out a tax form, we do collect ssi/ssa and we were told to fill out a tax form …that was probally why you didnt get your stimulus checks……..on the tax form there is a place for socail security on it…you put on it what your annual yearly income was then sign it then send it into irs…….we got ours in about or around june of 2009……..They didn’t send them out automactally you had to fill out tax form for it……


That’s good news…I guess? But now the question is how long will take it that 3 ring circus to come up with a decision?

I know the stimulus check is important to everyone however millions about to lose thier unwmploymwntmwnt benifits on March 1st plus thier cobra. The Senate is suppose to address this issue when they return on the 22nd. Just try and to imagaine what will happen if ui is not extended. Choas is the word I come up with. More foreclosues more people in the streets and think BIG rise in crime. People will not go hungry.

I don’t know how many of you are aware that they have been refurbishing old army barracks to use as containments area for any of us who get out of order. Mnay soldiers have left service refusing to fire upon Americans. I know this sounds cooky but it is real.

Another bit og grea news,lol congress gave whirlpool 19 million dollars in bailout money. Well they announced they are closing thier refrigerator plant laying off about 2000 workers and aking thier plant to Mexico.

So thiers so much more here at stake then just a few dollars here. I am sure you all know someone who is out of work. There are plenty of organizizations with letters alreadys writen for usto sign and send to congress immediatly! Like organizing for America, Credo and many others.

So lets flood them with our messages.,

I had to file a tax return to get my first stimulus but I wasn’t on ssi even tho I need to be. But everyone else I knew automatically recieved the check.

I had to file with the IRS to get my stimulus last year, as did everyone else I know…so I wonder how some say they didn’t have to file..just curious…maybe a ‘senior’ moment of forgetfulness? lol

I am not disabled, but my husband is. I have been following all the postings, and I can relate to how difficult the economy has made it for people to buy there meds and pay there bills. I have recently gone to work for a company that has put me in a position to help people who are on fixed income and struggle to pay there bills. So if anyone has a landline phone and paying more that 50.00 per month. (that is for unlimited calling and unlimited long distance service) I might be able to save you money. Our service is not available in all areas yet but if not, it is coming. Just email me with your address and I will let you know if I can lower your monthly phone bill. Since I have started this job I have realized how companys are ripping the american people off. We should not have to over pay for services. Email to [email protected] I will help anyone that I can.

has anyone heard anything positive about the stimulus? i havent heard anything,i hope they pass the bill soon. cause we didnt get a raise on our checks this year which i think is crazy cause everything has gone up,when milk costs you almost as much if not more then a gallon of gas,congress got a raise and they arent the ones who need it, we do

The only reason I had to file was because I am not in the system. And m, y stimulis was different 600.00. My Hisbad who receives social security retire ment and a rommmare on ssi did nothing the checks were automatically deposited into thier checking accounts. The Thier checks were fo 200 somethng I can’t remeber the exact total. Then no more colas.

How long will it take there is already people who have tryed to get a disabilty check started and died waiting on approvel I guess you congress people in your high dollar suits and nice cars with all the money don’t care about the little people that are on govment checks you want us to die so you all can have even more money don’t you already have enough we need this stimulus check we did not get a raise in our checks this year but all of the one in congress got a raise that is just wrong and god will punish all of the greetie one in this world if you have a heart you will aprove the stimulus checks for 2010 because the ones on the SSi and disable vets and the rest of us could use this money we are all deserve it not you.

I agree with you Steve, but there are some people here who still believe the Government cares…..LOL. Yes! there may be a small amount of people in Washington who care, but not enough of them. How can we people who have no idea what so ever how it is living on a budget, or even try to get around to run errands when you’re disabled. No, they sit in their office’s with their assistants, secretaries, and driver’s carting them all over the place, while they get a fat pay check and perks to boot Just sucking the life out of us lying about what is really going on in the world. Then as soon as the budget comes up,….who do they attack…..the young, old and disabled, cutting programs and aid.Now can anyone tell me whats wrong with that picture?

I agree with steve too and with Tom. Stve you should post your letter to congress and send it. For that matter everyone else whose fed up should too. For social security checks and stimulus checks who need to go to the horses head and not it’ass. at the SS office. Yes i know how horrible it is trying to get through to a Human, However once you do if the eprson your talking to is one of those “I dont know” people, ask to speak to a supervisor. Each State has different laws re everything. Us jsut guessing doen’t help any of our frustrastions. Since I am not working and Have many physical issues and doomed with a brain that doen’t function like it should anylonger {to much getting beaten up in this cruel world} i spend everyday e-mail a senator or a congressman and making phone calls and making sure I talk to someone who has the power to get the message to whom it needs delivering. Some of the issues won’t even touch my issues but they mught help someone else.
I am to depressed to even get to and ss office to file for ss. I know i won’t get the stae subdidy checks as I was left some land when my mom died, but it’s worth nothin in California because no one is buting land. Or I should say the investers will pay pennies on dollar to take it, which is like giving it away And my mom worked to damm hard that I refuse to give it to some rich SOB who will sit on it and develope it and turn around and sell it for a small fotune. But something from SS is better than nothing which is what I am getting now. I worked my whole life.

I probably wouldn’t have gotten my stimulus check if hadn’t had gotten married last year and filed on my husband’s return. Who lost his Job a week before we were married and still is not employed. We live in California And I just know that the people I know collecting wither rertirement SS or Disability SS automatically received thier checks. SS
sent out a letter stating they qualified and a separate check came in the mail. Now that was in California. Me since I am not on anything wasn’t even aware I qualied for one until we filed. If I hadn’t filed I would have not recieved anything. I was shocked when they told me I had money coming. So my returning to the states Iwas rewarded with a marriage and a 600.00 check.

I came back here with the intentions of getting married and then getting the hell out of here. I was 3 months to late. The bad news that i had been hearing about the states that got me on a plane ASAP to sell everything and go back to Paradise, had already hit and We couldn’t
get even a bid on anything.

I decided to lease the house. With His retirement of 1300 plus we have and still be living very very well. He had stge 4 Cancer and beat it but he can’t evr eat real food again and lives on 9 cans a day of ensure which the VA gives him but do to the High cost of shipping over the border they would not ship his food there, and driving 2500 miles a month just wouldn’t work. So here we are stuck in a country that’s falling apart at the seams. And I am scared to death. My husband is 71 not the average he runs around like the energizer Bunny Iam 12 years younger and I can’t keep up with him here. It kills me to see him going out to look for work. So we’re at this time stuck here until I can figure away to get us out. I hated having to sell my horse I rode everyday in Mexico, he’s probably dead by now. Depresson has become my best friend.

I called a Friend there today and in the background I could here all the laughter and in my mind i could see the Little Plaza with the sun shining and all the happy faces of old friends. After I hung up I broke down in tears.

Well not I’ve bled my heart out al i Can say Is get on a Phone and find out what’s going on. None of us are experts. And they way this government is going the rules change minute. While you at it make a call for me and sned someone over here to help me file for ss. At this point I can barely get dressed and comb my hair.

Cindy Dalton, mommalynn said you couldn’t get last years stimulus without filing taxes with the IRS. I am on social security and didn’t have to do anything to get last years money. The same should happen this year. Good Luck!

I think it is unfair that the base the cola on something other than actual cost of living. I know most of my bills have gone up.

Kathleen and Michelle
I have some info you ladies maybe interested in,with reference to starting
an interactive website for the retired
disabled to have current info related our issues.All varieties.
Their is well known Institue and foundation sponsoring the funding for this type project,their are guidelines
to follow but nothing extreme.
It is however for women only to obtain
funding for your project funding.
Sorry Fellows! Rules.I’m sure don’t object to the fellows input after the project is up and running.I’m sure Steve
and others would to contribute their in
Email me at [email protected] if you
ladies are interested.I will give full
details.The funding is excellent! No great hoops to jump threw.

I will tell you another thing the government screws us on and that is food stamps and medicaide. I am disabled and receive 1040.00 a month. I am a single mother of an 18yr old son. He draws 570.00 a month off me. FSSA takes his income into consideration when applying for government assistance, which throws you over the limits. How many 18 year old are going to give their money to their parents to pay bills. Also, why does an 18yr old get 570.00 a month and the parent only gets 1040.00, but has house payment/rent, food, electric, water and other monthly bills to pay. Governement is all messed up, but they are not the ones close to being on the streets or going hungry so they can by their monthly meds. They don’t care about us little people, its all about them.

The stimulus amount paid to individual SS recipients stinks! Its appalling that big companies are bailed out with millions while consumers are left to eke it out. I am tired of being teased; where is my bailout?

i am on ssi, i received my stimlus check in 2009, i did not have to fill out a form. i hope that we can get a check this year also, i sure do need it. to any one that knows spead the word.

The morons in D.C. and throughout the so called political arena are corrupt to the max. I’d like to see the majority in orange jumpsuits.
They don’t give a damn about people who live on the edge of society. But, they sure can give themselves astronomical raises. They stink. And, I have a feeling that none of us will get anything. They don’t give a damn about the poor. Isn’t it obvious?

Well well, I see some people are finally opening their eyes on hope Government sees us, Congratulations! And I hope these politicians are monitoring this forum too ( I really doubt thought.) If people like us do not contribute to these politicians fund raisers or their campaigns,what makes the rest of you think they give a damn? We live in one world while they live in another world (fantasy land) and yet certain people still get conned into believing these are the right people for the job. Well guess what, they are not, and they are tending to their own needs and the needs of those who have contributed.
Maybe someday when we have living on the streets and starving and being passed by these politicians the realization will sink in finally. We need new blood in the political race factor. People who have lived in our world, and shared our misery and misfortunes as well. Instead of these spoon fed pathetic morons we have now. But the only the way that can and will be done is next time you vote, look at the record book.
We are in this situation now due to the fact of poor money management skills and poor planning, and just who.( G.W. Bush & Co.)and of course congress, who could forget that 3 ring circus who pulls the string of the President. Life has we once knew it, before G.W. Bush was in office wasn’t really too bad. But now looking back on what we went through and are going through now, Wow!, what a slap in the face by our Political Leaders. We must cut corners, live sparingly, struggle through our daily routine while they sit there in their plush offices with their trained puppies (personnel) doing all the work for them. And then to top it off they get a pay raise and live very very comfortably screwing up our lives daily………..It’s amazing how stupidity and ignorance and really grow in Washington. Like a cancer with no cure!

Hey Raquel:

I agree, look what happen to your man in Texas (G.W. Bush) he turned out to be America’s embarrassment as President. Like I said above in my last post, politicians care about one thing, and one thing only, (themselves and their family.) We are nothing more than pawns in the game of life, except when it comes to election time. Maybe next election time we should turn the attention to the Underdogs in the race, a fresh face, fresh blood instead of these morons who slip in and promise us the world. But then again you have to seriously ponder the thought ( does our votes really count?) That question is something to really consider, what proof can these politicians give us to prove our vote does count?

Sorry, there will be no $250 check for SSI Recipients In 2010. They voted on March 3. 2010 against it.

where did you see that? are ppl on social security going to get it though? i wish that congress had to live a month on 674.00 a month maybe they would see what a struggle we have in our daily lives

hey,marie i didn,t see the news about the stimulus check for 2010 is this true ?and what about the ones on socialty security, and socialty security disability.please send info.

Well, that puts me out. I guess I have to make a decision what to give up so I can pay my property taxes OR become homeless and put my 79 year old mom-in-law out on the street too. 🙁 Do the regular Social Security people get it though?? At least, MAYBE, my mom, dad and mom-in-law can get theirs. So, maybe, it’s NOT the OLD the government is taking a SH** on…it’s just the disabled.

Well, GOOD LUCK to the regular SS recipients!!!

please tell me that the people on social security will get the $250.00? they never want to give anything to people on ssi,they make us suffer do they not underwstand that everything has gone up?inflation is down? where the hell have they been shopping? oh thats right they got their damn raise! i’d give up a month of my ssi to a congress man to see how they could make it last

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