I bought a plasma tv recently. This may not seem like a big deal for most of you, but I have been thinking about buying a flat screen tv for over a decade. In 2000, I couldn’t decide what kind of flat screen to buy and I ended up buying a 27″ tube tv instead – it was awesome. The tv it replaced was older than I was, had no remote and the channel changer was broken, so I had to use pliers to change the channels. I finally replaced it when I couldn’t see the score during football games.
The 27″ tv was still ok, but the colour and screen were fading. When I saw a 42″ plasma for sale at Best Buy for $550 a month ago, I knew my time had come. $650 with tax! It was so cheap, it would have been financially irresponsible not to buy this tv.
The moral of this story is that sometimes it’s good to wait. 🙂
Funniest post
The funniest post of the week was written by Financial Uproar – a very entertaining blogger who has never heard the term “politically correct”. His article on the five hottest women on business tv is just plain funny. Read it even if you don’t want to look at the pictures.
On with the links
Oblivious Investor says that index funds are mediocre. Luckily “mediocre” is the new black.
The Globe & Mail had some good investing articles this week:
- Women face challenges in retirement because they live longer
- An investment policy statement is a good idea
- Hiring a money coach to get your finances back on track
Adam Goodman from Moneyville.ca explains how to save $7,000 without pain.
Million Dollar Journey had a guest post how much does a year of happiness cost? Good post and great comments.
Free From Broke writes about his daughter’s allowance.
Canadian Capitalist warns that new financial products can have a short shelf life. He’s referring to high interest saving accounts.
Rob Carrick has some great advice for DIY investors. Get that cash invested!
Michael James tells us how to negotiate a line of credit. I think the only way to get a better rate is to move to another bank.
Larry MacDonald has a list of books that would make a good Christmas gift. Unfortunately I think he left my book off the list. 🙂
- Studenomics asks if student debt is good debt.
- International Bond ETFs: Should You Own Them?
- It’s Time for a “Virtual” Reality Check Are advances in technology really a good thing? Jason provides nine arguments against modern conveniences.
- FREE 2011 Calendar and Day Planner Download. Check out the cool FREE goal setting and planning calendar designed by Ron at The Wisdom Journal (pdf format).
- Flexible and Health Savings Account Changes for 2011 – Over the Counter Medicine Reimbursement
- Which Debt to Pay Down First? – When trying to pay off debt, it can be difficult at first to know where to start. This article will help you decide where to start first based on your circumstances.
- How Much Of a House Payment Can You REALLY Afford? – How much better off financially would our society be if we lived within our means? Buying a house in your price range is no exception.
- The Great Big List Of 75 Frugal Gifts You Can Give This Christmas
- Three Ways To Make a Killing Without a College Degree
- 25 Christmas Gift Ideas Under $50. A few fund and inexpensive holiday gift ideas.