Personal Finance

City of Toronto Union Accrued Benefits During Strike – New Mayoral Election System Coming

Please note that this post is very Toronto-centric, very rant-like and also contains a fair bit of fantasy.  Your challenge will be to determine what is truth and what is  fiction.

I read in the Star today that apparently one of the negotiated items in the City of Toronto outside workers strike (aka “The Garbage Strike”) was for the union members to continue to accrue benefits such as sick leave and vacation days during the time they were on strike.  This is unbelievable – they were on strike – why would the city give them credit for anything?  And why stop there?  Why doesn’t the city just pay the workers for their time on the picket line (minus union pay of course).  And it wouldn’t have to be at their old pay, if the city had any heart at all then the “strike wages” would be paid at the new negotiated higher rate.

Kevin Sack who is the city spokesman (fun job) had this to say about it:

City spokesman Kevin Sack said yesterday that granting vacation and sick pay credits for time spent on strike is “standard practice” in back-to-work agreements.

Wow, thanks Kevin for that inside look at the City of Toronto’s bargaining strategy.  Was this issue even talked about or was it just assumed?

Let me just paraphrase Kevin ever so slightly and try to show what I think really happened:

City spokesman Kevin Sack said yesterday that “We got our asses handed to us and by the end of it all, we didn’t know which way was up. David and I were so busy trying to keep up with the union orders demands, that we didn’t know what we were agreeing to”.  “They made us wear women’s lingerie to the meetings, wash their cars before and after each meeting and they kept giving us ‘time outs’ in the corner if we disagreed with anything they said.  It was horrible”  he sobbed.

Another back to work item was the amnesty for various law-breaking union members in exchange for the union not punishing the small percentage of members who crossed the picket lines.  I could write a whole post in this issue but I’ll try to summarize my thoughts concisely (for the first time ever):

Amnesty for law-breaking strikers – As Mark Ferguson – head of local 416 put it:

“The City wanted to terminate and prosecute those few who got a little excited on the picket lines. We made sure of amnesty for everybody involved. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!” he said.

I’m just glad that Mark made those comments at the end of the strike and not the beginning otherwise we might have seen 6 weeks of murder and mayhem in Hogtown as 30,000 members run wild through the streets knowing that amnesty would be on the the way.

Union promises not to punish scabs” – Another quote from Ferguson:

In exchange for City-sanctioned amnesty, the union made what Mr. Ferguson called “the difficult decision” not to punish what the union calls “scabs” — unionized workers who crossed picket lines during the strike.

So the union *promises* not to retaliate against the scabs?  I really hope that Miller insisted on the “cross my heart and hope to die” promise otherwise this will be the first part of the agreement that gets tossed out the window.  I mean really…is the city going to monitor this somehow?  Very naive agreement from the city.

What about David Miller as mayor?

I have to admit that I like David Miller, he’s smart guy, well-spoken, obviously competent at a lot of things and he seems to be doing a reasonable job of running the city.  He has a lot of good qualities except for quite possibly the one thing that the city really needs in a mayor – the ability to negotiate.  Miller has always been known as a “friend of the unions” which doesn’t bode well considering he’s on the other side of the table now but I just think that like myself, he’s just a bad negotiator.  Miller would have sold Manhattan Island for a better price than the natives plus he would have added some benefits as well.  For this reason I think that he would be better of in the private sector where he can use his skills and lying spin ability to forge a good career. In an ideal world it would be great if he could hired to lead the 416 union but that is unlikely to happen (to put it mildly).

I’ve written before about how the big 3 car companies got smoked by the unions every single time their contracts came up and I think part of the problem stems from the fact that a car company CEO gets hired for a lot of talents – negotiating ability is only one talent which may or may not be present in a candidate.  Union leadership on the other hand only requires one talent – the ability to negotiate.  I think that companies and governments in unionized environments should add negotiation skills to their CEO talent searches in order to compete with the unions.

Mike and Mr. Cheap will help decide the next mayor of Toronto

Yes, that’s right – I haven’t told Mr. Cheap yet (shhhh) but I’ve decided that after the silliness of the last little while, the political landscape needs to change in Toronto.  With that in mind here are the changes which will take place.

No more voting for the Mayor – it will be appointment

While Miller was a reasonable choice for mayor, the fact that Lastman got elected clearly indicates that the voters of Toronto have no idea what they doing and won’t be allowed to vote anymore.  Voting for Lastman because of those Bad Boy commercials was stupid and I’m sorry I did it.

Mr. Cheap and I will decide the candidates

The 2 candidates to be considered for Mayor will be selected by myself and Mr. Cheap with one selection each.

Toronto city council will decide who the mayor will be from our 2 candidates

The reason that Mr. Cheap and I won’t make the final decision on the mayor is because we really don’t know the city operations and politics very well.  Plus we really don’t care that much.  Having watched some of the scenes from city hall on the news last week it’s clear to me that city council is not the tight-knit political SWAT team that I had imagined it to be but they have a good (I hope) grasp of the inner workings of the city so they can have the final choice.

So without further adieu…here is my choice for the next election

Mark Ferguson for Mayor!

Yes, Ferguson – the “stays in Vegas” guy I quoted earlier.  Clearly this guy can negotiate and that is the #1 skill that I am looking for in a candidate considering the large budget shortfalls Toronto will be facing.  As he said to his union “We didn’t give up shi*”.  While this omitted the fact that the union did the time-honoured negotiating tactic of selling out each and every future member, he was right.  If this was a hockey game the score would have been 10-1 for the union.

Won’t he have a problem negotiating against his old union?  Not this guy – Ferguson is a negotiator first and union member second.  When Gretzky faced the Oilers in the playoffs in 1989 as a King, did he let up in any way because the Oilers were his old team?  I don’t think so.

What do you think?  Who should Mr. Cheap pick as his candidate?  Who would you pick and why?


Cash for Clunkers Trade-In Program Has Been Reinstated

It’s been announced that the extremely popular Cash for Clunkers trade-in program will be continued after more funding was obtained to pay for the credits.  The Cash for Clunkers program was suspended on July 31 because of a concern that the funding limit ($950 million) might have already been reached.  The original program was intended to run until the money was used up or November 1, 2009 – whichever came first.

[edit Aug 30 – Cash for Appliances program announced – Get rebates for new fridge or other appliances.]

[edit Sept 27 – Cash for Appliances – List of Eligible Appliances]

[edit Dec 9 – Cash for Remodeling]

From Fox news:

The House passed emergency legislation Friday approving an additional $2 billion for the “cash for clunkers” program, whose immediate popularity this week threatened to sink the fledgling program.

Skipping over regular procedure to obtain an immediate floor vote, House Democrats’ presented a bill that would shuffle around funds from the Recovery and Reinvestment Act, an emergency stimulus for the original $1 billion budget for rebates on new cars that lawmakers worried had been exhausted in only a week. The bill passed 316-109.

The idea behind the Cash for Clunkers program is that someone buying a new car can get a large credit ($3500 or $4500) if they trade in their old car and it meets the Cash for Clunkers qualification guidelines.  Basically the old car has to get less than 18 mpg and the new car has to get at least 22 mpg.

Is the Cash for Clunkers payment taxable income?

From Fox News

It was unclear how many cars had been sold under the program. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., said about 40,000 vehicle sales had been completed through the program but dealers estimated they were trying to complete transactions on another 200,000 vehicles, putting the amount of remaining funding in doubt.

This program was very popular for a rather obvious reason – the government was giving a good chunk of money away if you were buying a new car and had an eligible old car to trade in.  Like any stimulus effort, it’s very difficult to determine how effective this new car credit will be.  It’s fairly certain however that the auto industry will be a major beneficiary of the stimulus especially with the new funding.  Recent years saw a domestic car market of about 16 million cars per year.  This year was projected to be only about 10 million cars so if this stimulus can get another million cars sold then that will help the car companies…who conveniently enough are owned by the government.

More articles

Is the Cash for Clunkers program over?

Cash for Clunkers program suspended – here’s why


Cash For Clunkers Ended Because Funding Has Been Used Up

The brand new Cash for Clunkers government program which was designed to help stimulate the car industry as well as the general economy has come to a quick end. The plan was funded with $1 billion for the trade-in credit. The program was to run to November 1, 2009 or until the funding was depleted.

[edit Sept 27 – Cash for Appliances – List of Eligible Appliances]

[edit Aug 30 – Cash for Appliances program announced – Get rebates for new fridge or other appliances.

[edit Dec 9 – Cash for Caulkers

Is the Cash for Clunkers payment considered taxable income?

The way the Cash for Clunkers plan worked was that a person could trade in a car on a new car purchase and as long as they met certain requirements, they would be eligible for $3500 or $4500 which would be applied to the new car purchase. The main criteria was that the difference in mileage between the two cars had to be large enough to qualify for the credit.

It’s been reported that the program has been stopped since the government is worried the claims on trade-in credits might have reached the $950 million limit. I had thought the program would run a lot longer than a few days. If the average credit is $4,000 then you need to have 237,000 eligible trade-ins to use up the money. Some dealers must have been pretty busy! I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that fraud and poor accounting also helped to bring the program to a halt prematurely. It’s very likely that a portion of the deals waiting for approval could be rejected.

From Fox News:

Transportation Department officials called lawmakers’ offices earlier Thursday to alert them of plans to suspend the program as early as Friday. But a White House official said later the program had not been suspended and officials there were assessing their options.

There is a possibility that the program could get extended:

A source told FOX News that senior Congressional leaders, the Obama administration and other lawmakers involved with the program are exploring potential options to either undertake administrative or possibly even Congressional action to infuse the program with cash.

There is a lot of uncertainty regarding how many consumers have made use of the Cash for Clunker program:

A survey of 2,000 dealers by the National Automobile Dealers Association found about 25,000 deals had not yet been approved by NHTSA, or nearly 13 trades per store. It raised concerns that with about 23,000 dealers taking part in the program, auto dealers may already have surpassed the 250,000 vehicle sales funded by the $1 billion program.

More articles

Is the Cash for Clunkers program over?

Cash for Clunkers program suspended – here`s why

Is the Cash for Clunkers program dead?

What’s happening to the Cash for Clunkers program?

Personal Finance

Toronto Garbage Strike Over? – David Miller Cave-In

Well, the garbage (and others) strike is over here in Toronto – I have to say that I thought Miller caved in the end.  My only question is – couldn’t he have gotten this crappy deal a lot sooner?  Most Torontonians weren’t inconvenienced by the strike very much but a lot of businesses were as well as low-income families who lost their daycare.  Oh well – it’s not like it really matters that much.  New York City went bankrupt (or did they?) and they seem to be doing ok.

The big issue for this strike was the sick day banking policy where workers can bank up to 18 sick days (that’s a lot of sick days!) and then take half their future value upon retirement.  For a long-time employee it could result in a maximum of 6 months extra pay upon retirement.  Sweet deal – no wonder they wanted to keep it.

David Miller (Mayor of Toronto) had said that his goal was to eliminate this policy and wanted a deal where existing banked days were paid out and no new days could be accrued.  Fair enough, I can get behind that.  6 weeks later he caves and strikes a deal where the existing sick bank policy is unchanged for existing workers – only new hires won’t be able to bank sick days.  That will save a lot of money…in about 25 years.

To be honest I don’t think the ability to bank sick days is the biggest deal around – I had no idea the City of Toronto employees had it until a couple of months ago, plus lots of other unions have it.  As much as I’d like to see it gone – it’s not going to change my life much either way.

However, the annoying thing about this particular cave-in is that I’m positive this deal could have been done at the beginning of the strike.  Of course I could be wrong since I wasn’t at the table but that seems to be what I’m reading in the papers.  If you are going to try to force the union to make a major concession then you have to ready for a long strike, if not then don’t bother with the strike.  The funny thing is that I think most Torontonians were behind Miller since everyone who doesn’t work for the city thinks the union workers are all a bunch of overpaid slackers.  Miller had a golden chance to get a good concession – if not on the sick bank, then on something else and he blew it.

If I’m lyin’ I’m dyin’

One of the oddest thing I read in the paper today was a description of the David Miller news conference where he kept trying to insist that the sick day banking policy had been “eliminated”.  Here is an excerpt from the Toronto Star from the news conference which was strangely reminiscent of the Monty Python dead parrot skit.

To add insult to injury, Miller now insists on selling spoiled goods. “We’ve eliminated the sick bank,” he said, 12 TV cameras rolling and frustrated reporters rolling their eyes yesterday. Torontonians should be “extremely pleased,” he said. And no doubt, at least the 30,000 strikers are – even if they are miffed at walking the picket line for five weeks to maintain the status quo.

But tried as he may, armed with lawyerly hairsplitting and a politician’s doublespeak, he couldn’t convince that Toronto’s five-week municipal strike was worth the trouble.

The sick-bank “phase-out” saves “millions and millions and tens of millions.” But asked to be specific, Miller said he didn’t know and refused to “speculate.”

Told that he couldn’t say the sick banks are ended when workers still have the choice of sticking with the old sick-days plan, Miller persisted:

“The provision is ended.”

“Why the doublespeak? Why do you continue to do this?” a reporter challenged.

“With great respect,” the mayor said, “I don’t think this is doublespeak; this is the fact.”

Well, you judge.

A 35-year-old civic worker, employed for 10 years, is entitled to continue banking 18 sick days a year, and do so for the next 30 years – and the mayor says the provision is ended.

Pushed and cajoled, Miller adopted a compromise offered by Star reporter Donovan Vincent. “Phase-out.”

Some Links From Around the Web

Baker from Man vs. Debt has another great update from his big voyage to Australia and now New Zealand with his family.

Baker also sent this “motivational” link – I have to admit it was quite inspirational

Million Dollar Journey gave some advice to a reader about paying down debt or investing – I thought his advice was spot on.

Financial Blogger tells an interesting story about a friend of his who flew his girlfriend to London (the overseas one) for a weekend to propose.  While this sounds neat I thought this was a bit over the top.  Personally I’d rather do the proposal somewhere cheap (like my living room for example) and then spend the money on a honeymoon later on.

The rest of the links

The Dividend Guy talks about alternative investments.

The Oblivious Investor wrote about low-cost, socially responsible mutual funds.

Top Economy Blog says that the economic recovery has started.  But it might take a while

Canadian Capitalist did a review of Scotia iTrade discount brokerage.

The Intelligent Speculator says that Yahoo is toast.

Good Financial Cents has some Cash for Clunkers Tax Rules.

Investing School has a comparison of online brokerages (American).

ABCs of Investing wrote about the risks of fixed income investments (such as bonds).

Money Ning did a Trade Monster review.


Festival of Frugality

Carnival of Money Hacks

Personal Finance

Spending Cash Is the Same As Borrowing If You Have Debts

A common financial strategy for someone who is trying to pay off their debts is to allocate some of their savings into a different account which might be used for some sort of fun.  The idea is that while you want to focus on paying off debts – ie have some gazelle intensity, you should also be realistic about your focus and give yourself some rewards along the way to stay motivated.

I think this is a perfectly reasonable thing to do although I would argue that someone who has excessive debt has already had their fun and then some.  One problem however is that sometimes people will make a purchase saying that they “saved for it” or “paid cash for it” which makes it a financially responsible action.

The fact is that if you have money in cash instead of using it to pay off debts, then you are essentially borrowing that money at the rate of your highest interest rate loan minus the net amount of interest earned on the cash (which these days is jack squat).  This is the logic behind not having a cash emergency fund (or not having a large one) since you are paying a high premium to keep the money in cash.

I’m not suggesting that everyone who has any debts shouldn’t buy anything non-essential until the debts are gone, nor am I suggesting that you can’t have some fun along the way.  What I would suggest is that you shouldn’t base any purchase decisions on how much cash you might have on hand but rather on your overall financial situation which includes your goals.  At the very least, don’t pretend that some of your money is “special” and doesn’t apply to the rest of your finances – it’s all one big bucket of money and debts.

If you are committed to paying off some or all your debts before taking any rewards then you should stick to that goal.  Having some cash in a different account or receiving some sort of bonus shouldn’t affect your strategy at all.  This is not to say you can’t change your goals (I change mine all the time) but don’t cheat on your financial plan


LinkStuff For July 27

Penelope Brazen writes a great blog which can sometimes be painful to read because of the things she shares.  This post about why honesty is the best policy (my title) is the most honest and painful one so far.

Money Grubbing Lawyer talks about the renovation butterfly effect.  This is when you improve one thing in your house and everything else looks like crap as a result.

Million Dollar Journey sprinkles his lawn with dividends.

The Oblivious Investor talks about closet index funds and how to avoid them.

Canadian Capitalist did a book review on Squawkfox’s 397 ways to save money.

ABCs of Investing wrote about blue chip stocks.


Carnival of Twenty Something Finances

Bankruptcy and Debt Carnival

Carnival of Road to Financial Independence

Money Hacks Carnival

Festival of Frugality

Carnival of Financial Planning

Personal Finance

Canon PowerShot 200SX – New Point And Shoot Camera

CanonCameraI recently picked up a new digital (what else?) point and shoot camera. I’ve been the happy owner of a Canon Digital Elph from 2002 (2.1 megapixels) but in the last few years it started to fade. The battery doesn’t work as well and the speed of the shots, particularly inside photos was very slow – up to several seconds. This is tolerable for landscape scenery shots but for toddlers it just doesn’t cut it. Often we would try to take a photo of one of the kids and by the time the camera got its act together, the toddler would be in the next room.
Our solution was to buy a Sony DSLR A350 camera (which will be the topic of another post) because they are very quick. The drawback of the DSLR is the size – it’s like lugging around a separate piece of luggage if you go somewhere. It occurred to me that some of the great features of our DSLR like the anti-shake function should be available on a point’n shoot as well. I thought if I could get a camera that would take better pictures than my old Canon and the size didn’t increase then it might make a great “traveler” camera – one that I could take the kid’s park or on a bike ride.

Researching cameras

I knew that I wanted a modern day version of my old Canon – some quick Googling reassured me that the digital elph line was still around.  I then checked out a great post on how to buy a beginner digital camera over at “The Fox“.  I then exchanged a few emails with the royal Squawkers herself and got a whole bunch of more info on the topic.  Talking to other people can be quite helpful – especially if that person is “The Fox”.

The criteria

My criteria was very flexible but the basic criteria was as follows:

  • Price under $500.
  • Small and portable – ie similar to my old camera.
  • Anti-shake function.   In my opinion this is a key feature that helps improve photos.

The choice

I narrowed the choice down to 2 great cameras:  The Canon PowerShot SX200 ($400 at FutureShop) which is basically the modern day equivalent to my old camera or the Canon Powershot G10 ($529 at FutureShop).  The G10 had more mega-pixels which I didn’t really care about but it seemed to be a pretty good camera that was rated quite favorably in Consumers Reports.  The drawback of the G10 compared to the 200sx was size – although not a big camera the 200sx was significantly smaller than the G10.  I decided to go with the Canon 200sx since it fit the bill exactly for what I wanted.

The purchase

I bought the camera at Future Shop for $400 (since reduced to $379).  I also got an 8 GB memory card (there isn’t one with the camera) and a camera bag ($21).  I decided to try my “negotiating” skills when purchasing and asked the salesperson if I get a reduction in price for any of the items.  She told me yes, I could get a “package deal” – I was pretty pleased with myself but what she did was lower the price of the camera to $330 and add in a $100 extended warrantee (4 years).  The net effect was that I could have the extended warrantee for $30.  I wasn’t going to accept it since I hate EWs (I think generally they are a ripoff) however I thought that paying less than 10% of the purchase price for 3 additional years of warrantee wasn’t a bad deal.  Normally the extended warrantee costs are 30-40% of the purchase price which makes it hard to come out ahead.  It also includes an “annual lense cleaning” which I had never had done on my old camera but I figured I could probably do it once before the warrantee ran out.

After-purchase thoughts

I’ve had the camera for a couple of weeks and it is fantastic.  It’s hard to believe how much difference there is in this camera and my old Canon.  Ironically I think I paid $500 for the old camera 7 years ago and my new camera cost $400 for something far superior.

Some things that I really like and didn’t necessarily expect:

  • Picture quality.  I don’t really know anything about cameras or photography and most of my pics so far have looked pretty good.  Even the inside shots are pretty decent.
  • Video.   The video quality is amazing.  I had assumed it would be a bit better than the rather bad video of my old camera but I was quite amazed at how good it was.  The camera has a speaker so you can listen to the video sound when replaying it on the camera.
  • Zoom.   The zoom is quite impressive.  It doesn’t compare to a larger camera with the add-on zoom lense but it’s pretty good.  Again, a huge improvement over the old camera.
  • Size and portability.  The camera is only a bit bigger than my old camera so it fits into a small camera bag and can be strapped onto my belt.  I have no problem taking it anywhere.  I knew this before I bought it but it’s still worth mentioning since it is one of the big benefits of this particular camera.

Read my review of the Sony DLSR A350 camera.


Make Home Affordable Refinance Program Changes Eligibility Requirements For Easier Refinancing

The Make Home Affordable mortgage refinance and modification program was announced earlier this year as part of the 2009 stimulus package.  The idea behind this refinancing program was to enable some home owners who are having difficulty making payments on their house a way to refinance even though they wouldn’t normally qualify because their mortgage is worth more than 80% of the house.  With a little bit of help, hopefully these home owners can keep their house and get back on track.

Allowable Loan to Value ratio (LTV) has been increased to 125% from 105%

When this refinance program was first announced – it only applied to home owners who had a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio of between 80% and 105%.  This meant that if the value of your outstanding mortage (the amount still owing) divided by the value of the house was between 0.8 and 1.05 then you might qualify for this loan modification.  However, it appears that not many people have been able to take advantage of this program so the government decided as of July 1 that the criteria for loan modification would be eased to allow more home owners to get their mortgage refinanced.  The new rule is that the loan-t0-value (LTV) has to be between 80% and 125%.  In other words if your outstanding mortage (the amount still owing) divided by the value of the house was between 0.8 and 1.25 then you might qualify for this loan modification.

This is great news for home owners who didn’t have a high enough house value to qualify under the old rules but can now apply.  This article answers the question – Do I qualify for the Making Home Affordable Refinance program?

How do I calculate the Loan to Value ratio (LTV)?

Ok, so maybe math isn’t your strong suit.  Here are the steps to calculate your loan to value ratio to see if it falls between 80% and 125% which is what you need for this refinancing program.

Step 1 – Determine how much you owe on your mortgage

You should be able to check online with your mortgage provider or by telephone to see how much you owe on your mortgage.  Perhaps you get a statement mailed to you from your mortgage provider which will contain this information.  It’s important to note that you only want the amount of mortgage that you still owe.  This is not the original amount of the mortgage when you bought the house!

If you don’t have the exact mortgage amount in front of you then don’t worry – just estimate as best you can and verify the exact amount later.

Step 2 – Determine the value of your house.

This value should be the appraised value of the house.  I would suggest calling your mortgage broker to see if they can help obtain this value.  If you don’t have a proper appraisal then just estimate as best you can.

Step 3 – Do the calculation

The basic calculation is to divide the mortgage amount owing by the house value.  So for example if your house value is $300,000 and the amount owing on your mortgage is $312,000 then you should divide $312,000 by $300,000.  To get the percent then multiply by 100.  in this example the answer to $312,000 / $300,000 * 100 = 104% which is within the criteria of this program.