I get a lot of requests to do guest posts for Four Pillars so I thought I would publicize some guidelines for these. As well, I’m also interested in paid writers as well.
Benefits of writing for Four Pillars
Writing for Four Pillars is a great opportunity to share your experience and knowledge with a large readership and gain experience and feedback about your writing. If you are a blogger or writer, this is a great way to build your professional portfolio and/or drive traffic to your website.
Writing opportunities
I am interested in publishing articles by guest authors as well as adding a paid writing position or two for selected topics. The paid articles would be on a freelance basis. Please contact me for more information including article requirements and payment details. My email is qffpillars at gmail dot com.
Guest post guidelines for Four Pillars
Guest Posts do not receive payment but are a great way to gain experience and exposure for your website, or to build your portfolio. Please use these guidelines:
- Articles should be well-written, must be original, and should not have been previously published elsewhere.
- Articles should be related to personal finance in some way. Please e-mail me with proposed topics if in doubt.
- Please include a short author bio with a link back to your website and RSS feed if applicable.
- Feel free to add a reasonable number of links back to your own web site within the content, but please do not use this as an opportunity to stuff the article full of keywords.
- I retain full editorial and approval rights, including removing and/or substituting links.
- No affiliate links.
- Feel free to send image recommendations with the article. Please only include images that allow for derivatives unless you own the image (Flicker is a great source of images that allow for derivatives under the Creative Commons License).
- Guest posts can be republished on your site after a minimum of 3 months have passed.
- Please send articles in html or in a Word document (html preferred).
If you are a writer and would like to submit an article for consideration, please send me a message via my contact form or email to qffpillars at gmail dot com. I look forward to working with you!
The differences between the paid articles and guest articles:
- Ownership – Paid submissions become the property of this website; guest articles may be republished by the author after a minimum of 3 months has passed. Anyone can apply for either position at any time.
- Links – Guest posters will be allowed more leeway in terms of links back to their own sites.
Thanks to Cash Money Life, Moolanomy and Good Financial Cents for their inspiration for this post (ie I copied them).