First off – last week we had a competition for two $25 Smarty Pig gift cards and the winners were Debbie and Kate. They have been contacted and will receive their cards shortly. SmartyPig is only available to Americans but for any Canadians looking for a $25 bonus for opening up an account check out my ING $25 bonus page.
Some links
Thicken My Wallet had a great post on the riskiness of starting your own business. He argues that starting a new business is not as risky as the general public assumes it is.
BBC News – Why do people often vote against their own interests? I really liked this article since it addresses something I’ve wondered about – the opposition to health care reform in the US by people who would benefit from it. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard the sentiment “I don’t want the government deciding my health care”. Meanwhile, right now it’s the insurance companies that decide their healthcare (if they can afford the premiums).
Fantastic roundup at Len Penzo’s blog.
Million Dollar Journey gives his views on the Talking About Finances With Your Aging Parents … or Grown Kids
Preet is Severing The Link Between Price and Weight Part I
Financial Blogger talks about fixing up your house for a better sale.
Canadian Capitalist recommends watching The card game on PBS.
The Intelligent Speculator has the best oil stock picks for 2010.
ABCs of Investing wrote about money market mutual funds.
Carnival of Personal Finance
Carnival of Mutual Funds 4 :Beat Mutual Funds