A Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians out there! If you don’t feel like reading any money articles – check out Funny food turkeys, which is a post my wife did a couple of years ago.
Last weekend I went to Chicago for the first annual Financial Blogger Convention. I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoyed that conference. Well, actually I can – read my complete conference review if you are interested.
Chicago has some rivers/canals going through the downtown area which is very neat. We did an architectural boat tour and I’ve included a couple of pics.
It was really good to finally meet up with people that I’ve known online for several years and have never met in person. There were too many people to list, but I was especially happy to finally meet Mike Piper from the Oblivious Investor, who has been a great book publishing mentor to me. There have been many, many emails between us over the last year and half since I started my first book and I’m thinking I probably should have bought him dinner or for that matter – paid for his trip for all the help he has given me. Maybe next year I’ll buy him a drink. 😉

Other people I met up with that readers of this blog might know:
- Krystal Yee from Give me back my five bucks.
- Mike H from the Financial Blogger.
- Tom Drake from MapleMoney.
- Adam Meyers – editor of Moneyville.ca.

Media mention
Katherine Scarrow from the Globe & Mail wrote a good article: Don’t let home maintenance costs crush your budget. She mentioned my recent post about estimating home maintenance costs.
On with the links
Ever wonder how to make your own homemade dishwasher detergent and rinse agent? Me neither. But after noticing there was almost 550 comments on this article, I’m a bit intrigued. Plus we keep running out of the stuff and it doesn’t work that well. I’d love to try more DIY solutions for common products, mainly because I’m curious as to how they are made.
Josh wrote about Five ways to bust procrastination on Krystal’s blog – I really like the last point about opportunity cost, which was crystallized (no pun intended) in the comments by Josh –
“Do I want to pay $40 to read the NY Times right now?”
No – no, I don’t! There is a cost to everything and that includes the time you spend reading articles that don’t really need to be read.
Canadian Capitalist shows how currency unhedged portfolios are less volatile. Both CC and I are big fans of unhedged foreign investing which is a fancy way of saying we like to invest in other countries, with their currency.
Jeremy from GenXFinance wrote a great post on how to be a conservative investor. It’s written from an American point of view, but it’s valid for Canadians. A good read.
Evan from My Journey to Millions had an interesting piece on people who should grow up (not exactly the words he used). He’s right – just because you aren’t successful, doesn’t mean it isn’t your fault.
The Finance Buff had a very good article where he comments on how a lot of people have an irrational sensitivity to service price increases.
Million Dollar Journey updates on his 2011 stock picks. FT did pretty well and might be a contender this year!
Thousandaire has some advice for “occupy Wall Street” movement.
Cash Money Life says that banks have a right to make a profit.
Wealth Informatics has an indepth analysis on how large her emergency fund should be.
3 replies on “LinkStuff – Turkey Day Edition”
Haha. You must understand that I was just as excited to meet you. 🙂
How’s the push-ups coming along?
@Paul – Pretty good. Not making much progress in terms of getting to 100 pushups, but I’m still doing them.
My typical workout is 10,12,10,10 and about 30 for the last set.