When will the $250 Social Security stimulus check be mailed?
This is not known at this time but if the bill passes Congress then it is expected that the checks will be mailed sometime in the first quarter of 2010.
Will Social Security Payments Be Paid If United States Defaults On Debt?
Will there be a stimulus check in 2010
Yes, there will be a $250 stimulus check for social security recipients as well as a $250 stimulus check for SSI recipients as well.
How much is the 2010 Social Security raise?
Unfortunately because inflation was so low in 2009 there is no cost of living increase or “raise” in the Social Security payments for 2010. This has however given rise to the $250 Social Security stimulus check which will be payable in 2010.
Will seniors get the $250 stimulus check?
You have to be receiving Social Security, SSI and a few other select criteria in order to receive the check.
What should I do with my $250 check?
There are many options for this money. Admittedly it’s not a huge pile of cash but every little bit counts!
- Reduce debt – If you have any outstanding credit card debt or personal debts then $250 would probably help to pay it down.
- Buy something – Need some new clothes or want to buy an consumer item? If your finances allow this then the $250 can be used for that.
- Donate it – If you don’t need the money then give it to someone who really needs it. A charity, relative or friend would probably really appreciated the cash.
More info
Will the $250 stimulus check for 2010 be enough money?
Will there be a stimulus check in 2010?]
Will there be a $250 stimulus check in 2011 for Social Security Recipients?
Will there be a $250 stimulus check in 2011 for SSI Recipients?
293 replies on “Social Security Stimulus Check 2010 – FAQ”
It seems that here in the State of California, our governor is more interested in funding programs for illegals, gangs and terrorists than he is in helping the seniors and the disabled. We have funded this country for many years by following the laws, working and paying taxes, contributing to the ecomomy and supporting the nation as a whole, through education, taxes, work, Armed Services, etc. Now that we need and are entitled to benefits, they cut seniors out, yet feed anf fund many many programs for illegal aliens, at the expense of all Americans and older people. It seems to me that we would be better off to get our own country back on track and let the Mexicans work on their own country. They have violence, drugs. most are alcoholics and lazy. I see them as cowards because instead of working to improving their own country, they take over ours and just bring thier low class, violent, and uneducated peons over here. Everything is FREE in America, right? If you are Mexican, it is!!
will children who get survivors benefits get a $250 check????
will children who get survivors benefits get a $250 check????
I rather have cola raise than 250 one time check. I advice ya try apply food stamp again. Last year they turn me down on food stamp. 2 weeks ago I applied again and suprised I got approved. I know it hard on every on that on disability check. I am on that check too and it is not easy. Once I get the check on the 3rd. I pay the bill, hopefully I have enough money for the food and clothing for my children. Most of time we are short on food. I do go to food bank, we have to pay 10 dollars to get food at food bank, but the last two week it hard for me to keep the 10 dollars to go to the food bank. I just keep thinking positive and hope thing will get better. I am not blaming on the president or anything, I just disagree with the cola not increasing for 2010 because of low cost. I have seen on my own eye that thing has gone up and nothing is cheap any more. I hope 2010 will be better year for every one, just think positive. I am thankfull that now I got foodstamp. We have more food now then we ever had in the past. Please go try again applied for the food stamp.
yes it is real just got it. 190.00 they take taxes out of it
carl- what did you get that’ real? thanks just, wondering
To Carl What are you talking about???????and how did you get this? I have heard nothing nor recieved anything..p;lease explain…
I would like to dare congress and the senate to try to live on 3 or even 4 times my ssd check plus the full amount of food stamps for each of there family members,I would even be genrous and give them a $200 monthly stipend for clothing “gos a dam long way at the salvation army.btw- I receive no such stipend. And id also invite them to take a 3 percent raise on that every year while we get no raise. Freeze your bank accounts for 2 years. With intrest incruing. Do this for 2 years no less and we the public can sit back and watch you cry like blathering crybabys how you could not even afford the 99cent value meal at mcdonalds. And had to eat on the souplines that turn out soup worse than the old soviet gulag system. Do this now and maybe you will get a slight modicum of respect back from the public. The us goverment definetly lives a life more opulent than the iraqi goverment did,from the lowliest peon to the head cheese.I’m starting to think genocide of the old,poor,mentaly ill,the physicaly handicapped is slowly but surely becoming the agenda of our goverment,by famine,lack of decent health care,and by making sure basic necessitys like food,shelter,electricity,prices become unaffordable while tvs,cars,rea
I can’t figure out why anyone might worry about what some Mexican might get (not much likely – they don’t even get paid when they work sometimes) when the bankers and insurance execs and Wall St gamblers are taking away billions of taxpayers’ money because they LOST their BETS.
please keep me updated thanks
to Carol, You are lucky to get internet for $12.95 a month. We don’t get much enjoyment out of life with what we have to live on…So this is great. I’am going to have to find a cheaper internet services because they raised my rates… I feel for everyone. I never hear about the stimulus payment anymore so i have a feeling we are not going to get it. I wish you well and also to all the others on this site may 2010 be a better year for all….. Ayzle
Well, Obama has not mentioned the 250 dollar rebate check yet so i have doubt it will happen. Still crossing fingers! I think it’s such a tragedy what happened in Haiti and i’m glad our gov. is helping with funding money to help. I would love to help by sending blankets and things needed that i have extra of! Then i see a statement saying from the gov.-“I know a lot of people want to send blankets or water. Just send your cash,” added Bush. Well, some of us on poverty level of income do not have money to send! Blankets, hygiene products are things i can send. People need these things too. Our Government justs always wants our money! I think people trying to donate needy items is a nice gesture but our gov. does not want us too. Well, since so may of us can’t afford to send money because we don’t have it to give but we may have household items to send!
Most of our rulers haven’t suffered a day in their lives. Especially Bush.
Please read this article from SSA- it was written in Oct,2009 about 250 rebate check- http://www.socialsecurity.gov/pressoffice/pr/2010cola-pr.htm
I sent an email to this person about the recovery act- you can email this person to- Mark Lassiter, Press Officer
[email protected]
g!na, and all others conserned. I am not condoning all that our government has requested related to donations to Haiti. However I agree to the request not to send any items such as blankets and other items. This would be a logistics nightmare. Cash can be used to provide the victims with their basc needs. Maybe you could consider this — the shipping costs to send used blankets and other household items you mentioned would out weigh the value of your donations. Instead of sending these items you could just send the money you were going to spend on postage to send them. This way the victims will benifit from your good intensions and it won’t cost you anything but the postage you were willing to invest sending your household items. If you still have household items to donate then drop them off at a Goodwill or Salvation Army donation center and you would be able to deduct these from your taxes.
LOL – If you can’t afford to send money, you probably don’t need tax deductions! I wondered about sending stuff, too – there are some charitable efforts, like some reservations and Mexican charities, that welcome such deliveries, and Common Ground post-Katrina only took donations of medical and clothing and such supplies. But apparently, after the Indonesian tsunami the boxes of stuff were a nightmare and many people sent inappropriate stuff like leftover prescriptions and half used personal cosmetics, etc. I will send a small donation to Irish Concert or the Haitian Emergency Relief Fund. I can’t send much, but if lots of people send $5 or $10, it will add up. Most Haitians don’t make that much $ in a day. However, this is a good time to put pressure on government to provide debt forgiveness, for instance and hopefully stop the IMF from imposing austerity measures along with its ‘loan’ to Haiti. The Haitians DON’T need more debt! Those international loans from IMF and the World Bank are a huge part of the problem.
Yes Anne, you are right. I should have not said anything about the tax deduction. And you were right about sending stuff to India. It did cause problems. And I think it would be even worst doing the same now. What I am doing is sending what cash I can to the Red Cross.
I gave up on the red cross after katrina, when they collected MUCH more money than they used there and claimed that they are not required to use the $ collected during a disaster for THAT disaster. Irish Concern (not concert!) has very low overhead and is expert at dealing with hunger. ut I think the Haitian Emergency Relief Fund might be better this time cause they concentrate on grass roots self help.
There is no way that Carl received his stimulus check, Congress hasnn’t even APPROVED it yet !!! And they don’t take taxes out either.
Hi everyone i did not get it it was a freind of mine. but i have been reading it on the web also. I have read that they have intel march. God Bless
To Ruby Golden…whoaa, let’s not lose focus here! This is about a much needed $250.00 check to extremely needy people which President Obama proposed by himself. I don’t recall requesting him to fix the nation’s economy by sending us this check, nor recall even asking for it. Again, I ask, why did he get our hopes up without following through in a timely manner? This is about a humanitarian gesture, and not about a handout. Conversely, neither is this proposed check meant to solve economic woes of this nation. We can thank all politicians for the last thirty years for that. I think the focal point is not about the national debt, but rather about a drop in the bucket check, which we need badly, and when we can recieve it. This is not a referendum on President Obama’s agenda; we just want answers about this paltry sum.
I just find it extremely galling that our commander and chief makes a statement that we would receive a small token consolation to ease our financial burdens and then think just because he doesent talk about it again figures we would forget a sum of money that would ease our lives no matter how small this gesture, this man is so ignorant to our needs I would turn republican in a heartbeat to someone who dident pretend we don’t exist.why is no one holding this man accountable to his statement?
I’m starting to think mr. Obama just doesent have the cojones to just up and tell the starving american folk something like,, we are not going to help needy americans on social security because that money will be emarked to bail out the banking bonus system,or genral motors needs another another trillion or two so tough luck folks,remember recycle those soup bones! And there’s plenty of street meat for all!! If you like pigeon or rat that 0 cents a pound.
Don’t underestimate the value to the economy of money given to low income people. We put more of our money back into the community than the wealthy do. That is why a raise in the minimum wage tends to stimulate the economy. We don’t have much choice – we SPEND it. And the pres. knows it. Even so, the Bankers and Wall St gamblers will win any contest. Here is the problem. Before anyone can make a credible run for an important office, s/he must win another race – the MONEY race. Without vast sums, no one can afford the TV and other ads that are now necessary to win. If we could take the money out of politics, we might be able to salvage our republic. Public campaign financing won’t work, because the candidate with the most pro-corporate message knows s/he can out-draw the other guy and will break ranks. The other guy will then have to tailor his or her message to please the wealthy and abandon public financing too. We’d have to force the media to cover politics as news, restore the Fairness Doctrine, and outlaw paid advertising. Otherwise, anyone we elect MUST serve their true masters and constituents – the rich and the corporations: the ruling class. Considering that a fairly large segment of the population is repeatedly talked into voting against their own economic interests by the sheer force of advertising and editorializing by corporate media that can hardly be considered neutral in these matters, what are the odds?
george h- i agree with you! Obama mentions this 250 rebate check in Oct. and than never mentions it again. Does he think we forgot? even though it’s a small amount it’s something that can helps us! Though Obama doesn’t live in poverty like some of us so he would think that 250 is peanuts which is a lot to some of us! he never has to live on the amount that i struggle everyday to live on! POLITICIANS DON’T GET IT! THEY WOULD NEVER SURVIVE LIVING ON 650 A MONTH! They just don’t understand until they walk in our shoes!
To all readers that are interested I have the factual infomation on the
$250.00 stimulus check that we all have been wondering about. On January the 21st. 2010 I called the Social Security office and talked to them about the stimulus check for $250.00 for Social Security and disablity recipients. I was informed that the money was preposed to congress and is still there unresolved. They said that if congress approves it we will get the $250.00 tax free dollars. If that happens then all interested parties will be notified. However as mentioned aboved it has not as of this date been approved. And it may not pass meaning of course we will not get the one time payment. So don’t hold your breath on this one. Maybe we will be remembered next year.
Good luck and best wishes for all,
Couldn”t we all just call the dumb A$$ every day & remind him ?????
No cost of living increase for Social Security receipients THEN NO TAX INCREASES for US Taxpayer Citizens.
I for one was counting on the stimulus. I’ll probably have my phone turned off, my care insurance cancelled and possibly become homeless if I don’t. I think Obama is against us, not for us. I believe he is the antiChrist and a terrorist. He doesn’t care about us. He has an agenda, scheming to destroy our country and turn it into a communist govt. He doesn’t care one iota about the poor or elderly. If I’m wrong, Barach Hussain, how about if you prove me wrong.
Michael – watch Fox [Faux] news much? LOL
All this president and his Congressional gang can do is blame Bush for all of their screwing up from the day they took office. I wouldn’t believe him or his regime on any thing they say. This country really screwed up when they voted in this bunch of knuckleheads just to make history. Well, they are making it allright. They are competing against 1929 and trying to outdo Hoover. At this rate, they will be a shoo-in for the biggest economic disaster in the history of our once great free nation!
@C.SMITH – ARE YOU SERIOUS? If the Bush gang had gotten their way, Social Security would have been gambled away on Wall St. by now. The GOP have never approved of SS or Medicare, and have worked to undermine and destroy them since they were instituted. It actually frightens me that anyone can be so unaware of the Rep party’s historic stance toward such social programs. Bush WAS a disaster – which is not to say that Obama has done anything much to undo what Bush did. They are both working in service to the banksters.
Has any one conatcted anyone even the local new’s will do a follow up if asked , I dont understand he couldnt just say and then forget what was said ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Some one call the news have them do a follow up even give them these links to our boards as proof how much that extra is needed
Amy,have you tried this? The goverment has total control of this not being mentioned by the newspaper or television media,this is one of his first steps towards obamas communist america I’m sorry to say. I just hope we don’t start disapearing one by one when they discover our web site.
After reading this on the net this morning, I doubt we will get any kind of a stimulus payment for a long time…..
‘The freeze on so-called discretionary programs would have only a modest impact on a deficit expected to match last year’s $1.4 trillion. The steps needed to really tackle the deficit include tax increases and curbs on benefit programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
That’s the idea driving the Obama-backed plan to create a special task force to come up with a plan to curb the spiraling budget deficit. But the Senate sponsors of the plan say it’s attracted too much opposition from the right and left to prevail.
Republicans say the panel ? it would try to develop a deficit reduction blueprint after the November elections for a vote before the new Congress convenes ? would lead to big tax hikes. Democratic opponents say they don’t want to vote on proposals to cut benefit programs like Social Security without being able to shape the plan.’
Anyways, amy I am talking truth,I’ve talked to the local editor here in my town and he says he dares not call the priesident on his words lest they face heavy censure,this is what america has come to no mo9re freedom of the press, my grandfather said if he knew it would turn this way him and many others would not have risked life and. Limb because wee being ruled by those same long ago leaders they stopped in the world wars
do you still think will get 250 rebate check after reading this?
Look at the situation! The president is ignoring the fact that the Wall St gamlers who destroyed the economy are scraping up all the chips instead of being marched off to jail) and patting each other on the back, and laughing at us, while we niggle over pennies. Oh PLEASE Mr. President…………….Please
I guess I’m just being paranoid about this check thing,if the preisident said we will get one,WE WILL GET ONE, they are just a little late and withn a month we will have our money,I do not believe the pres would lie about what doesent even add up to a hill of beans to our goverment when it means so much to the poor,hungry,desprate struggling, AMERICANS so let’s give it a chance before rioting in the streets,just have to wait a little longer that’s all tighten your belt one more notch. For one more month,good luck everybody our pres. Hasent self destructed YET.
george h- I like your positivity! WE just need to be patient and hope for the best!
check this out guys..
Thanks for that angie and thank you god for that,so many people I know are depending on this for simple survival this news couldent have come at a better time,hopefully some of the people i know whose heap supplement is used up already due to this extra cold winter can get the electric company to wait till late march before shutting off their electricity on the news that the payment will be then,but thanks for that light at the tunnel news
i read the link Angie gave and thank you Angie for posting it. One question, Congress still has to approve it but chances are more in are favor do you believe?
Your welcome guys.
I sure hope it passes….
Don’t spend this all in one place, because my husband got the 250 last year and when we went to do our taxes they deducted it from our refund. What a joke………
@ T – then you need a new tax preparer, because that was NOT supposed to be taxable.
Now, many people are saying we will not get the 250 rebate check after his speech tonight! he never mentioned it!
Sure hope we get that check It is much needed here