When will the $250 Social Security stimulus check be mailed?
This is not known at this time but if the bill passes Congress then it is expected that the checks will be mailed sometime in the first quarter of 2010.
Will Social Security Payments Be Paid If United States Defaults On Debt?
Will there be a stimulus check in 2010
Yes, there will be a $250 stimulus check for social security recipients as well as a $250 stimulus check for SSI recipients as well.
How much is the 2010 Social Security raise?
Unfortunately because inflation was so low in 2009 there is no cost of living increase or “raise” in the Social Security payments for 2010. This has however given rise to the $250 Social Security stimulus check which will be payable in 2010.
Will seniors get the $250 stimulus check?
You have to be receiving Social Security, SSI and a few other select criteria in order to receive the check.
What should I do with my $250 check?
There are many options for this money. Admittedly it’s not a huge pile of cash but every little bit counts!
- Reduce debt – If you have any outstanding credit card debt or personal debts then $250 would probably help to pay it down.
- Buy something – Need some new clothes or want to buy an consumer item? If your finances allow this then the $250 can be used for that.
- Donate it – If you don’t need the money then give it to someone who really needs it. A charity, relative or friend would probably really appreciated the cash.
More info
Will the $250 stimulus check for 2010 be enough money?
Will there be a stimulus check in 2010?]
Will there be a $250 stimulus check in 2011 for Social Security Recipients?
Will there be a $250 stimulus check in 2011 for SSI Recipients?
293 replies on “Social Security Stimulus Check 2010 – FAQ”
Hi Seniors, since the Democrats and the Republican both rejected our 2010 Stimulis ck and gave themselves a raise we, need to get rid of both parties at the next election. We have been paying them to much to long and for what? So it is up to us.
i would like to know why some people are getting stimulus checks in
certain places and others are not : what is going on could someone
please let me know something.Because in my area i have heard and
actually seen a letter stating that this friend of mine will be getting his/her check soon. Why are some saying the stimulus was passed and some are saying it was not. I do not know what News stations you all have
been watching ,but you need to watch the ones that are reporting the correct news.
I am really way beyond fighting for $5 more a month, when the state has taken $50 out of my already pitiful Soc Sec/SSI. Heaven forbid that we should have enough money to live decently! We are being robbed and the government is gearing up to ‘rethink’ social security. Just as with Clinton’s welfare ‘reform’ – which led to the average age of homeless people to be 9 years old – it takes a Democrat to do what the right wing and the Wall St. gamblers and crooked bankers (because they ARE) wanted to do, but couldn’t.
What do you mean they are rethinking SS? They are not going to take it away are they? There are so many rules on SS that I can’t work enough to make it if it were cut.
Thise scares me that if this were suddenly cut what would I do? This is why I am trying to get my master’s in psychology so I can teach online courses so I can get off SS and SSI. I could teach online courses even when I am elderly because I would just work from home.
They made up new rules to take away the cola this year so I imagine they could do the same with SS. I hope not!
I can’t work full time without SS and SSI. Since I am disabled I have a hard time holding down jobs and working more than a few hours per day.
ANymore word on if and/or exactly when we can expect the 2010 stimulus check? It usre is hard living on under $800 a month, and this little “boost” will sure help alot !
D – no were not getting it, congress denied it March, 4,2010
call this person out of office -Republican Senator Judd Gregg, he denied our stimulus check & our yearly raise!
and if it couldn’t get any worse for SSI/SSDI people. The gov. is going to cut your check if you owe any kind of school loans,medical bills etc.. even past 10 yrs ago! http://finance.yahoo.com/retirement/article/109011/defaulted-loans-may-haunt-seniors?mod=retire-planning
for thosse of u living in different states,there r different rules.in the state of alabama comgress didnt even pass the bill yet for us to get the stimulus checks because i’ve checked with the social security in my area.it has not passed yet.
to margaret yakimovich : No state will receive it. Congress voted against it on MArch 4th. the vote was 50 to 47 against it.
when the senate rejected the stimulous, president obama, sent the bill over to the house for approval, where it is sitting right now… who knows when they will get around to passing it, or if they will
@ margaret – it isn’t a state matter, it;s federal.
@ margaret – it isn’t a state matter, it’s federal.
better check ur local government office then,it didnt pass yet,i know because i checked with my local government office
ima rekonin it be jes a mater “o” days fer were all a hootin an a hollerin that we allst done gost our soceal securitys stimmy cheks soyalls shuld jes ress easy yahere? an stopp yer cantankerin foolin ways or obamer wil puts da wammy onus fer sures lik ok? thar shee blows!
It was voted down.
Are there grants for people who are just poor?
My mom is on the social security check and without it she wont be able to pay the bills. Why don’t you stop fighting amongst yourselves and really get the news. Is it or is it not gonna come? The $250 stimulus package. It would really help us out to really know whether its gonna come or not.
Thank you
I don’t know how to say it in a way that will make you understand. It was rejected by the Senate! That doesn’t affect anyone’s social security check – the $250 was extra.
IT was rejected and we are not getting the 250 check. please read! it says it here- 50 to 47 vote. No stimulus check!!!!
you can’t miss what you NEVER had…. stop asking, we are NOT getting one so we will have to continue getting by on what we get!!! I know it would help us all but how can you say you were counting on it or thing are going to be tough without it when you NEVER had it in the first place. You managed before and you will continue to manage with the help of the LORD NOT Obama!!! The LORD will provide, “put your hope/faith in the Lord not man, for He will Never leave nor forsake you”
It was not passed by the senate ok. then why do i keep hearing about it that it is going to come. All the websites that my mom and i looked at they said that the check was coming. i am so confused about this whole thing. Ok so its not coming says all of you then why haven’t those websites been updated because I’m sure a lot are getting the wrong message and still thinking that its coming. Because i saw on one web address that it even showed the exact month and day it would be sent out.
Kenny and everyone else! i don’t know how to be more forward than this – come out of denial !!! WE ARE NOT GETTING A STIMULUS CHECK! READ THIS AND IT CAN’T BE ANY CLEARER! http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100304/pl_nm/us_usa_congress_elderly
1.I don’t understand how anybody here is mad at President Obama when he was the one who proposed the payments for this year in the first place.
So if you want to be mad at somebody be mad at the Republicans(along with Blue Dog Dems) who voted it down.
2.Senator Chuck Schumer is trying to add an amendment to an upcoming Jobs Bill that will include the payments.
Thanks for the info Paul.
i am going to be forced to live on the streets as i can not pay any of my bills…….no increase means more broke i cant work a job because the county will cut me off my healthcare and my rent would go up plus im always sick……no matter how i look at it im screwed….im too broke to claim bankruptcy……what is a girl to do……750 is never enough in this economy………… 300 in credit payments 200 in rent 130 for utilities 255 car payment and 150 for car insurance not including food and gas i need my car to get to the doctors now i cant even pay for my meds because the part d coverage hardly covers any of the meds i need to survive…..do the math im going to starve if i have to maybe give up paying all the bills in general praying i wont be sued….i give up no way to the billsss…….thank congress for not caring about your own and only yourselves….to many rules no matter how you look at it im screwed….
please help us to get the $250 for us.
we sure could use it.
I live on SSi a month and its very hard to make ends meet.
I am not able to work due to health reasons
god bless us all.
thank you.
yes,the gov have made suckers out of all of us,kind of reminds me back in the nazi extermination camps how the signs placed all around were to reasure and calm everybody that everything was under control,such as keep your family together so you dont get seperated on your train ride and we will keep your valubles safe till you get to your destinaton. i mean read the top of this page it reasures us ,yes the checks will be mailed,and when,early first quater near march,as we march along to starvation and death and homelessness these signs are meant to keep us marching with no resistance to our slaughter with minimal resistance. why are we not rioting or marching to washington for our rights? because obama will have the army national guard slaughter us before we get there. god help us all, believing the goverments lies and marching like sheep to the slaughter. they say history repeats its self and here we go. a chance to rid the rich of the poor and disabled and homosexuals and church influince once again. myt dinner tonight is a drained canned of carrots with a pinch of salt from the salvation army.i used to have bread with it but thanx to no inflation the price in 2 years has gone frome 90cents to $3.49 a loaf
shumer is a good man and may be our only hope,contact him i just did
well i thank you all for the info and I’m sorry if i made you mad from my last posting well thanks again.
we need a knowledgeble man to write some booklets on how to surviuve on the streets with young familys,single moms and dads alike.do you know how many of these put their children to death rather than send than to bed hungry?these are not a large percentege of people addictided to drugs,these are desprate at the enf of there rope.its where i am now and thank god my kids arent with me. but then again you got to feel sorry for the govermen with only a few thouisand dollar a year raise and having to take it from their ss constituents to keep their house and mercades payments going,i have to admint i bawled my eyes out for them,poor guys.im a firm believer in god and believe each will suffer 10000000 x what we do
Okay, I am sure I will get bashed for this… however, here goes my two cents. I have followed this forum due to being disabled, and waiting to hear about the stimulus. I too am very upset and disappointed that we did not get it. Yes it would have helped, but I am getting irritated hearing how just because we did not get 250.oo that “I shall be living in my car” type of comments. I know we all are “one check” away from that, but seriously when I did my yearly budget for this year, I did NOT count on it being passed there for while it would have helped A LOT, its not going to cause me to lose my home, if a ONE time payment of 250.00 keeps you from losing your home, then why not go down to your local social service department and ask for HELP with your utility payment or one time with rent. I have lived in many states and all of them have had emergency funding for folks in need to use, the only only “catch” is that you can only use these funds once every six months.. check it out those of you that are living in your car and yet can still access this internet forum. I personal know that my internet would be the first thing I give up if i were to be in danger of losing my home due to the lack of the 250.00 next would be the cell phone. Seriously I am angry we didnt get it, and congress got their raise, but lets stop being melodramatic, and take action by holding our reps accountable, not just whining about what we may lose. Again I am mad, I live from check to check (disablity) I have no savings, so I do understand, but I know melodrama when I see it ~~~ let the basing responses begin.
Iabsolutely agree with this last emaill.. come on people stop all the drama.. I am disabled too and I just make it work whatever I have to do… internet would be gone first thing…I am tired of reading all these silly drama emails.. thanks to Natalie for the one that makes sense
Extremely well said, Natalie – I agree 100%…
yeah go down to socialservices and see ikf they will give youany help, your chances are none to zero,good luck
If there was so much help available for people in need, the average age of homeless persons would NOT be NINE YEARS OLD! In fact, we wouldn’t HAVE homeless people – especially gravely ill and mentally ill homeless people – and we do. LA General hospital has been known to release poor patients using colostomy bags back to the alleys they came from! Naturally they get sicker, so they go back to the hospital and are helped awhile, then released. Eventually, I suppose, they die. The Presbyterian hospital van driver shoved a paraplegic out of the van right into the gutter – the LITERAL gutter – on Skid Row. A $250 check is pathetic. We need a decent, responsible social safety net, like civilized societies.
I can see both sides of the last few responces. Yes it is hard to get help from any social servces. I too am disabled. I applied for disabilty and I did not use an attorney. I think the service of an attorney slows the process. You see he gets a percentage of the back pay you get while waiting, up to five thousand dollars. So the longer he can hold up your approval the more he will get. Without using an attorney I was approved in eight months. Now back to the original subject. If I had not been in pretty good shape as far as resources to fall back on I would have been on the streets long before Social Sercuirty approved my disabilty pay. Two hundred and fifty dollars could to a lot of folks be a life line. However one should not of even thought about adding it to their budget before the had it in the bank so to speak. It should have been looked at as extra unexpected income. One last thing I would like to know. How in the world could somebody access the internet while being homeless living in one’s car? You would have to have a laptop or one of the newer more expensive cell phones. Then you would have to have the service of a cell phone carrier and the extra charges added to obtain the passage of the internet. Or maybe one may have a friend or relative they go to every day to sign on to the internet. If one had help good enough to allow daily internet access then maybe they could get a little bit of help that way. All I know is if not getting two hundred and fifty dollars is what put you living in you car then you probably would be in the same situation the first minor crisis that came up. And yes!! our government does need to step up to the plate helping our own Americans in a dire situation. Really what are they thinking, sending billions and billions to other countries of the world. Which some of them would distroy our nation if the only had the means. Thanks for your effort of reading this. Sincerely, David
That was my point Anne, saying that it was the 250 not being approved was the CAUSE of them living out of car, to ME in MY opinion was being melodramatic. There is not an ABUNDANCE of help, true, but if the issue is only 250, then trust me there is help, I have had to get help in the past, in three different states. I agree with what you said about us needing a responsible social safety net.. the 250, while helpful in a pinch was pathetic, therefore I found the comments saying that it was DUE TO the failure of that same 250, that “so n so” is now homeless to be pathetic as well. The way we are being treated by our government is pathetic… to say we on disability and/or SS do not get a col was pathetic.. if there was no “inflation” then why did our medicare premiums go up? Good Luck all coz I can only see things getting worse for us all
Well said David, again it was very much on track of what I was trying to get express.
@David Jones – I don’t know where you live, but in L.A. computers are available in every library to anyone with a library card, and we have internet cafes as well.
Anne, the library is a resource that is available to many as also the internet cafe. But I will bet these access are not available to a very large part of our population. I live in Oklahoma. And the town I live in is a pretty good sized suburb of Tulsa. I don’t know of any internet cafe that you can go to with out bringing your own laptop. Some of the librarys in Tulsa have computers to use as well as some of the other larger commuities of our state. But for a large number of our citizens it is a pretty good drive including myself to get to these facilitys. You have to be realistic. If I were homeless, living in my car and having to face puting my children or even just myself to sleep without any supper and had enough money to buy gasoline to get to an internet source I sure would not spend it for that. I would buy a can of beans and loaf of bread. Thank you Anne for your input. I wished more people like yourself and the other contributors of this forum would get involved. Maybe we could then make a difference.
Thanks, David
Thank you Natalie, I too just want to express what my views are. It is impossible to do that without stepping on a few toes. I do not wish to excite debate. But I will if that is what it takes to try and do some good for our neighbors in need. It is only a dreaming wish, but oh how much would I enjoy just one hour on the floor of the Congress to tell them what my thoughts as well as the thoughts of so many Americans have. If we could remind them that their service is for the good of all and not just for personal gain. I am thankful that I can go to bed without having to with what they have on their plate. It is good that God does forgive.
Good luck Natalie.
We have libraries in walking distance of Skid Row. And we have shelters ON Skid Row. //////////further, Skid Row here is in walking distance of Little Tokyo, Chinatown and Koreatown, so I am sure that internet cafes are possible to find. (Tho no one has yet asked me for a dollar so s/he could go to the internet cafe lol) L.A., for numerous reasons is the homeless capital of the nation. (So right there, a good percentage of homeless people have access to the internet.) For one reason, other cities have been known to give homeless people a ticket to Los Angeles! (It’s harder to die of cold here – tho’ not impossible, and a few homeless people have actually succeeded in the music industry.) And even homeless people have connections to the larger community. Meanwhile, although I give money to charities, I can’t help but notice that homelessness is almost entirely a political issue. The best activity then, has got to be political action.
Anne, it sounds like if you have to be homeless L.A. is the place to be. Here we hay a day shelter. The homeless can come in during the day and get something to eat and wash what clothes they have. They have a few donated clothes to give to the folks that can use it. I take things that I can get from friends and things that I have down a few times a year. But they don’t have sleeping facilities. At fine p.m. they have to leave and are on their own. We have a few organizations that have sleeping arrangements but there is a long waiting list. And they do have telephone and a limited few minutes to the Internet to check their email if they want to. There are a few other options for them as far as food and some shelter. I don,t mean to sound cold hearted but it seems to me as long as we have people in honest need then we should limit the funds that is sent abroad. There has been hundreds of million sent to the earth quake victims and that is good. But generous folks should keep our nations own victims in mind while they have out the check book. And our government needs to be more aware of it to. And I too donate to charities. Mostly American children foundations and also the homeless organizations. However I do not donate to the homeless standing on street corners. That promotes actions that are not always good for them.
I don’t resent the small amounts (America is not a generous nation in regard to foreign aid, compared to most European countries) we send to help the poor of other countries. I resent the billions we send to kill people in other countries – making enemies that will come back to haunt us for generations.
David, I have to agree with you about the homeless.
Let me tell you all a little story, this is true, I saw it happen, although it was a few years back, things have not gotten much better.
There was a year that they held the republican Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. This is a place that the homeless are numerous. Well the city of Phoenix didn’t want all of this homeless population to be seen for that weekend, their answer was to put as many as they could in the shelters, and the ones who they couldn’t fit in shelters, they put up in some of the flea bag motels…got them all off the street for one weekend while the “Big Wigs” were in town for their convention. Once the weekend was over, what happened? All of the ones who were kept sheltered in the motels were thrown right back out onto the streets. (this was back in the late 80’s early 90’s)What was actually done to HELP these people? Nothing..Nada…Ziltch. State funded help can only go so far, and the ones with children will get the help first….the saddest part was, I actually worked up the courage to speak to a small group of men who were standing out there, 4 out of the 6 men were war vets !! These men fought in Vietnam, they defended our country, they fought for our rights and kept us safe, and this is how out “wonderful” government thanks them for their “Patriotism” ?? Today, we are still faced with the same delemas, nothing has gotten better !! So yes, Our government needs to think more about “Our Home Land” first, a little more then sending the billions of dollars that get sent to other countries !
dave,this is true,in most major and minor citys internet access is totally free for anyone to use,until the goverment starts finding out people are disclosing their secrets about how they spend the money that could be used on the homeless on their own pork,then they will find a way not to let undesirebles use even these computers by charging fees or making it a condition that you must have a home in order to use these facilitys. you see dave we are actualy living in the orwillian days and it just keeps getting worse! look up this line from an old charlton heston movie in google,: MY GOD! soylent green……ITS PEOPLE!!!
Anne, I too resent the billons spent to fight the type of war we are involved with in Iraq. But because we are there due to the misunderstandings of the Bush aministration we have to follow through. And give all that is needed to keep our soliders as safe as possible. I have a son that spent two years in that hateful desert. Thank God he came home unhurt. But as far as other nations giving more money and help to under developed countries than America does, well that is a surprize to me. I would like to see the documents that show this.
OhHEAVENS, I know about the homeless in Ariz. I lived there in the 70,s for a coulple of years. It is ashame what happens to our Vets. I know a lot of them are on the streets because of alcohol and drugs. But some of that abuse was brought on by the wars our government brought on to them. Today it is a choice to be in the services of our Nation but not from Veitnam and both of the World Wars and also Korea. Some joined buy most were drafted. Somewhere we got off the issue at hand, the C.O.L.A. But all of these issues are good for us to remember. And finally to you George. Yes I remember that quote very well. I watched that movie several times when I was young and into movies of that type. Who knows what our advanced future will have in store for us. But as it stands right now Solent Green was only a movie with fiction as it’s source.