
Don Jail, Alcatraz and Linkstuff Edition For May 25

alcatrazislandThe Don Jail had an open house this weekend for the public – it will be open for last time before renovation into office towers.  We went to check it out however the lineups were unbelievable (4 hour wait) so we left without seeing it.  The jail is available for bookings until October so I’m hoping someone will do some booking and run the tours privately – they could easily charge $5-$10 per person and make some $$.

As interesting as it might have been – I doubt it would have been as good as Alcatraz – of all the “touristy” things I’ve done – a visit to the old island jail ranks #1 on my list.  San Fran is a great city to visit (although very expensive) – I think visiting there and Lake Tahoe (3 hours away) again would make for a great trip.  Maybe when the kids are a bit older… 🙂

The Links

Preet calculated the value in today’s dollars of various billionaires – past and present – very entertaining – real and fake billionaires.

Five Cent Nickel had a pretty darn good post about financial responsibility.

Canadian Capitalist reported on changes to emerging market index.  This will cause a dividend which will be taxable in a cash account.

Financial Blogger talks about managing a one-income household.  It’s easy – just spend a lot less.  🙂

The Dividend Guy has 4 top investing actions to take now.

The Oblivious Investor had a very brief post on the downsides of passive investing.

Million Dollar Journey gives his views on the old age security benefit and OAS clawback.

Money Ning tells us how to dispute unreasonable charges on your bills.

Good Financial Cents wrote about IRA consolidation – the super IRA strategy.

The Intelligent Speculator asks if the US is doing as well as we think?

Investing School explains contributing to a SEP IRA.

ABCs of Investing wrote about investing time horizons for retirees and asset allocation.


Carnival of Personal Finance

Carnival of wealth, money and life

123 of investing and financial planning

Festival of Stocks

Carnival of Financial Planning

Carnival of 20 somethings

Money Hacks Carnival

Personal Finance News Carnival

Wealth, Money and Life Carnival

OneMint Financial Carnival

Carnival of Personal Finance

Photo credit


LinkStuff May 15 – NHL and Car Companies

Strange week in the news last week – the government ordered the car companies to reopen talks with the unions.  I find it quite ironic that these car companies are so poorly run that it takes a bloated government to tell it that more cuts are needed.  On the other hand since wages are not a big factor in car costs is there too much fuss over getting worker concessions?

Another odd story was the attempt to move the Phoenix Coyotes to Hamilton.  The NHL through Gary Bettman is dead set against Jim Basillie (owner of RIM) becoming an NHL owner which is really hard to understand.  No offence against the hockey fans in Phoenix (who are probably all from Canada) but moving that team ANYWHERE at all is a no-brainer.

The Links

Last week, I was interviewed by another Canadian blog – Money Energy – some good questions so check it out.

Kevin Press at the Today’s economy blog has a crush on Elizabeth Warren – who is she you ask?  Well, she wrote the Two Income Trap book for one thing.   She’s so smart she’s like the Chuck Norris of intellectual women (and men for that matter).  Note to Kevin – fix the short feeds!

My Findependance Day doesn’t mind working 20 hour days/ 80 hour weeks.  I think he might have regrets in the future.

My Findependance Day had another great post where he learned a great stock picking lesson from the crash of 2008.

My Dollar Plan went to a real estate auction and picked up a new rental property – it sounds pretty exciting.  I’m a tad skeptical of the assessment though – I don’t think there are any steals in real estate – whatever you pay is market value.

Cash Money Life had an interesting post on a business opportunity that he decided not to take.

The Oblivous Investor says that the Motley Fool gang are a bunch of scamsters – unfortunately I couldn’t agree more.   I think at one time they covered investment basics but now all they want to do is sell you the latest, hottest stock tip.

Million Dollar Journey asks about breaking a mortgage to get a lower rate.

Moolanomy has the low down on how to save money in the shower.

Preet had a very interesting article pointing out that fee-based advisors are not necessarily more ethical.

Financial Blogger has a frugal tip to stop buying.

Money Ning wants to know how much to invest abroad.

Good Financial Cents reports that 2009 required minimum distributions are suspended.

Canadian Capitalist had the lates Dalbar results which show that as usual investors behave badly.

The Intelligent Speculator says that Bank of America is stressed out.

Investing School reviews Share Builder stock broker.

ABCs of Investing wrote about investing in commodities.

Moolanomy has more than 40 alternative income ideas.


Carnival of Financial Planning

One Mint

Festival of Frugality

Money Hacks Carnival


More Nice Weather – Linkstuff – May 4

Another great weekend – it’s so nice to be able to take the kids outside without having to burrow through a huge pile of snowpants, mittens etc.  Mr. Cheap dropped by on Saturday afternoon for a while so we took my son to a local park.  It started to rain a little bit so we went back to the house for a couple of beers.  Lots of fun for all!  🙂

On with the links

The Wealthy Boomer had an interesting piece on the original Freedom 55 proponent.

Cash Money Life asked what is a living wage? Pretty interesting.

Canadian Capitalist is taking any questions you might have for the personal finance clinic.

Financial Blogger has learned a lot from him MBA colleagues.

The Dividend Guy give his 5 steps to choosing the right ETF.

The Oblivious Investor wrote a book – go and check it out.

Money Ning has some good and bad uses for leveraged money.

Good Financial Cents has 11 more tips to go green and save.

The Intelligent Speculator has lost in regulation.  How much regulation do hedge funds need?

Investing School discusses the confessions of an active trader.  Looks like too much work for me.

ABCs of Investing explains what “transfer in kind” means when moving your investments from one broker to another.


The Carnival of Personal Finance was held at Fire Finance.


Nice Weather Edition of Linkstuff April 27

Some great weather this weekend – it is a bit rainy today but yesterday was just fantastic (until the hurricane at dinner time).  We went down the beach and hung out for a few hour – a great day.

Best post of the week

Kristy from Master Your Card works in a bank and she shares the two times that she was robbed – it’s a pretty good read!  Most of the blogosphere is filled with posts where the author doesn’t have any direct experience with the topic so it’s nice to read a first hand account of a relatively rare phenomenon.

Another great post

Hunter Nutall has a very interesting blog where he writes about a lot of different topics and his thoughts on them – this post on specialization (specialization is for insects) was quite fascinating (and not just because he linked to this blog).  If you like your blogs to have an element of intellectualism about them (in which case why are you here?) then I would suggest subscribing to his blog.

The rest of the links

Blunt Money inspired Mrs. Pillars to act on some long overdue tasks with ready or not, here I come.

Preet tells us about a dealership that doesn’t want to sell cars that badly.

Financial Blogger talks about how to start investing.

The Oblivious Investor discusses why to own bonds.

Money Ning shows us how to use a disciplined approach to evaluate our spending patterns.

Good Financial Cents shows us how to stretch an inherited IRA for our beneficiaries.

Million Dollar Journey asks do you plan to leave anything behind?

Canadian Capitalist alerts us to a little-known fact with beware of CRA’s defiinition of foreign property.

The Intelligent Speculator wonders if McDonald’s will deal a blow to Tim Hortons.

Investing School discusses credit rating agencies and credit rating.

ABCs of Investing wrote about the Transfer In Cash.


The Carnival of Personal Finance was hosted by the Mighty Bargain Hunter.


LinkStuff – Monday, April 20

The Links

Cash Money Life had a pretty good post explaining why getting an MBA is no longer my goal.  I had considered this at one time – even wrote the GMAT.

Moolanomy wrote about a scam chimney sweeping service that was “working” his neighbourhood.  This post would fit right in with our scams/frauds category.

ABCs of Investing wrote about an investment policy statement

Preet answer the question which I’ve often wondered – what if the entire market was indexed?  Would active investors then have a chance?

Financial Blogger says you don’t have to know anything to make money on the stock market.  This is true but you also don’t have to know anything to lose money either.

The Oblivious Investor covers asset allocation and life expectancy.

Good Financial Cents had a very interesting post about a pro football player asking Suze Orman for financial advice.  It’s nice to hear about an NFL player who is actually in pretty good financial shape (and hasn’t been arrested).

Thicken My Wallets want to know – do you volunteer?  I don’t but maybe I should.

Canadian Capitalist reported on the Ontario sales tax transition benefit.  I’ll be lining up for this one.


Carnival of Personal Finance


Carnival of Financial Planning – 4P Edition!

Welcome to the April 17, 2009 edition of the Carnival of Financial Planning.

A big thanks to The Skilled Investor who created this carnival and did the editing for this edition.  If you want to read financial planning posts – then this is the place to be!


Investing School presents Etrade vs Tradeking vs Zecco – Trading Commissions Comparison posted at Investing School, saying, “Have you written Etrade off just because the commissions are higher? Is Zecco or TradeKing better? This takes a look at these three stock brokers on a fees comparison.”

The Financial Blogger presents What does a DIY Investor (besides thinking he’s smarter than Wall Street?). posted at The Financial Blogger, saying, “Several people think (and I used to be a part of it) that they can beat the market and that they can do better than most of portfolio managers.”

Dorian Wales presents Stock Surges Are Usually Unexpected – How To Make Sure You Won’t Miss Out posted at The Personal Financier, saying, “Historical market data explains why many investors, including myself, missed on the recent surge in stock prices”

Silicon Valley Blogger presents TradeKing Review: How Does TradeKing Measure Up? posted at The Digerati Life

Frank Vertin presents Just Buy Index Funds Directly posted at NO LOAD INDEX FUND, saying, “Buying an S&P 500 index fund through an investment counselor can substantially increase your initial purchasing costs and and drive up your annual management expense fees. Unfortunately, the vast majority of individual investors buy mutual funds and ETFs through brokers and investment advisers. Rarely do financial advisors recommend that you buy index funds with low fees. This is because low cost, no load mutual funds do not pay them as well as loaded, high fee mutual funds.”

Barry presents Bullish Days Ahead But Bear Is Lying In Wait For The Kill | Jeflin’s Investment Blog posted at Jeflin’s Investment Blog.

VC presents When Will The Economy Turn? posted at The Penny Daily, saying, “What to look for in order to determine if the market and the economy have turned for the better.”

Tyrone Solee presents Investment Planning posted at Millionaire Acts, saying, “Learn how to write your own investment plans.”

Walter W. Fouse presents 7 Ways to Pick the Best Noload Mutual Funds and ETFs posted at Best No Load Funds, saying, “The vast body of investment research studies show that there really are better approaches to buying and owning mutual funds and ETFs. You do not need to frantically chase fund performance. Performance chasing simply does not work.”

FIRE Getters presents What is the Rule of 72? posted at FIRE Finance.

Sage presents Performance Guaranteed Variable Annuities posted at Pragmatic Sage Weekly, saying, “I give three reasons why to stay away from Performance Guaranteed Variable Annuities.”

Jae Jun presents Best Small Companies Fair Value Estimates posted at Old School Value, saying, “Find out what many companies are worth from my fair value calculations and stock price comparisons.”

Richard M. Rothschild presents The Top 14 Low Cost Taxable United States Bond Mutual Funds (Low Minimum Deposit) posted at Bond Market Index Funds, saying, “The top 14 low cost taxable US fixed income funds with a $10,000 or lower initial deposit. Low investment management fees are very important with fixed income funds. Simply put, if you pay higher bond mutual fund fees, then these bond management expenses tend just to be a deadweight loss to you. When you pay more in bond mutual fund fees, you are just wasting your money.”

Dividends4Life presents Auto Parts Retailers Rallying posted at Dividends Value, saying, “As consumers delay in purchasing new cars, they are forced to perform additional maintenance on their existing cars. The primary beneficiary of this phenomenon and one of the few industries experiencing success in this downturn are retail auto parts companies such as Autozone (AZO).”

Money Tipper presents Rule of 72: Estimate Your Money’s Doubling Time posted at Money Tipper, saying, “The Rule of 72 is a handy little rule of thumb for quickly estimating how long it’ll take for your money to double.”

jim presents Consumer Reports America’s Best Brokers posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.

Larry Russell presents 7 Ways to Pick the Best Noload Mutual Funds and ETFs posted at Best No Load Funds, saying, “Taken as a whole, the vast body of investment research studies show that there really are better approaches to buying and owning mutual funds and ETFs. You do not need to frantically chase fund performance. Performance chasing simply does not work.”

MoneyNing presents Ins and Outs of a Stock Exchange posted at Investing School, saying, “Stock exchanges perform a critical function in the world of trading. Find out what they do by going through the article.”

Shaun Connell presents The Case for Buying Gold posted at Financial Planning, saying, “Buying gold is a polarizing investment. I know several people who are putting all of their current investments into gold out of fear of runaway inflation in the next few years. Others are scoffing at the idea, and think this is the perfect time to buy stocks, not metal.”


Writers Coin presents The Credit Crisis: What Happened? posted at The Writer’s Coin, saying, “Two great videos that explain how we got into the current economic mess in really simple, easy-to-understand terms.”

Roshawn Watson presents Mark to Market NOT Mark to Myth posted at Watson Inc, saying, “Half the country’s banks–4,000 in all–would be bust if they marked their loans to what the loans would fetch in an auction. Banks are fooling themselves by refusing to mark busted assets down. Banks are on a prayer mission that somehow prices will come back and they won’t have to face reality.”

Britannica Blog presents Do Americans Support Capitalism, and Which Capitalism? posted at Britannica Blog, saying, “I’m being asked to participate in a debate on whether America’s economic system should remain capitalist or embrace socialism.”

Estate Planning

Tushar Mathur presents Getting finances in order posted at Everything Finance, saying, “Keeping organized records is a gift to your family and to yourself. It helps ensure that your wishes are followed, that your assets are accounted for, and that your money is available to meet your family’s needs in a timely fashion.”

Financial Planning

Big Cajun Man presents That is so Obvious! posted at Canadian Personal Finance Blog, saying, “Sometimes the obvious financial planning ideas, aren’t.”

Jeff Rose presents 7 Questions To Ask Your Financial Planner posted at Jeff Rose.

Financing a Home

ChristianPF presents Reverse Mortgages: Advantages and Disadvantages posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, “Playing a little devil’s advocate with Reverse Mortgages”

Brian McKay presents When to Refinance your Mortgage posted at, saying, “The time is right to refinance your mortgage. Rates are at historic lows – even lower than the rates several years ago that helped contribute to the housing boom and bust.”

Madison presents Making Home Affordable Program Launched posted at My Dollar Plan.

Claudia Gonella presents Are real estate prices sticker in Central America? posted at Real estate data for Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Belize, saying, “Implications of availability of financing on real estate prices in Central America”

kathryn presents Free Money from the Government posted at Out of Debt Christian, saying, “The government is offering free money to new home buyers that have not owned a home in the last three years. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provides up to $8000 in a tax credit to anyone that qualifies for the program. The amount received is determined by the value of the home (10 %) that is purchased.”

Tallahassee Real Estate presents How To Make An Offer In Today’s Real Estate Market posted at Tallahassee Real Estate Blog, saying, “I was talking with a Tallahassee REALTOR yesterday and we were discussing an offer he had just made on a foreclosure offering in Tallahassee. We discussed strategy for making an offer to a bank (the home had been foreclosed upon and was for sale by the bank that held the financing on the home) and how the strategy had to be different than when making an offer to a typical homeowner.”

Health Care

Jim DeSantis presents How To Investigate Health Insurance Providers posted at On Line Tribune | Health, saying, “The growing number of consumers needing reasonably priced health insurance plans with decent coverage has led to the mushrooming of scam health insurance providers. These providers often target new retirees, the elderly, young families, and small-business owners who can’t negotiate group rates with legitimate insurers. Here’s how to find legitimate low cost providers.”


The Smarter Wallet presents Find Freelance Work At This Online Job Search Site: posted at The Smarter Wallet, saying, “Thanks!”

Writers Coin presents Want to Get Paid Like a Trader? posted at The Writer’s Coin, saying, “Would you want to get paid based on a formula that determines how good of an employee you are? Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn’t….here’s a little exploration on the subject”

Managing Debt

jim presents Borrowing Money from Social Lending Networks posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.

MoneyNing presents 25 Debt Reduction Tips For Your Immediate Action Plan posted at Money Ning, saying, “There’s no time to waste. Get your act together and fix your debt right away.”


Len Penzo presents My Ten Commandments of Personal Finance posted at Len Penzo . Com, saying, “On this Easter week, I thought it would be appropriate to submit my Ten Commandments of Personal Finance.”

Retirement Planning

FMF presents Free Money Finance: Social Security 6: The 70-66 Strategy posted at Free Money Finance, saying, “Thoughts for people aged 66 t0 70 on how to deal with Social Security.”

Risk Management and Insurance

nickel presents How to Save Money on Life Insurance posted at, saying, “Life insurance is an important financial tool, but it’s important not to pay too much for it.”

John Russell presents 14 Auto Insurance Savings Secrets – Part-1 of 14 posted at The Low Cost Auto Insurance Guru, saying, “If you knew how this industry actually works, it would save you thousands of dollars each year on auto insurance. Want to know the secrets behind the premiums you pay?”


The Budgeter presents Four Steps To Create A Guilt-Free Budget posted at Keep Your Cash, saying, “A brief rundown on how to create a guilt-free budget”

Michael Gvirtzman presents Budget Planning Tool posted at Mind Listings, saying, “Family budget spreadsheet with explanations on budget tracking and cash flow forecasting using this free tool.”

Pasadena Financial Planner presents Living Expense Tracking Methods posted at Pasadena Financial Planner, saying “Many people do not track their living expenses and do not understand the magnitude of their consumption. Failure to monitor your consumption expenditures means that they are flying blindly regarding their future finances. If you do not understand how much you spend and how much you are saving and investing, you simply do not have a financial plan. This situation dramatically increases your family’s long-term financial risk.”

Jim DeSantis presents 3 Reasons That Can Cause Your Family Budget To Fail posted at Free Family Budgeting eBook from On Line Tribune, saying, “Money is the only tool you have to secure your future and the future of your family and to live a good life today. Unless you get spending under control and start treating your household like the gold mine it really is, you are destined to struggle financially for the rest of your life.”

Writers Coin presents Buying Shiny New Things Without The Guilt posted at The Writer’s Coin, saying, “Buying an expensive new gadget doesn’t mean you have to feel guilty about it. As long as you plan it out beforehand…”

Larry Russell presents Financial Planning Reading List posted at Pasadena Financial Planner, saying “When I work with clients to develop their customized lifetime financial and investment plans, they often ask what they should read to improve their financial literacy. This article provides a list of recommended reading from among the many hundreds of articles that I have authored in the past several years.”


The Dough Roller presents Get Your Green On-13 Energy (and Money) Saving Gadgets posted at The Dough Roller, saying, “The technology that is available today is quite remarkable, and many green gadgets can not only lessen our impact on the environment, but also save money.”

Curt presents 7 Reasons to Grow Your Savings Account While You Are Still Employed posted at

Brandon Rowe presents Best Savings Account Interest Rates posted at Bank Rates.

Wenchypoo presents *WARNING! WARNING! BOOK DANGER!!* posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo’s Mental Wastebasket, saying, “This book advocates the use of whole life insurance policies as the new ATM–insurance is NOT for financing spending!!”

KCLau presents Learning to be Happy with Less posted at KCLau’s Money Tips, saying, “How you can be happy with less material things”

The Skilled Investor presents Most Individual Investors Are Poor Personal Portfolio Managers | Personal Investment Management posted at Personal Investment Management, saying, “Investors more easily understand investment costs that are directly measurable, such as fees deducted on investment statements. However, many investors ignore or are unaware of the opportunity costs of their sub-optimal investment behaviors. Opportunity costs are usually much more difficult to measure directly, but these investment costs can be even higher than more visible investment fees.”


George L Smyth presents One Minute How-To – How To File A Tax Extension posted at George L Smyth, saying, “Ryan Thompson explains how you can get an additional six months to file your taxes.”

Mike G presents The Revised 1099 or 1099-Arrrrrrrrrrrrgh! posted at Money TLD, saying, “When it comes to taxes, it can pay to procrastinate due to the dreaded revised 1099. If you invest, then you will likely get one.”

Patrick @ Military Money presents Free Tax Deadline Extensions for Military Members posted at Military Finance Network, saying, “Military members can file for an extension for filing their taxes – especially if they were deployed to a tax free zone.”

Super Saver presents Claiming a Parent as a Dependent on a Tax Return posted at My Wealth Builder, saying, “With more children caring for or providing financial support for aging parents, the question of whether a parent can be claimed as a dependent sometimes arises. Here is my understanding of the criteria.”

Barb A. Ryan presents Asset Allocation, Investment Asset Tax Location, and Emergency Cash Management posted at Fee Only Financial Planner, saying As you move your cash, bond, and stock financial assets into lower cost, more broadly diversified investment mutual funds and/or ETFs, you should also consider how to “locate” your investment asset allocation with respect to more optimal taxation. This article will discusses some ideas about where and how to hold your cash assets and how to make emergency cash available.”

Beno Varghese presents An Average Person’s Tax Dollars posted at Beno Varghese dot-com.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Carnival of Financial Planning using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Easter Monday Notes And LinkStuff

I hope everyone had a happy Easter this past weekend.  I really don’t understand why the government and banks get today off but the rest of us (who actually work for a living) have to work.  What a rip!

I just finished filing my taxes – if you are a student or family making less than $20k per year then check out the QuickTax Student option – it’s free!

Best Canadian rewards card

A reminder that the best Canadian rewards credit card which I wrote about a while back  is still being offered.  I have to admit I haven’t gotten around to applying for it yet but mark my words – it shall be done.

Top link

Finance Freelance Life wrote a very touching post called “Why I’m glad I didn’t kill myself“.? She has suffered from depression in the past and considered ending her life a few years ago – luckily that didn’t happen and she is doing much better since then.? I’ve gotten to know Mrs. Micah fairly well over the past year or so and I can say that I’m really glad she is still around. I’m not going to admit that any blog post made me cry – but if there was any post out there that might come close to doing that – this one would be the one.

Some links

The Good Human talks about two new green initiatives he has accomplished – an outdoor catbox and a manual lawn mower.  I’m a huge fan of manual lawn mowers – you can see a picture of mine (and my son) here and the idea of an outdoor catbox is just fantastic.  We are currently temporary owners of 4 cats and the output and smell is incredible.  My kids have a green plastic frog sandbox in the backyard which might get converted for this purpose.  Yes, the sandbox is plastic (which is bad) but it’s also green (which is good).  🙂  Fewer cats is another good option which I’m pursuing.

Simple Trading System came up with an amusing explanation for the derivative markets (and the subprime housing markets).

Million Dollar Journey asked if organic food is worth the extra money.  Read the comments since there are a lot of different opinions in there (including mine).

Preet has a link to download the financial classic “The richest man in babylon“.  I plan to read this quite soon.

Financial Blogger talks about what you need to do before you die in terms of estate planning.

Cash Money Life is about to have a baby and wrote about shopping for baby items – the temptation to spend.   I’ve written a post or two on baby expenses and I agree that it’s hard not to buy!

My Two Dollars reports on Suze Orman’s new strategy of only paying the minimum on your credit cards.

ABCs of Investing hosted the “Spring has sprung” edition of the Carnival of Personal Finance.  Good timing considered it snowed the next day.

Blunt Money explains why she choose a 15 year mortgage (vs 30 year).

Canadian Capitalist suggests that going with a longer term mortgage might make more sense now.

Money Ning wrote about the secret power of positive attitude.

The Intelligent Speculator says to stop being so naive.

Good Financial Cents has 7 questions to ask your financial planner.  Jeff is a financial planner so he should know the right questions.

The Oblivious Investor talks about his new upcoming book on investing.

The Consumer Boomer asks do consumer boomers need an IRA?

Moolanomy explains how to transfer credit card balances safely.

My Dollar Plan does a review of Zecco online brokerage.

Investing School did a pretty comprehensive comparison of Etrade vs Tradeking vs Zecco.  Kind of like King Kong vs Godzilla vs The Moth.

Wise Bread hosted the 2nd ever Carnival of Pecuniary Delights (great name) and featured one of Mr. Cheap’s posts called ethics in business and life.


New Forums, New Stuff and Carnival of Personal Finance

First up – I’m hosting the Carnival of Personal Finance today over at ABCs of Investing.  The theme is “Spring has sprung” –  lots of pretty flower pics so head on over and check it out!

Here’s a very funny “extreme frugality” video.  It’s pretty short (2 minutes) video by Ramit from I will teach you to be rich.  It’s basically poking fun at some silly extreme frugality concepts – check it out.  This is the original post the video is on (hint, it was published on April 1).

The Canadian Capitalist and Million Dollar Journey have teamed up to create the Canadian Money Forum – this is a place where you can go and chit chat about money stuff – Canadian or otherwise.  You can view the forums without registering (which is very easy) but if you want to post anything you will have to be registered.


I entered in the first ever Carnival of Pecuniary Delights this week held at Pecuniarities.  Check it out – some pretty good posts.