
$250 Stimulus Check In 2009 For Retirees, SSI and Disabled Vets

The 2009 stimulus package signed by president Obama contains quite a few financial stimulus for many different parts of the population.  Infrastructure spending, tax cuts make up most of the bill but one of the key aspects to the package is a special cash payment.  This won’t be like the general stimulus check of last year but will be given to select groups.

[update – find out about the new $250 stimulus check in 2010 for SSI recipients]

[update – find out about the new $250 stimulus check in 2010 for Social Security recipients]

[update Dec 16 – $250 stimulus check in 2010 – Is it enough?]

$250 stimulus check in 2009

A one time payment of $250 will be paid out in 2009 for people in the following groups:

  • People currently receiving Social Security.
  • State government retirees not eligible for Social Security.
  • Disabled Veterans receiving pensions from the Department of Veteran Affairs.
  • People receiving SSI payments. Supplemental Security Income payments are for people who have little to no income and is intended to meet the basic needs for food, clothing and shelter.

When will I get my stimulus check?

Treasury is supposed to start sending out these checks as soon as possible.  This site will be updated when more information becomes available.

EDIT (Mar 11) – Please check out this new post for detailed information on the $250 stimulus check.

More information (update May 2009)

Social Security 2009 stimulus check.

$250 SSI 2009 stimulus check.

Social Security Recipients Stimulus Check 2010 – FAQ

350 replies on “$250 Stimulus Check In 2009 For Retirees, SSI and Disabled Vets”

Just wanted to make something clear to those who feel that drug addicts and alcoholics can receive SS. Untrue. If, during your review, it is found that your medical problems are caused, even in part, by alcohol or drugs, you are not entitled to SS. However, if you were an alcoholic for 40 years and have now cleaned up but still suffer from liver problems, you may still qualify. Though, it will be tough. Unfair? Maybe.

Also, I am a disabled vet myself. To those complaining about the amount: I get your frustration. The banks get billions, we get 250$. However, this money WILL help my family very much. When you are living paycheck to paycheck and barely making it, any amount helps. I do agree that it should be more, but I am thankful for any amount and will use it responsibly. (Unlike the banks. Just google Northern Trust to see what I mean) So, I agree with you but will gladly take any help that I can get!

Good luck to all during this strenuous and difficult time.

Anna….GOD BLESS you N all vets past n present for protecting me n the USA by putting YOUR LIFE on the line!!!! I so humbly thank YOU for doing that for ME n my fellow AMERICANS…. Again…May God Bless {HUGZ}:)

Thanks, Rosie. We all do our part, just in different ways. Your support of our troops is just as important as those who serve. Our appreciation for our military was so profound after 9/11. It is a shame how quickly that pride and support vanished. It is nice to know that our military is still supported and appreciated. Luckily, I never saw war in any sense. But, there are tens of thousands serving now in a much different Army than I knew. Thanks for the comment. Perhaps it will remind others to show their thanks, support, and appreciation to our troops overseas.

For ways that you can support our service men and women, please visit They are a volunteer-based non-profit that assists service members and their families.

Thanks again, Rosie. Good luck to all!

To Anna..

I know I said that I was not going to post anymore but I too just wanted to say “THANK YOU” Anna….

I too am a vet having served in the U.S. Air Force for 11 years starting back in the late 70’s. My service went kind-a unnoticed as there was not much going on in the world at that time, and there was very little to do up in the wilderness of Alaska at a RADAR post. I don’t know what branch you served in but from one vet to another, I’d just like to say, “Well done, soldier” !!!


Oh my… TANF or “welfare” if that is what you call it is not all that easy to be approved for and, if a person was found unfit to handle that money, a tutor could be appointed to make sure the cash assistance is used correctly, which means towards the bills of for the childrens need. This is not free money since the Office of the Attorney General goes after the absent parents and when child support is established the money is paid back before you receive your part (except for $75, which gets sent to the custodial parent) This is a time limited assistance, which factors in your capacity (education) to start working . I am a case worker for Health and Human Services in Texas and also I personally had a time when I was between jobs and not eligible for unemployment that I did recieve this assistance for approximatley 4 months. I am grateful it was available, and believe being now on the other side of the desk, those recieving the TANF- cash grant which so many consider “welfare” have to provide so much information and meet so many requirements that a “druggie/alcoholic”-as some of YOU have called them, may not have the patience o resources to provide. To me they are all clients who may or may not qualify but, ALL deserve to be treated with the same respect you would want to be treated with. I know MANY alcoholics/drug addicts who provide for there own needs and are still productive members of society. Lets just all pitch in and do what we can to make this a better place, for our children tomorrow and for us today, we can all make a difference…

Obama, please send the money in debit cards, so people can spend the money at stores, otherwise they going to spend it paying bills.

First and foremost, all I see are people on here looking for a hand out!! I am not talking about the elderly or the handicapped !! I myself have been on my own since I was 16 and I have never asked for anything that I did not earn. I am now 53 and I still do not ask for anything.. I have seen kids come from college and do nothing. They sit at home with moma or daddy and do nothing.. There were plenty of jobs out there ans still are. When you ask them , they say>> I AM NOT WORKING FOR THAT LOW PAY .. HA HA LMAO . Any pay and earning your OWN money is better than mooching off others. What this country has come down to is FREE hand outs !! A lot of people getting food stamps just sell them. So why give them to them?? SSI is for the elderly and handicapped people. I know of at least 3 people that are trying to get a doctor to declare them handicapped so they can sit around and collect SSI .. Yes I have reported them and to this day they still just sitting around. For all you free loaders and lasy morons, get off your dead ass and do something !!! SS and SSI are for the people that really need it !! Not some lasy clown or a person that will not work because well they can’t start at the top of the ladder.. I own my own small auto repair business and make out quit good. I also do free lance vidieo news for a station in florida, maybe you have watched some of my vidieos. So there is no excuse for not working, none, except you are lazy and want a FREE hand out. OBama said>> Work for what you get !! Did all you miss that?? I think a lot of you thought you was going to get a hand out, well OBAMA says work for what you get and give to the ones that really need it !!!!! Learn to read between the lines. So while you sitting there hoping to get $250 or some free hand out, I am out making over $1,500 a week..

i think we are all suffering these days and yelling at people and being nasty will not help anyone .we need to stick together and help one anouther that is the way god would want it may god bless everyone

I was wondering if anyone knows the answer to this one. I am disabled so I will receive the $250.00 but my husband is self employeed so I am assuming he will not get anything??? If you are retired, disabled, or on SSI you get $250.00 & if you are working for an employer you get a tax break but what about the people who are self employeed? They got nothing?
Thanks, bulldogs

Bulldogs…..IF your husband works as you state n earned over $3,000 n filed income tax on his self employment he SHOULD have gotten $300 last summer on the first stimulus that Pres Bush sent out…retiree’s, disabled etc did NOT collect on that one <unless they had dependent minors they supported then they got $300 for each minor …..BUT not for themselves if they had NO income…..those getting the Obama stimulus will collect bc they did NOT get it last summer when others did….As I said ANYBODY that worked N filed income tax n earned $3000 or MORE collected their $300 last summer…NOW its time for the OTHER side to collect….I also understand that everyone on food stamps will be getting $250 more added to their cards shortly….BUT I am NOT certain on that….my gr-daughter told me that info as her family gets food stamps…..:)

I wanted to know if anyone else’s state does things the same as mine. I receive $935 soc. sec. disability each month. I have medicare and medicaid. After medicare pays on my medical bills medicaid will not pay anything on them each month, until I have spent $282 out of my pocket first. This is called my spend down. So of the $935 I get to live on each month the state medicaid thinks the income is so much, that I can afford to give up practically a third of it. Surely every state does not do things this way. Do they? I would appreciate anyone in another state responding. I live in Indiana.

TO: bulldogs…

My brother in Las Vegas is also self employed as a free-lance writer and he was told that if he filed a tax return this year, he will get it.

Also…. people who receive food stamps will be getting a raise but not $250…. The $250 is in the form of a cash payment (check) for those on SS and SSI and vets… but it has been stated that a raise in food stamps would be forthcoming…

Linda you disgust me! Right after I graduated high school, I suffered for ten years with terrible pain before I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. By the time the doctors relized what was wrong with me, my hands and feet were permently disfigured. I had to go on SSI because I couldn’t go to work anymore. And I’m no alcoholic or drug addict. You’re a real uneducated, stupid bitch!

Linda do you really think people on SSI like living on $674 a month. my rent alone is $450. I barely have enough to live on. I would rather work and make enough money to have a good life but I was born with a birth defect and can’t walk and working for me with my health problems is not possible. I am not an alcoholic or a drug addict . I get SSI because I have to not because I want to. You are not the only person with problems. So stop picking on people who need help. Someday it may be you who will need SSI and in your words I guess you’ll be thought of as an alcoholic and a drug addict.

Now, $250.00 isn’t going to make us rich, but it will be put to good use by some of us. I have three children along with my wife so we live from check to check from my Pension and social security disability. I didn’t even know we are suppose to get the money, but I’ll accept it like everyone else. To those that think they will never get old you have to know the truth it will happen and than you will say I should have kept my mouth shut because I am now in the same position as those I was against years ago. So, enjoy life and take your days as they come and accept whatever is offered to you with a smile.

Iam 72 and drawing my social security benefits and I am also 100% service connected disabled with the Veterans Administration. Will I be paid $250 for each by Social Security and VA?? If so, when.

for all you BHush Bashers President Bush in 8 years bush overspent 1 trillion dollars PORK OBAMA HAS SPENT 1.3 trillion dollars in 6 weeks and all we senior’s get is $250.00.Do you know what a trillion dollars is.If “baby jesus started giving out 1 million a day since he was born 2009 years later( like now) he would still have money left over Obama does not care much for we social security people if all were getting is $250.00 when his cronie’s are getting billions he no better than any other politican,once they get the power screw the little people

for pus?y lovn bushie boy, paul,
stupid bush did all this stupid crap 2 u and all of us,
whith his daddy crying,
so don’t blame PREZ> OBAMA,
4 bush stupidity!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul….I have a funny feeling no matter how much YOU get for the stimulus….YOU will neVer be satisfied!!!…Soooo I would just take that $250 check down to the SS office nearest you n ask them to send it to a needier senior or vet!!….

Did it eVer cross your mind that the amount of money Pres. Obama has SPENT already is bc of the situation our last Pres put us in??? Pres Obama has a hell of a mess to CLEAN UP….mebbe YOU ought to run for Pres next term around IF YOU think YOU can do any better!!! Can I expect MORE than $250 when YOUR in office?….TTFN

Chuck…..its my understanding the money will be issued in May 2009, BUT I don’t know that you’ll collect on both ends….Call the SS office or the VA n they could tell ya….It certainly would be nice IF you could collect from both eh? Enjoy it anyway…:)

ya know wut from wut i was reading everyone just needs to take a chill pill. EVERYONE unles ur donald trump or angelina jolie NEEDS the flippin money i know for damn sure i do my job f#*^@* up royally on my w4 and now i have to pay in for taxes plus plan my wedding. i think at this point in our economic state the only people we have to blame is ourselves. every single one of you should realize this…..and for the people that want to sit here and blame hispanics …really thats oldest scapegoat in the book….and for the person that wants to point the finger at drunks and drug addicts do u really think they care they prolly dont even know wuts going on in the world….if it happens it happens if it dont well then hate your country a little bit more but just think about how much more worse it could be …….thats it for me and u guys can bash me all u want i just wanted to get my 2 cents in

TO: Chuck Smith,

I hope you DO get it on both checks…. you deserve it, my friend !!!


I understand the frustrations some of you are going through right now, we all are. I am 32 years old and have just became disabled myself. It has been very hard for me, not only for the finacial areas, but the acceptance areas as well. The only thing I can do at this point in my life is to be greatful for what I have. I pray and thank God everyday for the Blessings in my life. I may not be able to work, but I am still alive; I have a beautiful little girl. If I get the $250, great…if not, oh well. Won’t be any worse off than I am right now. I struggle everyday just like the rest of you, but there is no need in coming up on here and being rude to everyone else. It seems like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, but just think about it….how many times has the good Lord really let anyone down.??? Everything happens for a reason…God Bless you all and good luck to each one of you….:)

Why are some people criticized so much for being on S.S.I.? I’m on it because I have mental issues that don’t allow me to work. I’ve tried to hold a job numerous times but couldn’t due to my mental and anxiety problems. I’m on medication but the problem still exists. I’ve been through countless counseling sessions and the problem still exists. I’m 37 years old. If you think we are on S.S.I. because we wanted an “easy” way out of work,you couldn’t be more wrong. I’d much rather be a normal minded average jane out there working as many jobs as it took to make ends meet but I’m not. I didn’t choose to be this way,it’s just something that happened to me. How embarrassed do you think it is when I run into someone somewhere and they ask me where I’m working and I can’t give them an answer? All I can say to them is “well,I’m not but my husband is”, and then I go on to tell them where HE works. They then go off thinking how “lucky” I am that I don’t have to work. And I’m left there thinking ” if they only knew what was really happeneing with me they wouldn’t consider me so “lucky” afterall now would they?” To me THEY are the lucky ones.

And as for those of you who think only the alcoholics and drug addicts get S.S.I.,well to enlighten you those people were kicked off S.S.I. YEARS AGO as they should have been as that is NOT what S.S.I. was intended for. So you see,those of us who are on it today ARE NOT alcoholic drug addicts. We are on it for much more legitimate reasons.

Now I’d like to ask some S.S.I. recipients a question. Those of you who are familiar with the circuit breaker program,have you applied for and recieved your circuit breaker check yet? I applied for mine January 16th and still don’t have it yet. I’m wondering if any of you got yours yet? Or I wonder if they are going to include that along with the $250 stimulus we are suppossed to get in May?

i applied on jan. 30 2009, on the internet.
i got my check on mon. march 02, 2009,
if you filed on paper, it’s supposed to take 4 to 6 months.
to recieve a refund.
as i did years ago, it did take longer..
the stimulus is seperate,
i was told it was to come in our may ssi check.
( i was told at ss office)
hoped this info helped!!!

hi bj,

I applied by internet too on jan. 16th and still have not seen a check yet. Should I be concerned? I know i’m supposed to get one as I have in previous years. Should I give it more time or should i start calling them?

ok, you applied 2 weeks before me,
give it 2 weeks after i got mine,
which will be march 20 or so.
check on google,
type, “circuit breaker”
click on ssi disability, you should go to main page.
on left side click on circuit breaker statues.
you have to type your ss#, date of birth, that should tell you where your check is. pending or on it’s way…
that’s how i do it for illinois!!!!
hope this helped!:)

bj,I’m in illinois too. I’ve checked their website and all it’s telling me is that it has been recieved on jan.16th and that it takes 3-4 weeks to process. Well it’s beyond that now and I still have no check.

Knowing my luck the mailman probably gave it to someone else,or it’s lost in his truck somewhere!

once THEY mail it out,
the same sight, will say so with the check # on it,
telling you if you have not recieved with in 2 weeks from that date,
they give you a phone #, address, and the check #,
to call or send a letter to find out what happened to it!!

Where did you apply for the “circuit breaker” on the internet? I had never heard of it before until this blog. I have been of soc. sec. disability since 2000. I wonder why I never heard of it. If I am able to apply it would be nice. I would appreciate the information for applying on the internet if someone could provide it. Thank you. 🙂

instead of left side the check you statues is on the RIGHT side,
to apply click on APPLY!!

Cindy:….you should get the stimulus if you get disability…you should get it in May…..Good Luck

Wow I love this,I juz wanna put my 50 cents in.
well I know I will appreciate any little they send me,yes been disabled for 4 years with Rheumitoid arthiritis and Bi polar…. /Crap can’t even make it on 810 dollas I get a month with my apt costing alone 425.00 mth and a 200.00 dolla electric bill,so 250.00 will be spent on FOOD! hah I only get a measly 16.00 a mth in Food Stamps.I pretty much have to live on rice beans and stuff like that. I have worked all my life and this is how the government treats people who paid into the system for years? what a shame you know that they send money to other countries feed foreigners in our country and can’t even help the ones in their own country.

250.00 will be well spent,yep sure will wish it were more though.its alot of money to me. maybe not to others

stop by my site for free stuff that might help for now.

I am amazed at the mentality of some people…but probably shouldn’t be. I don’t think anyone should be judged for having to have help if they cannot work.
My husband at the time gave me a beating so bad he ruptured my disks. But I continued trying to work until the pain became unbearable.
I not only have severe back pain from that, I have heart problems that make it difficult to walk any distance at all. I applied for disability but got turned down…so the next best thing was SSI. It is hard to exist on what I am sent each month…there is no extra money for food..and certainly no extra for cable. I was offered $15 worth of food stamps a month. I ask the lady what she thought that would buy she got flustered and said “Well a bag of beans and a loaf of bread. I don’t know what you eat.” I said that’s all well and good but what about the other 28 or 29 days. So not everyone who needs and asks for help recieves it.
By the way I worked 2 jobs for many years and raised 3 children by myself. So I paid into all the government programs…and do not feel in the least guilty for taking the help I need now.

Alisha….sorry to hear of your troubles…you are right $15 would NOT go far considering a loaf of bread is $3 in some stores N beans also are NOT cheap now….Mebbe you can find a food bank near you that will assist you until you can get better funding to be able to survive?

SOME ppl have this thing about ppl getting assistance..N..I have seen ppl manipulate n abuse the system n that makes it harder for the person that really needs it as well…

Hope there will be some future help out there for ya….Good Luck


I called about the circuit breaker check and they said they are running behind on sending those out but that if I didn’t have it by mid march then to call back.

Also are you guy’s aware that if you are on S.S.I. you can get your license plate sticker renewed for just $24 per year? That helps out alot too. I just got mine renewed last week. And if you have already paid full price and are on S.S.I. you can get reimbursed the $54 dollars.

Alisha….Karen brought up a good point…appeal all their decisions…usually the 3rd time around you’ll get it…they make money when you DON’T fight it!!! GO 4 IT!!!

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