
$250 stimulus check for SSI Recipients In 2010

In 2010, President Obama will be paying out a $250 stimulus check to all eligible recipients of SSI which is stands for “Supplemental Security Income”.  This $250 payment is part of his ongoing efforts to stimulate the poor economy out of recession.

Who is eligible for the $250 stimulus?

Anyone who is currently receiving SSI payments will be eligible for the $250 check.  There are also some other groups who will receive this check including Social Security recipients and disabled veterans.

[Update – Jan 4 – Will there be another stimulus check in 2010?]

[update – find out about the new $250 stimulus check in 2010 for Social Security recipients]

Update –Will there be a stimulus check in 2010?]

When will the $250 checks be paid out?

It is not known at this time when the payments will be made but it is likely that they will be paid in the first quarter of 2010 (ie before the end of March).

Is there any income limit for the $250 payment?

No, it doesn’t matter if you have other income or if you are working or not.  It doesn’t matter how much income you make – you will still get the check.

How much will this cost the government?

According to White house officials, the cost of all the stimulus checks will be $13 billion.  A large amount of money but don’t forget that the stimulus package for 2009 was almost $800 billion.

Why is the government doing this?

The government is giving out this money in order to try to stimulate the economy.  Because of problems in the financial markets and housing markets over the last 2 years, there has been a slowdown in economic activity in America and many job losses.  By putting extra money into the economy it is hoped that the decline of the economy can be slowed down or even reversed.

Will it be a check or electronic payment?

The $250 should be given to you in the same format you currently receive your regular Social Security payment.  If you get your SS payment by check then the $250 will also be by check.  If you get your SS payment deposited in to your bank account then the $250 will also be deposited into your bank account.

Social Security Stimulus Check 2010 – FAQ

$250 stimulus check – will it be enough?

Will there be a $250 stimulus check in 2011 for Social Security Recipients?

Will there be a $250 stimulus check in 2011 for SSI Recipients?

2011 Social Security No Cost of living adjustment

436 replies on “$250 stimulus check for SSI Recipients In 2010”

I REALLY WISH SOMEONE WOULD UNDERSTAND THAT PEOPLE ON SOCIALSECURITY NEED THE EXTRA HELP TO MAKE IT.i think that we should make our voices heard,because we have paid taxes just like every one else who works,and I FOR ONE AM TRIED OF BEING TREATED LIKE A SECOND CLASS CITIZEN.

What about the $250 stimulus that was in the health care bill? I thought I had heard that it was included with the health care bill just recently passed? Maybe I misunderstood but I could have sworn it was in there and that was passed.

Melanie –

What does health care, or its reformation, have to do with a stimulus check?
There is no connection….just as there is NO STIMULUS, and NO C.O.L.A.
Get on with your lives.

Geez. I was just asking a question. I could have sworn on the news when they were reporting about the new health care bill that when they were saying about all the things involved in it, one of them was a $250 stimulus for medicare recipients. Maybe I misunderstood what they were saying about it. I am not sure. I was honstly just asking a question though because I did not know. Sorry to have offended you!!!

I feel bad, and frustrated, for folks who are spending their time ‘hoping’ against odds that a windfall will arrive at their mailbox.

While hopes n’ dreams are wonderful, just wishing ain’t gonna make it happen.

While the information, and the forum, held some substance several months ago, this whole site is now a sad example of people grasping straws….instead of pulling up on their bootstraps and movin’ on their own.

It’s simply too bad there are so many people who rely on, look forward to and even feel entitled that the US gov’t is there to take care of them. Americans are becoming the dependents of the world.

I’m proud to say we are a nation that CAN and DOES help those citizens who are in (actual) need…’s the non-citizens, the whiners and the lazy who simply piss me off.

Still working after 50+ years. Haven’t saved a dime. Neither the world at large nor my country owes me a living.

Jess, I am LMAO at you somehow thinking 250.00 could possibly be considered a windfall. What a joke you are,

I am not laughing at your attitude about people who you have never met. I’m happy you are still able to work after 50 years. You are very blessed that you are still able to do that. Myself, I only worked 35 years until I received devastating health news that ended my work life. My husband is a retired police detective and I resent anyone thinking we may just be standing around waiting for a handout. We worked our years buddy. We paid a lot of money into this system that is screwing over everyone right now and I have every right to voice my opinion about it.

Also why the hell are you on a blog post that specifically talks about a 250.00 stimulus check if the people here disgust you and you consider yourself so much better.

Pull up on your “bootstraps” Jess and move on. Nothing here of interest to you.

I also want to ask you, since you don’t need it, if we somehow do get this GIGANTIC windfall of 250.00 would you give me yours? Or maybe you could just donate it to those who Genuinely need help??

In truth you are probably 35 years old and have maybe worked 12 years and you are here because you somehow think we are spending money that you consider should be saved for you one day.

i just wish we had a voice , a true voice that could be heard , for some reason our opinions dont matter at all , the congress says they for us on this issue but when it came down to vote on it the same one’s voted against us getting the 250. its not alot of money but to us in need its a big help , its sad that we have to feel like beggers , we are called free loaders , what is the american dreams of yesterday comming too? where is the morals of this society heading. we the people … used to have a strong voice, now barely a whisper….

The senate and the represantatives already voted us down. On that 250.00 Stimulas. They Passed alot of things for the president but we were the farthest from their minds . On top of that we probably will not get a raise next year either. So we the low income need to speak through our voting and vote in people for us.

sad thing that the ones i voted for and thought they be a good choice , when it comes to these type of issues , they voted it down 8( its sad that they lie to get into office instead of fighting fer the ones who voted for them , i hate to feel like a begger, im disabled ,diagnosed terminal worked all my life till i got sick , now i have to feel like a begger and a second class citizen , in a world that mostly thinks im a free loader now 8(

For what it’s worth Denny, you’re not alone. You and I are sharing the same experience (along with many others participating in this discussion, I am sure). Keep your head up man, and I’ll do the same. We are two tough dudes to have made it this far, we will survive – because we are survivors.

We are not second class citizens no matter what the senate and the represenatives think. They better keep this in mind who is going to take care of them when they are in our shoes. Untill they walk a mile in our shoes they have no idea what it is like to scrape up the bill or go without. Thats is what we need to tell them because one day they might be in our shoes and the goverment they work for might turn their back on them to.

Erma Mansfield you are so right but thay would not make it a month liveing like we do thay would go to a nut word in one month no more the two

Got a good idea guys and gals find out which of your states politicians voted it down and tell them that there won’t be in pay increases for them for the next 10 years or anything else unless they tell our Pres that we need the money and tell social security we need the cost of living nect year or they will have to take a pay cut like the teachers unless we get our 250 bucks or you won’t vote for them in the near future,

The $250 payment was just in the news and obama says june 15. This was part of the health care bill that was signed not too long ago.

That is what I was stating in my April 20th post when I asked about this. Thanks!!

im so confused when it comes to this issue 8( i wrote the pollitions in state of ohio they said it was voted down against us getting the 250 back in begining of april i wrote them , now i hear june 15th that it was a part of health care bill , is this true? has there been a revote on it? i sure hope so im barley getting by month to month im disabled to point where most of my time is in bed , this mabe not alot of money but it sure would help me and im sure many others like us a whole lot ( sadly the ones i voted fer are the same ones who voted against us getting the 250) they said they was for us but voted against it when it came time , i hope there was a re vote and it passed but im not aware of any thing on paper saying we will get it still , all i can do is pray , hope , and struggle on, one day at a time, id never wish bad will on anyone but if they could only live 1 day in my shoes they would see a whole differnt world of pain and confusion, its very hard fer us people who cant work any mores 8( health wise and mentally draining

It would be nice if we as ssi clients would get that one time only 2010 stimulus check since every year they keep taking more and more from our ssi check, this two hundred fifty is greatly needed by many people on ssi and social security.

I don’t know what has happened to our country. Obama took away our social security increase that was signed into law 27 years ago…He increases unemployment benefits to a two year period…spends money on saving turtles and a bird in Nancy Pelosi’s district…and now we are sending 7 Billion dollars to Greece, but the senior citizen and the disabled in this country can’t even get Congress to approve a Stimulus check for $250 to help us survive. I am a Vietnam Vet, and I have to say this is the first time I have challenged my loyality to my Government. Let’s all remember those who have forgotten us when we go to the polls in November. The only way Obama will listen to the wishes of the people is when we express these wishes at the ballot box. Obama needs a lesson in humility…but I’m afraid he places too much importance on himself to ever listen anyone.

sad thing is when we do vote against the ones who turn there backs on us this time (and many others ) its only hope that the next one who takes there place will truly stand up fer us because ive voted fer them before when they say they gonna help us but once they voted in they have a huge record of forgetting us little people in past , i hope some day there be honest people running our goverments affairs , ill never stop loving this country but its sure sadly ran now days, a repair or fix needs to be done but who and when will it happen? i got a bad feeling its only gonna get worse long before it gets any better fer us, all i really want is to them to do what they say when we vote them in ,stick too there purposes they claim they will do when in office, stand up and speak loud for us if they claim they will….

How many times must I say this ppl ! Obama is for the middle low class ppl! If you look at your paper from last year it stated on there that if need be we will get additional check! Obama is fighting for us and the house of reps. And congress is fighting him every step please find out all your info he is tryin to help us ! this would be our 2 check, bush gave us nothing! He but us in all this bind and everytime obama try to throw out a life. Line they reel it back in! No one can clean up a 8 -10 yr. Mess in a year!

i dont blame obama or any one person i blame the ones who our corrupted by big buizness and hide behind there lies to only benefit there own indevours, theres many many of them , im not a smart man in real life and dont know alot about how things are ran , but i do beleave no matter who is in office they have a job that id never wish on anyone 8( , its like having a target on yer back if ya do good in one hand the other hand tries to take it away , i know obama wanted us too get stim 250 this year ) it was the 38 dems that voted against us getting it that makes me sad, as i voted fer them

ps… bush did give us first check of 250 last year thru t.a.r.p fundings 2009 and obama supported bushes plan fer 2009 and wanted us to get one this year, just to set things strait on this issue .

So are we going to get the 250 or not… I am confused about all of this, they took away our increase saying it was because we were going to get the 250… or have we actually been swept under the carpet and now going to be forced out of our homes, for those of us who now HAVE to have insurance (not saying it is a bad thing) when we had to let things lapse because we could not afford it that increase could have paid for it. Doesnt congress realize that they are hurting themselves as much as they are hurting us.


The rich is getting richer why us poor people or suffering i have 2 kids and if it wasnt for my spouse working 7 day aweek we wouldnt be able yo make it the vola bull crap the utilties went up a big persentage WE had a 500 dollar electric bill and we got central air but we need the stimulas we keep pushing we might get it if they could only live a day in my shoes struggle from day to day prices of every thang going up cant afford to drive a good car have to take my kids around in a clumker ol well one of these day they will know how we fill ha ha never


Simply put, we are no longer The UNITED States. We are not united in any way. We are merely North America. The country that loans and supports anyone NOT living here!!

Hi You All. I went into The White House web site click on issues then down to senior and social security . President Obama state that we would get a economic recovery payment.

There ya go! You hafta know that, if an issue this open-ended is on POB’s website, it MUST be true! You wouldn’t think for one minute that this information could be incorrect?
Every other source says that a stimulus had already been rejected, but the ego of POB (and the lackey that manages the website) insists that it’s gonna happen anyway.
Yeah…take that tidbit to the bank.

when are the stimulus checks for the disabled supposed to be mailed out for 2010? I’ve had differing info regarding when I can expect to recieve this deposit

I am beginning to think this nation has started living by survival of the fittest, the old, sick and poor are weeded out and left behind to die and the young, healthy and wealthy are getting to run with the pack, problem is that the old, sick and poor vote more often because for some reason we still believe in the fantasy of our nation giving a crap.

judy hi my name is carolyn i went to the white house web site and its talking about the stimulas check that was already given.

The 2010 budget has been approved an in it the 250.00 senior recovery for seniors was approved. Go to the white house an then budget. If you look you will find office manage & budget. Then go to economic. Scrool down ansd you will find the H R 3557.

Wow when will they make up their minds an the $250.00 stimulis checks?Makes me sick at heart to see the goverment giving millions of dollars to other countries and not helping the porr here who need help.I have work hard since I was 14 yrs old I am now a senior and live on less than $600.00 a month,sure couls use a little extra. Tell us prices have not gone up HMMMMMMM wonder where they shop? I for one will be giving a lot of thought in the next election,if I live to see it .

wheres oly????????????????? any updates i see that starting june 10 the the stimulus will begin to be sent out but i dontr understand to who all who get ss ssi and ssd or just selected ones ?? oly please let us know i found this on the white house site for today june 8th

Here is the phone number for the White House 202 456-1111. When prompted option to make a comment to President Obama. A real person will take your response. I call the White House often. The wait time is normally short. The only time that it was longer was when it was announced that there was not going to be a COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT. The more people call and complain to the White House about not geting the stimulus check and the fact they are disabled and can’t work, the more the White House will pay attention to us

HI everyone. I called the white house this morning,ask about the checks. They told me call our congressmen which I did. I got an intern an ask him about the checks he said he will goggle the question an email me. His answer was JUNE 10. So lets wait an see.

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